

This is the last article of the series. Part 1 is the path of materialism and part 2 is present momentPart 3 is the bonus. Part 4 is silence. This is part 5 which is a study of our emotions.

This is important if you are doing youthing practices based on mysticism or enlightenment. A lot of the theories are based on our emotions. I will explain youthing again and I’ll be more specific.

This article is based on my emotions. Your emotions maybe different so always analyze yourself.


Nothing More

There’s really nothing more to write about. No matter what concepts you learn or unlearn, no matter where you are, who you are or whatever, everything will always lead to the present moment. Everything will always lead to enjoying yourself right here, and right now. There’s nothing more other than that. Whether you are living in a mansion or homeless, enjoy the present moment. Whether you are safe with lots of people who care about you or getting beat up on a cold ground, enjoy it. Whether you are young and healthy or have a terminal disease, enjoy the present moment.

But let’s continue with studying our emotions.


Watching A Movie

Let’s say 100 people watched a movie. Some people will think that the movie is great, some will think that the movie was okay or so so, some may say that the movie is mediocre and some will say that the movie was terrible. There will be people who agree with each other and there will be different opinions of the movie.

You have a movie which is an external variable from yourself or from a person. You have the person who watches the movie. Let’s say that a glass of water represents a person and a light bulb represents the emotion of the person. Each person in the movie will be emitting a color. Some will be the same, some will be different based on what they thought of the movie.


You Create Your Own Emotions

When you put the same external variable and give it to multiple people, people will have different emotions. Whatever this external variable is like traffic, waiting in line, watching korean drama, watching horror movies, watching dogs in youtube and so on, what happens is that not everyone will have or experience the same emotions. This proves that the external variable or external world is neutral. You or we have control of our emotions. We have control of what emotions that we create. We create our own suffering and joy. We create our own emotions. We can all be watching the same movie and have different feelings about it. We can all be in traffic, and not all of us will be angry, some neutral and some are happy. We turn on our own light bulbs into the desired color we want. Everything happens inside of us.

The traffic did not make you angry. You gave yourself the emotion called angry. The other person did not make you angry, you made yourself angry. The weather did not make you sad, you made yourself sad. You created your own emotions and thoughts. The conclusion that we can clearly see from this is that you created your own joy and suffering.


Hatred, Frustration, Annoyance, And Confusion Happens Inside Of You

It is not the people that made you angry, it is you who created that emotion of anger. It is not the situation that made you feel frustration, it is you that created that emotion.

So let’s say there are a 100 people, and I told these people that they are ugly and no one will love them. Some will not care, some will agree with me and walk away, some will just move on, and some will get angry. Each person will create a different emotion. It is not me who made you feel angry, it is you who made yourself feel angry.

This is important to understand because people have this notion that their environment, situation or people near them are bad, unloving, and so on to them. It maybe true in some way but ultimately, you are the one responsible for your own emotion and how you feel about a situation, person or environment. You are the one who have power over your own emotions and not people, situations or your environment.


Love And Unloving

In enlightenment or my analysis of myself, our emotions can be broken down into two types. This is something a lot of people agree on also. A lot of people say it is love and fear in which I agree also but it is easier to say that our emotions can either be love or unloving.

Love will always feel good and as such, it is easy to tell whenever you are feeling love. Love will always feel good and relaxing to the body. So if you want to be happy always, then feel loving emotions always.

Unloving emotions do not feel good when compared to loving emotions. Your body goes into a flight, fight or freeze response.


Connection And Separation

Love will always create connections. It is the nature of love. Whenever you feel love, you become connected. This is easy to show. Just say, “I love you” to something and you will be connected to that person or that thing or that situation.

It is the reason why I said in my attraction article, that all you need to do is create loving emotions and destroy your shadows to attract people. Maybe in the future, I will explain attraction more in terms of enlightenment so it is easier to understand.

Unloving emotions will always separate. For example, if you judge someone as ugly, you separate yourself from this person. If you say that this person is beautiful, you create a connection. If you say that this person is ugly, then you created a judgment or a mental concept which created separation. Any emotion that separates is an unloving emotion.


There Is Only One Moment

There is only one moment and it is called the present moment. You cannot feel emotions in the past or in the future, you can only feel in the “NOW” as such you cannot feel unloving and loving emotions at the same time. You have to choose which type of emotion you want. You can feel unloving emotions like anger, hatred and superiority all at once or you can feel gratefulness, happiness, love, and so on all at once also. You can only create one type of emotion and you can only choose between love or unloving.


