Unproven, unscientific or anecdotal theories about anti-aging and youthing. It was a choice between calling this mysticism or woo woo. I like woo-woo better.

Woo Woo

Spiritual Upgrades

I keep getting spiritual upgrades. There are no more games I can play. I just upgraded one of my computers so I can play two characters at once. It cost me around $400 but now I don’t want to play these types of video games anymore. Such a waste of $400. The shows I can watch decreased even more. There’s … Read more ...

Woo Woo

June Predictions

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction. This is not real. This is for a book I am writing. Nothing to do with real life. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


Energy For June

The energy for June and for the rest of the year is not going to be very kind for people who have … Read more ...

Woo Woo

Soul Contracts

Since, I don’t really have anything to do, I get to observe this theory of soul contracts. It seems that I do have soul contracts and these soul contracts have to be done. I do not have any say on it. Whatever the contract my soul created, this human body has to do it.

For example,  I have a soul … Read more ...

Woo Woo

May Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. Pure fiction. For fun only.


Money Money Money

Economy is going to recover. Same with real estate. It is going to start in May. It may not be felt till June or later. The human collective is heading towards more comfort, and more abundance. So expect some money to come into your life. They … Read more ...

Woo Woo

Mandela Effect

Mandela effect is nice to watch sometimes. It is mind blowing. There’s really no past. The past is the same as the future which is always in flux. There’s an infinite amount of futures and an infinite amount of pasts. The only thing that exists is the present moment. I think I covered this already before.

There should be a … Read more ...

Woo Woo

April Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. Pure fiction. For fun only.


Nothing Important

I have nothing important to report. There’s a lot of things going on in terms of energy but as a collective, nothing to watch out for. Everyone seems to be really mellow. Everyone is just enjoying the new energies.


Standing For Your Truth

If you haven’t … Read more ...

Woo Woo

March Predictions

Disclaimer: This is fiction. For fun only. None of these are true.

For The Most Part

For the most part, there’s really nothing to report. Everyone is very mellow. Just looking forward to this year and looking to feel good. Also, it is the same old predictions. Lots of people are going to die till 2030. Lots of earthquakes, floods, … Read more ...

Woo Woo

February Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real, just for entertainment purposes only. Not financial advice. This is pure fiction.


February Predictions

There’s really nothing to report for February. I didn’t find anything worth talking about. January had a nice energy. New energies flowing to the Earth and it was nice. If you had a terrible time in January, consider eating more … Read more ...

Woo Woo

I Would Meditate And Ask About

I would meditate and try to talk to my spirit guides and guardian angels. I would often get a yes or no answer. Of course, I don’t know if this is real or might just be my ego/mind talking. Anyway, here are the questions I asked.


Will I be rich this year? Answer: No.

Can I have a normal … Read more ...