Human Drama

English Version Of Arne Burkhardt

Here is an English version of Arne Burkhardt’s findings. By the way, it is too early to panic. This data has not been peer reviewed which means that other medical professionals need to review the data first. Since this has not been peer-reviewed, I will not be citing this for the next few data.

Most of the medical organizations say … Read more ...

Human Drama

Spike Protein And Myocarditis – German Data

Looking At German Data For Myocarditis And Other Adverse Effects

We are going to look at two sets of data. The first one is most likely not peer reviewed and the second is peer reviewed or reviewed by other medical professionals.

Again, I am not a medical professional. You should cross examine or talk about this with your doctor or … Read more ...

Human Drama

COVID-19 Origins

Remember In 2020

Remember in 2020, they said that COVID-19 is not made in a lab? I remember talk show hosts, news, mainstream media and so on, said so. They deny that it came from a lab. They would laugh at you or call you conspiracy theorists if you ever think the other way. I remember.

From – . … Read more ...