Hiking Outdoor Guides

Top 25 Mistakes Beginner Hikers Make

rondaxe fire tower lookout

There are lots of mistakes beginner hikers make. I have made some of these mistakes as well. But luckily for me, I have seen a lot of people make these mistakes and I have learned from them. So hopefully, my experience and other people’s experience can help you not make the same mistakes that we did. Whatever mistakes other people … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Safety Tips For Backpacking In A Bear Country

mommy bear and baby bear cubs

Bears are often the scariest wild animal that you will ever come across while hiking. I often see one in the trail or in the streets whenever I go on an outdoor trip. Bears can kill you if they wanted to. They can run faster than you and are very stronger than you. If you have ever seen Leonardo DiCaprio’s … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips For Choosing A Great Flashlight For Backpacking

catskills artists rock

With the new recent technologies and advancement on outdoor flashlights, it is actually a lot of fun to bring one to your hiking or backpacking trip. Flashlights these days can be very small, have long battery life, and can shine brighter than ever. Figuring out the best possible flashlight for you can be very tricky. You only need one since … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips On Filtering And Purifying Your Drinking Water While Backpacking

kaaterskill falls

There were times when I forgot to bring enough water that I end up becoming very thirsty on a hike. Sometimes I end up looking at this beautiful waterfall, and all I could think about is I wish I could drink it. I did not want to risk it because these waters are contaminated with a lot of bacteria, feces, … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips For Choosing An Amazing Sleeping Pad

Choosing the right sleeping pad for your camping or backpacking trips can be difficult. There are a lot of factors to consider in order for a hiker to make a well informed decision. Picking the right sleeping pad is important because we need to be comfortable at night. It is hard for a lot of people to be comfortable when … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips For Choosing An Amazing Backpacking Stove

One of the most important outdoor equipment that you are going to use in your backpacking trip is a backpacking stove. A stove will allow you to cook different kinds of foods and most of all, this will allow you to sterilize or purify the drinking water that you are going hydrate yourself with. Water is scarce if you are … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips For Choosing Amazing Backpacking Cooking Pots

lake minnewaska

If you love to go backpacking then it is easy to see that the most used cookware in your arsenal is often the cooking pot. The cooking pot can be used as cookware, a bowl and can even be used as a cup. The backpacking cooking pot is often used for coffee, beverages, boiling water to filter for harmful microorganisms, … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips For Choosing An Amazing Cookware Set For Backpacking

gertrude's nose

Choosing the right type of cookware for your backpacking trip is important. Food is an important part of any trip, at least for me. So choosing the correct cookware can either make or break the trip. We don’t really have the luxury of bringing very heavy equipment in order to cook our recipes. At the same time, our recipes are … Read more ...

Backpacking Outdoor Guides

Tips On How To Choose A Great Backpacking Mess Kit

lemon squeeze viewpoint

Choosing the right kind of mess kit that is suitable for your needs is very important. I have bought a few mess kits for myself and I found out that if the item is not enjoyable to use, I will not use it. If I am not comfortable with using the mess kit, it will just end up accumulating dust … Read more ...