
Enlightenment Woo Woo

The Shadow Elites Are Masters In

The shadow elites are masters in controlling people through brainwashing. Repetition is one of the keys they achieve this. The CIA has perfected this. Most people would know this due to … Read More....

Enlightenment Woo Woo

Anyone find it weird

Anyone find it weird that they always say you won’t see this solar eclipse again for another few decades!!! Then next year, the news will be like we have another solar eclipse in a few days, folks!! Probably different spots or places on the Earth.


People Don’t Pay Bus Fare

I haven’t taken the bus and subway in ten … Read More....


The Now Moment

The “Now” moment or the “Now” idea is easy to explain. If you look at this picture, it is beautiful. At least I think it is beautiful. Imagine yourself living in an apartment where you passes by this place every morning to go to work. Would you look at this fountain and think that it is beautiful everyday or even … Read More....

Enlightenment Woo Woo

Israel And Palestine War

Currently, there is a war between Israel and Palestine. So this is an enlightenment and woo-woo post about it.


The Cause Of The War


Energetically, the war was bound to happen. There was no avoiding it. There are just so much religious hate, victimization, and anger in the human consciousness. Such beliefs are bound to surface. It is … Read More....

Enlightenment Woo Woo

Twitter Opinions

I was in twitter and people are always fighting there which is fine. However, I will give my two cents or my opinion since these things will keep happening. We are heading for more chaos, loss of freedom and so on. This also reminds me that I really have nothing to do with the world, I am just a witness. … Read More....


Preparing For 2023 And Beyond

This is not a prediction article. This is more like things and ideas that I recommend people to think about for 2023 and beyond. Well, it is more like a review of the past 8 years since I started this blog, in a sense that I’ve already discussed these ideas a lot of times.


Develop Your Masculine Energy

You … Read More....


Enlightenment Is Pro-Drugs

Enlightenment Is Pro-Drugs

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Enlightenment is pro-drugs. I have drugs in my home for allergies. I have never met any teacher that tells people not to take drugs when they get a disease.

I would always hear people asking for advice on what should they do when they get a … Read More....

Enlightenment Woo Woo

Chi And Energy


The Chinese have this concept of chi and energy to heal people or heal themselves. They always concentrate on the diaphragm. I was watching a lot of them. In manwha, manga and comics also, they focus on the diaphragm which is really inferiority and superiority. The USA have mana which focuses on the heart and call it mana core. … Read More....


Attraction In Enlightenment

I was watching this but really couldn’t finish it lol. I don’t know why I still watch Asmongold  (video game streamer) but he is entertaining. From the looks of it, this Philion guy is reacting to this Tate guy and Asmongold is reacting to both of them. Social media is weird lol.

Anyway, I think people make attraction very complicated … Read More....