Higher And Lower Vibrations

There are a lot of images of higher and lower vibrations. I’m pretty sure it is different for everyone and it may not even be 2 dimensional. This is a good way to understand or explain this though which is why I put the images.

Unloving emotions are at the bottom, while loving emotions are at the top. Every time you feel love, you will feel good. Every time you go up, you will feel good even if you are feeling an unloving emotion. Let’s say that you are feeling shame, then you feel anger. You will feel good. Every time you create an emotion that is higher than the previous emotion, you will feel good. However, if you are feeling loving emotions, you will always feel good whether you go down or up.

If you are always feeling love or always creating loving emotions, then you will always feel good every moment of your life. If you feel bad, then you are feeling an unloving emotion.

In enlightenment, we don’t really care about actions that much. Enlightenment is usually about thoughts and feelings. Actions are the end result of thoughts and emotions as such, we often do not care about them. So when I say “a person is very loving”, it means the person is feeling a very loving emotion. There is no action needed. To most people, “a very loving person” is someone that does good things to other people or to society. In enlightenment, “a loving person” is a person who feels a loving emotion like happiness, joy, and so on.


The Cycle Most People Are In – Victim, Bully, And Hero

If you live in the USA, the emotion that you are often feeling is worry. You will go to this cycle of victim, bully and hero. This cycle is very unloving. While you may feel good when you are at the hero part because you feel superiority over others or get to attack others, you are still feeling an unloving emotion. I’ll explain.

A person is feeling worry. How am I going to pay my bills this month, I’m worried about money, I’m worried I will not get a lover, I’m worried I will not get a car, I’m worried I will lose my house, car, lover and so on. I’m worried I may get sick. Worry, worry, worry.

Worry is a very unloving and victimized emotion. You were put in a situation of lack and things were deprived from you. You were feeling or thinking that you were deprived of money, wealth, health and so on by the world. How can a person alleviate this feeling of worry? The answer people came up with is that they need to feel power, they need to feel superior to others. It can be morally superior, intellectually superior, physically superior, more beautiful than others, have more things, have a beautiful wife, cars house, or you are evil and I am not, my religion is the one true religion, I am right and you are wrong and so on. There are many ways.

“Have you heard what this person said about me. It was shocking. This person did this and that. This person is evil. This person needs to be punished. I need to round up more people to my cause so we can destroy this evil.”

I explained this a lot better with The Path Of The Sith. This is how we use hatred to make ourselves feel good. So if you are in worry, you will want to get up or have a higher emotion. The easiest way is to feel hatred. It is to judge others as unworthy. This takes you out of inferiority or victimization, while projecting your superiority over others.

When you are in worry, inferiority or any emotion that is very low, your mind is suffering. You go from victim to creating a villain then becoming a hero that attacks and kills the villain. You go to this cycle over and over.


What Happens To The Mind: Suffering, Then Avoid Suffering

When you are in worry, then the mind is suffering. The mind wants to alleviate this suffering. You need to feel superior or another emotion that is higher. This is where distractions come in like television, sports, movies, tv series and so on. We distract our mind from worry by trying to feel a better emotion. We all do it. This is the reason why Hollywood makes a lot of money. Unfortunately, this is temporary and very fleeting. You will end up in worry again in a few minutes so you will crave another form of distraction.


A Lot Of Your Money Goes To Distractions

Some people would look at their total income every year, and they would wonder where most of their money went. When you calculate what you need like food and shelter, it is not that high. People would look at their income and wonder where did they waste their money on,

The answer is distractions. Food is a common distraction. While foods from fast foods and desserts are delicious, they are not a necessity. A lot of these foods are bad for you. You don’t need that burger or Chinese foods or ice cream but your body craves them whenever you are feeling low. Whenever you are feeling bad, your body craves a distraction to relieve itself. The most common forms are food and television.

I do it also. I need to have that really good coffee. It is not a necessity but it makes me feel good.

You will waste your money on objects that you will never need also. You go shopping and buy things that you don’t need to make yourself feel good. A week later, you will ask yourself “why did I buy this?” A lot of people use their money on alcohol, weed, marijuana, drugs and so on because they cannot be in a low state all the time. The mind suffers greatly so they will need alcohol or drugs to alleviate themselves of worry or any low emotion.


