

I’m watching Queen’s Gambit

I am watching Queen’s Gambit. I’m still at episode 3. I started a couple of weeks ago. It is full of drama. Chess is becoming very very popular these days. Too bad, my life is moving away from competition. Competing is not something I enjoy now. Let’s just get along, split the price lol. You can spend your whole … Read more ...


Can’t Help Myself

Most modern art is just meant for money laundering and tax evasion but I like this one. This one is called “Can’t Help Myself”. The robot leaks hydraulic fluid as time goes on. The robot believes that it will die if it does not get the liquid back to itself so it is programmed to take it back. In its … Read more ...


So much food

So much food at this time of the year. I ate some porterhouse steak. It is very heavy on the stomach. I couldn’t eat anything else. Maybe when I want to lose a lot of weight, I will just eat steak or some form of caveman diet. One steak keeps me full for a long time.

I think I will … Read more ...


I had to postpone

I had to postpone finding a job. I have to restart again soon. Life stops when you don’t have money. I am not moving forward nor backward. I’m just standing still without money. Can’t date, can’t meet a girl, can’t buy anything, can’t do anything at all. Money is so important but I think I am cursed. Either I am … Read more ...