Unproven, unscientific or anecdotal theories about anti-aging and youthing. It was a choice between calling this mysticism or woo woo. I like woo-woo better.

Woo Woo

September Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


September Energies

Going to be some intense energies for September. These energies can affect people in various ways. Usually, in … Read more ...

Stock Market Woo Woo

AMC is so red

AMC is so red. The stock lost 69% in the last 5 days and if we look at when I first posted this, this stock lost 75% in two weeks. Is red a bad thing? The answer is no. If you bought puts or shorted the stock, you could have made a lot of money. If you can predict the … Read more ...

Woo Woo Writings

She Got Some

She got some really nice muscles. I’m so jealous. When you are lean and toned, the body feels so light and so healthy. I should start exercising and lose some weight.


Reminded me of Emily Blunt’s sexy push up lol


However, if you want to attract someone, what you need to do is work on your personality or … Read more ...

Stock Market Woo Woo

Central Banks buying gold

This … Read more ...

Woo Woo

August Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


August Energy

Very powerful emotions will be coming out of August from people. Even if you did your enlightenment practices, you may still get overwhelmed. A lot of negative emotions may … Read more ...

Woo Woo

July Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


Energy For July

The energy for July supports relaxing. So just relax. The more you relax, the more spiritual upgrades that you will get. Meditate more. Silence the mind more. Listen … Read more ...

Woo Woo

Spiritual Upgrades

Spiritual upgrades after spiritual upgrades after spiritual upgrades. I keep getting spiritual upgrades. The amount of entertainment I can consume decreased even more. If only, I would get a lot of money, it would be even better.

It may seem like the world is getting more and more chaotic which is true. The systems that are in placed for a … Read more ...

Enlightenment Woo Woo

Twitter Opinions

I was in twitter and people are always fighting there which is fine. However, I will give my two cents or my opinion since these things will keep happening. We are heading for more chaos, loss of freedom and so on. This also reminds me that I really have nothing to do with the world, I am just a witness. … Read more ...