
Anti-Aging Through Mysticism Or Enlightenment

Don’t Know What To Call This Approach

I don’t know whether to call this mysticism or enlightenment. But this is an approach that is unproven, does not have much scientific evidence and the scientific community does not approve of this. However, this works well for me and I am youthing due to these practices.

The weird part is that I can only explain mysticism or enlightenment in the most scientific of ways lol.


I Don’t Think I Explained Why I Got Into Enlightenment

I got into enlightenment because it was a path for youthing. I had to explore it since science did not have an answer to youthing. Science don’t know how to stop aging. Even if you do all the good and healthy practices, who wants to live to 100 years old as an old decrepit man with sagging skin, weak bones, muscle loss and so on? If I’m going to live to 100 years old then I want a 20 year old body. If I am 100 years and I am old and my body can’t function well then it is not worth it.

I just started writing these enlightenment posts without basically explaining what they are for. Anti-aging and youthing basically led me to enlightenment because enlightenment had a path to being young forever.


It All Started With

It all started with a guy that was talking about psychology in youtube. He basically said that there was evidence to suggest that “happier people live longer” and then I found that stress leads to deterioration of health. I experienced stress first hand and how it can deteriorate health. All I know at that time is that happiness = longevity and stress = death.

This is where enlightenment came in. What is happiness and what is stress? Happiness is basically when you are in a state of love, either receiving love or giving love. Stress is basically worry and fear. Worry and fear happens when you are in a state of an unloving situation. So it is basically love and fear. The more love that you experience, the longer that you live and the more fear that you experience then the more that you age. Then enlightenment just expanded from that and I started writing articles.


Too Long Didn’t Read – Don’t Want To Read Anymore – Summarize It For Me

You always have to be in a state of love to not age and even make the body perform youthing on itself. There is no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong, darkness and light, justice, self defense, righteous anger and so on. Love does not know those things. Love does not attack. Fear makes you attack. This is as clear as it gets. In the Bible, Jesus got crucified and he did not hate nor attack the Romans. He loved everyone. You have to be like that which is pretty hard since most people start having attack thoughts when they are driving, in a traffic or in a big line. Anytime you have attacking thoughts, you are in fear mode. Love does not attack. To be in a state of love, you need to love everyone, everything and every situation. There are only two states to choose from: either love or fear.

A good way to remember this is to compare what you are thinking or feeling to a body of water. If you are in a state of love, the body of water is at peace or in stillness. It is like a flat line. The place is shiny, bright and full of love. If you feel fear or any negative emotion then there is turmoil in the body of water. There will be waves and storms and stuff. Just feel the emotion and it is easy to analyse the emotion if it is based on love or fear.

Think of love as a shield. Love does not need to attack. It is used as a shield. Fear is like a double edged sword. It can hurt the target and can hurt the wielder as well. In love, when a person feels attacked, the person chooses to love the other instead of fighting back. In fear, when a person feels attacked, he or she will choose to counter attack.


Enlightenment Practices – For Those That Want A Long Summary Explanation

Belief And Intent Transforms The Body

There is this thing in the medical field called the placebo effect. No one can really explain it. People get cured instantaneously without any medicine. It happens with different kinds of diseases and people from different backgrounds experience it. Not everyone experiences the placebo effect though but a lot of people experience it.

What can we learn from this Doctor? The placebo works even better when the patient is very comfortable and in a state of love. We will come back to this. Anyway, the placebo effect proves one thing and that is that the body can be instructed to heal itself through intent and belief. This basically means that if we believe that we are youthing then we will start to youth. So why aren’t people getting younger then?

It turns out that there are hundreds of beliefs that people have that makes them grow old. If we can remove these beliefs then in theory, we can instruct the body to perform youthing on itself. This sounds ridiculous but works well for me.

There are just a few beliefs that really impact the aging process.


The Belief In Death

From my observation, we are really a death worshiping society. The amount of death we see in television, shows, and even books is a lot. Every story has death. Every show plays around the idea of death. You have to erase this idea of death. In reality we don’t really know if we truly die. No one really knows what happens after the body dies. Science has said that energy cannot be created nor destroyed so it just transforms. We most likely transform or pass through another dimension.

Either erase this mental concept or replace with something else. Christianity believes that we have souls. In my belief system, we are all eternal souls playing a video game called Earth. So it is up to people on how to deal with this concept but death is something that has to disappear in your belief system.


