
Death Part 2

I didn’t expect to write another part but I guess there are still some more I should write about. Death Part 1 is over here. I tried to add some more in there and I did add some to further explain things but I’ll just write another article.


There Was This Guy

There was this guy in the Internet. He didn’t want to die because he needs to see his daughter grow up, graduate middle school, high school, college, get married and so on. Again, this is just the need for the ego to accumulate experiences. The need to complete the story of me. “I can’t die yet till I experience all these things.”

We all graduated high school. Was that a big deal? No, we moved on. We are facing new challenges that we don’t even care about that anymore. It would be the same for all experiences. We will move on. It is like a trophy that fades in time.

His daughter could accomplish amazing things or become famous like become the next big singer. Make billions of dollars and so on. She will move on from that experience also and face new challenges. It is the same for the father, he will be proud of all the accomplishments that his daughter did but he will move on from that too.

It is relatively important to experience all these things but it is not absolutely important. If he believes in the after life then what is preventing him from believing that he will see his daughter experience all these things in heaven? There’s no reason not to see it. Not like God will prevent him.


The Ego Needs Time

In order to complete the story, the ego needs time. It needs future. In order to complete the “story of me”, the ego has to believe in future which causes it to experience a lot of suffering because future is always uncertain. There is no certainty in the future. Without future, the ego will have no way of completing the “story of me” as such it has to believe in time or future which ultimately causes a lot of suffering on the mind.

Also, in my theory of anti-aging, the belief in time causes a person to age faster. The need for time is the same. The belief in past, future, and time, will always take the mind away from the present moment where everything is often nice and good.


Did you ever see Adam Sandler’s movie “Click.” All he did was fast forward his life with this remote. He needed to go to the future where he would get the promotion that he wanted. So he just fast forwarding his life. The “promotion” was his “idol of happiness”, the “one experience” that he has to have. So he ended up fast forwarding his life to the future where he will have this one thing that will make him happy.

Anyway, it is the same for a lot of people. They need to be in the future. They need the future to be certain that they will be okay. The ego needs to know that the future is bright, good, happy and so on. The solution that the ego found to do that is to accumulate.

The only way to be certain or have 100% certainty is to stay in the present moment. In the present moment, you have 100% certainty that you are alive. But the ego cannot live or stay alive in the present moment so it projects to the future and needs the future to be certain. It needs the future to have the same certainty that the present moment has which can never happen.


Only The Sith Deals In Absolute

Star Wars has this line which is famous, “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” The Sith is this classification of people with force powers who loves power, likes fear, and other negative emotions. They are basically insane people that are very far away from any loving emotion or loving thought.

Anyway, it is the same for the ego. The ego always deals in absolute. There’s no room for negotiations.


Getting a big house is nice but not needed. It is relatively important to get a nice house but not absolutely important. It is relatively important to get the promotion but it is not absolutely important. It is relatively important to have a nice sports car but it is not absolutely important. It is relatively important to be there for your children’s accomplishments but it is not absolutely important.

The ego is always in this life or death situation. I must have this promotion, it is life or death. I must become successful, it is a life or death kind of thing. If I don’t become successful, not worth living and so on. Life is like that for the ego which is a struggle. It is one life and death situation after another.


Why So Serious?

Ever seen Heath Ledger’s joker? He has this famous line, “why so serious?” The ego is always serious, always in a life or death struggle. It needs the “idols of happiness” that it wants in order to complete the “story of me”. Each idol of happiness or even each object or experience, is a life and death situation for the ego. We are all going to lose all the things that we have accumulated once we die. Everything in this world is temporary but the ego cannot see that. The ego believes that it can survive through these items, objects or even other people.


I see a lot of gamers also raging all the time. This is a good example also. It is relatively important to win in a game but not absolutely important. But to the ego, it is life or death. The ego identifies to itself that is an “amazing gamer” so when a situation doesn’t agree with this assessment, the ego dies a little bit. It goes into rage mode. A deep “no” or a deep rejection of the present moment occurs. “THIS SHOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED!” Anytime a rejection of the present moment occurs, negative emotions flow out.


Don’t Know If It Was Obvious

Whenever a person rejects the present moment, negative emotions come out including fear. Anytime your mind goes to the future, it creates uncertainty. Every time you stay in the present moment, you create certainty. The fear of death always happen when the person leaves the present moment and projects to the future. Fear of death cannot happen in the present because the person is alive. All fears fade away when a person is focused in the “NOW” or in the present as opposed to the future.


Death Worshipping Society

Our society is a death worshipping society. Death is everywhere in the news, tv, stories, and so on. This type of entertainment goes into the subconscious. It creates an image in the mind that the body is weak and easily destroyed. People die easily in the movies so the body must be fragile. The body will obey the mind of the user.

Unfortunately, in enlightenment, the body being weak is the farthest from the truth. The body responds to the user’s mind. The body is a reflection of the mind of the person. It is as strong as the mind of the user. If the user is filled with negative thoughts and emotions, the body becomes weak. If the user is filled with loving thoughts and emotions, the body becomes strong. Again, there’s no action here. Nowhere it says unloving or loving action. This is all about the mind so it clearly states the creation of either loving or unloving thoughts and emotions.

In science, we evolved from Chimps. In enlightenment, the body has been designed by beings far more advanced than us. They maybe aliens or maybe God, who knows. I don’t know. It is the same for Christians. The human body is created by God. Even says human beings are created in his image. The body has to be perfect if you are Christian since God created it. It is the same for enlightenment, the body is amazing.

If the body is perfect then the only way for it to die or get weakened is because of the user. The user’s mind, habits, foods and so on. The concepts, ideas and entertainment that you consume will ultimately reflect on the body. So the more tv shows, movies and entertainment that you consume, the more death you will see because we are a death worshipping society. The more death that you see, the more it goes to the subconscious, weakening your body and weakening your mind.


I Think That Is It

I think that is it. I have nothing more to say about death. Maybe I’ll revisit this again someday.