The Need For Conflict

There is a constant need for conflict for a lot of people. It is because you cannot stay in victimization, worry, or any very low emotions. The mind and body cannot handle being low all the time. People who are always low, their mind suffers greatly so people will always look for ways to become superior to others. This is why there is a need to be in conflict. If there is no conflict, there is no hate, and there will be no superiority.

It is the reason that people love drama in their lives. It is the reason people are addicted to drama. There is a constant need to be in a situation full of drama because they are often in a position where they worry or feel victimized by the world. Without drama, or conflict, they will not have any way to distract themselves.

Who are you going to go in conflict with the most? Your family or people close to you. If you are low or feeling low vibes all the time, you will drive your family nuts because you are unhappy and will drag them subconsciously to unhappiness also. You will always create conflict and unhappiness with people around you. You are going to be a problem or heavy baggage to your lover or people around you. As such you will create separation because that is the nature of unloving emotions, they create separation while loving emotions create connections.

So if you are not attracting anyone, it is because you do not love yourself. You gave yourself unloving emotions and always remember that unloving emotions separates or pushes people away. Well, I’ll explain attraction in terms of enlightenment some more in some future day.


The Need To Be Right

There is a constant need to be right also. If you are right, then you are superior. The righteous are the heroes while people who are wrong are the bullies or villains. People need to justify harming others by saying that they are right. So there is a need to become a victim so that you can have justification to become a hero. So it is a cycle that people put themselves into.

There’s really no right or wrong. This is something you should have learned by watching news about the world in this time. Both sides can justify being right because being right only exists in the mind. Even the law has problems. Two people can be right and have totally different views. Two people can be protected and be right according to the law but one has to be wrong which is why we have a judge.

This is where righteous anger comes from also. I am right and this person is evil. This person needs to be harmed, locked or put down. I can do anything I want to this person because I am right and this person is wrong. This person does not deserve any love and you all need to rally to my cause.


Go Up To Love

When you are feeling love (which are the top emotions), there is no right nor wrong, morality, justice, injustice and so on. Love is just love. It is because love is non-judgmental. Feelings of love have no judgment of others. Loving emotions have no need for right or wrong. Loving emotions love unconditionally. The cycle of victimhood, bully and becoming a hero to justify attacking people ends.

When you are always feeling loving emotions, the need for conflict decreases, the need to be right decreases, the need for distraction decreases, the need to spend money on frivolous things decreases. The higher the emotions that you feel, the less that you will need stuff so the less that you will need money. You will no longer worship money as the salvation of your unhappiness.

There are a lot of loving emotions. You can just pick one. Just ask yourself, what is the highest emotion or emotions I can feel at this given moment?


The Shadow

We go back to the shadow again. When you are trying to stay high or feel loving emotions all the time, you will get kicked out by your shadow. Your shadow is a past trauma or experience that is very unloving. The more time you spend in this world, the more trauma that you accumulate. A lot of your shadows come from your childhood and pre-conditioned beliefs.

So let’s say that I told 100 people that they are stupid and some got mad or triggered. The people that got triggered are people who have previous situations where they felt stupid and experienced something unloving. This often happens in school especially in Asia where getting high grades are often praised by society and parents. So people get triggered if they feel dumb or stupid because they experienced a trauma or something unloving in their childhood.

So if you get triggered, at night when you are in your bed, ask yourself, “why did I get triggered? Why did I get mad?” Keep asking yourself, “why?” until you get to the bottom of it. You will see past experiences where you felt stupid and unloved because of it. The best way to heal past traumas or your shadows is to love yourself. Even if the whole world thinks you are stupid and makes you feel unloved, it is okay because you will always love yourself whether you are smart or stupid.

Your shadow lives in the subconscious. It will create havoc and create unconscious actions until you are able to destroy or heal it. When you get triggered, this is great because your shadow showed itself or went up to the surface. If it stays in the subconscious, it creates actions, thoughts and beliefs that are beyond your control.


The Unforgettables

So you will meet these people who you cannot forget. They are often very happy and have no complaints with their life at all. I met some of them, they are very poor. Like dirt poor or monk poor but they look great, clean and healthy. You will forget a lot of people but these people are unforgettable.

There is something about them that makes them unforgettable. There is something about them that you will miss. You will miss their presence. It is like your body is craving to be near them.

The only thing that these people have in common is that they were higher than me in terms of emotions. They are happy, have no worry, and full of life. So if you meet these people then you will miss them. It is because love creates connections. These people are always very loving or they are always feeling very high and very loving emotions. This is the only way I can explain this. Other than this, I don’t know why they are unforgettable.