Belief In Time

So this is really hard to get out of your belief system. It is because everything in this world revolves around time especially science and measurements. Traffic, delays, going to work, waking up in the morning and so on. There are also seasons like Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Dogs, cats, and all animals age because of time. How can your mind remove something that is all around you.

In my belief system, I removed this and took on Eckhart Tolle’s view of time. There is only the present moment or NOW. Time does not exist for me. It is still has practical uses but I believe that time is not real.

Time might be an illusion according to science. Physicists are still trying to figure things out but a lot of them are heading in that direction.


The Belief In Hero, Victim, And Bully

We love these types of stories where the hero attacks and kills the bad guy. The problem with this concept is that you take on this belief system in your life and things happen in your life that is involves hero, victim and bully. The mind can justify attacking and can justify being the hero in any scenario. Even rich people can justify stealing millions of dollars and hurting millions of lives just by saying to themselves that they are doing this for their families. They love their families so much that they are willing to do these things. The mind can justify and create mental gymnastics to attack anyone they want to. This type of mental concept gives rise to righteous anger where you hit and hurt the person because in your mind, you are the righteous and the other person is the bad guy.

Remember that love does not attack. The moment you attack, is the moment you created stress and fear in your life. Your body starts to go in a fight or flight situation.


Bonus: The Belief In Sacrifice

This belief can ruin your life. This is very prevalent in a lot of stories and movies. People will often sacrifice their lives to create a very dramatic effect. The problem with this is that sacrifice is a very unloving concept. It means that you are so unloved that you have to give up something in order to be loved. Sacrifice says that you are not worthy of unconditional love. This mentality can affect your body just by saying I’m sacrificing my body to make more money. I’m sacrificing my body to give my loved ones more food and so on. It looks good in the movies but if you are working, this belief really hurts and painful. This concept makes you grow old really fast. You have to remove this concept in your mind or replace this with something else.


It is easier to remove these concepts when you stop watching television.


Instructing The Body To Become Younger

There are a lot of spiritual practices in India and in the eastern world to instruct the body to become younger. Most of them are really simple. Just say, “body youthing” or “body I instruct you to become 21 again” or “DNA perform youthing on the body”.

This is basically the placebo effect. Giving intent and instructions to the body. This is how I do it. Whenever I am in a loving state or when I’m happy or when I’m ecstatic or when I feel loved, I just say “youthing” or “body… youthing”. This is easy to do at night when I’m about to sleep cause the bed and comforter are very comfortable. Being in a comfortable and safe place is very loving.


I Think That Is It

There are more but this basically the gist of it. I mean, it would take a lot of articles to explain everything. It is the reason I started my enlightenment articles. My mind is full of fears and mental concepts that are really useless and take a lot of effort to get rid of.

There are these theories that I’m experimenting also.


Improve Your Belief System – I Briefly Explained This Already

  1. remove attachments – really really hard (be happy with a small roof, 3 sets of clothes, enough food for one day, no technology)
  2. remove all idols of happiness
  3. remove judgment of others
  4. remove stress, fears, worry, and so on
  5. dive deep to heal triggers
  6. dive deep to heal inferiority complexes
  7. remove distractions, and superiority from your life
  8. remember, the boat and the body of water – love does not attack.


Choosing Your Foods

There is this ancient wisdom or texts that might be fake. Anyway, it has a list on the foods that you should level up on. Basically, as your mind gets rid of fear, you have to train the body as well.

  1. Live only by eating cooked vegetables and fruits (processed vegan foods don’t count like beyond meat stuff – can’t eat those)
  2. Live only by eating raw vegetables and fruits
  3. Live only by eating fruits
  4. Live only by one fruit per day, then every other day, then every other week.
  5. Live only through sound
  6. Live only through the light of the sun

These may sound so ridiculous but our goal is to live forever which is ridiculous also. I may try this in the future. This is a lot of work. I have to weigh myself continuously and make sure I don’t lose weight if I ever eat only vegetables and stuff. This has to be combined with improving the belief system though. If your belief system is lacking, improving the quality of your food should be the last thing that you should be thinking about.


Breathing Exercises

  1. Wim Hof Breathing Exercises
  2. Kripa Yoga
  3. Healing The Body Through Breath

These all sound like mambo jumbo but honestly, it is worth a try for me. I’m at the lowest of lowest level but I’ve seen the benefits so these things are worth a try for me.