Enlightenment Woo Woo

Chi And Energy


The Chinese have this concept of chi and energy to heal people or heal themselves. They always concentrate on the diaphragm. I was watching a lot of them. In manwha, manga and comics also, they focus on the diaphragm which is really inferiority and superiority. The USA have mana which focuses on the heart and call it mana core. Chi goes to the diaphragm which they call dantian.


In Enlightenment, It Is Different

In enlightenment, it is different. Each chakra needs to be healthy. If one chakra point is not healthy, you get diseases. So for the Chinese, they concentrate on the solar plexus chakra which is pretty important. It is where your power comes from. It is where superiority and inferiority comes from. If you feel inferior and powerless, you have created negative thoughts that are not true. These negative thoughts would corrupt your solar plexus chakra making you weak and a victim which coincides with lots of health diseases.

If you have problems with the throat chakra, you will have problems with voicing your opinion, your ideas and talking to people. These negative thoughts create problems for the throat chakra and you will have diseases like colds, sneezing, loss of voice and so on.

Each chakra will have their own diseases if they are not healthy.


The Important One Is The Heart Chakra


The important one is the heart chakra in enlightenment. The heart chakra is responsible for anti-aging or youthing. The heart chakra absorbs light and particles related to youthing. When your mind creates thoughts that are unloving, the heart chakra becomes blocked and does not absorb much light, making you age faster, have wrinkles and making your body susceptible to diseases like cancer and stuff.

When you go to sleep, the chakra points become more open because the mind slows down and becomes blank. There is no resistance or blocks to the chakra points, allowing the body to rejuvenate, heal wounds, remove wrinkles and become more youthful.

What you want to do is open the heart chakra as big as possible and as healthy as possible so you age less. This is why when you do your enlightenment or when you reanalyze your thoughts and emotions, you age less. You are processing emotions and by processing your emotions, you transmute them from something detrimental to something beneficial. This expands your heart chakra also and other chakra points so you will feel lighter if you vibrate higher.

Again, you don’t need to love anyone. You only need to love yourself. If you isolate yourself from humans and from tv, computers, phone and so on, you will not age as much. Spend time with dogs or your pets. The pets are very still or always in the present so they don’t judge anything. You can accumulate a lot of light particles when you spend time with your pets. Same thing with meditation.

Humans, on the other hand judge anything and everything based on their past and on the worries that they have on the future. Humans carry negative energy also so they can affect you, so you should surround yourself with people who are happy and not insecure or unhappy people. TV, phones or social media, news, politics are low vibe energy, it is very very very close to death energy so you want to avoid those or avoid any polarizing ideas as they will bring you down.



I was watching this video about girls becoming streamers and scamming guys. The women make 30k-45k a month but the women only get like $150 a month. The company gets the rest but the company creates their image and teaches them how to talk and create videos and stuff.

So how does this relate to enlightenment. When you play games, consume a lot of comics, consume a lot of shows, it weakens the solar plexus chakra since the content is often about superiority. Superiority creates a lot of emotionally weakness or emotionally weak men. So weak men tend to simp a lot since this is how they were taught by the content that they consume. They expect that the girl will talk to them or have some sort of verbal relationship with them if they donate money since they are being “nice” to the girl. In movies, if you save the girl or do something for her, she will want to have your babies and so on.

In enlightenment, that is not the case. There is nothing you need to do to get the girl. You need to work on yourself. It is the only thing you need to do to attract someone. Be happy, do your enlightenment, make a lot of money, workout in the gym, do things you love and so on. You will attract lots of women by doing so.

The chakra points in the body also create an aura around the body. The higher the aura, the more attractive you become also. It may not be visible to the naked eye but it is instinctively felt. It shows in your body language, in the way you talk, and so on. No matter what you want in this life, it always goes to doing your enlightenment practice to achieve them. The mind creates the inner world so a weak mind or a mind full of voices creates a chaotic inner world. This inner then becomes the outer world or the world that the person experiences.