
Enlightenment Is Pro-Drugs

Enlightenment Is Pro-Drugs

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. Enlightenment is pro-drugs. I have drugs in my home for allergies. I have never met any teacher that tells people not to take drugs when they get a disease.

I would always hear people asking for advice on what should they do when they get a disease. Most of the time, people don’t want to take their drugs that their doctors have prescribed to them because they have side effects. The answers are the same which is to go to a doctor and do what the doctor tells you to do.


People’s Stupidity Knows No Boundaries

There was this person and he was asking for advice because he has cancer and doesn’t want to take chemo therapy. His reason for not getting the chemo therapy is because his hair would fall out. He knew the answer already but he still had to ask. It pissed the crap out of me that he is more concerned about the way he looks than his well-being. He has a terminal disease and he is going to die but he is more concerned about his looks. The insanity and stupidity in people is amazing. How are you going to choose your looks over your health is beyond me.


Enlightenment Does Not Care About Your Looks

Enlightenment does not care about your looks. In enlightenment, the obsession over the body is not a good thing. It specifically says not to be attached to the body since you are not the body but an eternal being. In fact, they have stopped entertaining questions related to looks because it amplifies the attachment to the body. They would just say to work on your mind and you will get what you are asking for.


Enlightenment Has Two Ways Of Healing

The first one is to heal your mind. If you heal your mind, you will heal your diseases. The mind creates the inner world and the inner world creates the outer world. An uncontrollable mind creates diseases and afflictions on the body. In enlightenment, all diseases come from the mind.

The second one is to take your drugs that the doctor has prescribed to you. I have never heard my sources or people that I listen to say that you should not take drugs. I’ve never heard them say take home remedies instead. I have never ever ever ever heard that. I have never heard them say take supplements to cure your diseases either.

The answers are always heal your mind or take the drugs. You only have two choices.


New Agers Believe

New Agers believe in crystals and they would often tell people to use crystals as part of their healing regimen. But still, they always say to do what your doctors told you to do. From the people I listened to, they always say that this modality (drugs) works. Why would you not use this modality if it works?


We Don’t Trust Big Pharma

We don’t trust big pharma because they are based on greed but the teachers of enlightenment that I know had always supported “evidence based medicine.” Of course, in our eyes, Big Pharma has bypassed evidence based medicine for more money. They have the power to do so. However, this does not mean that the drugs that they produce does not work. If the drugs work according to evidence, then it is a good way to heal yourself. It is because you do not have any other choices.


Natural Cures From The Earth

Of course, we know that there are natural ways to heal ourselves from the Earth. The consciousness of the Earth has a contract with the human collective consciousness. The Earth will always provide everything the human collective needs. So if there is a disease out there, the Earth has a cure for it. However, we do not know that cure. We do not have the data. Our medicine is based on synthetic science because that makes money. Humans cannot put a patent on nature or natural cures.

So do we know the natural cure for cancer? Do you? We don’t know so we take the drugs. If we know the natural cure, our doctors would tell us to use that instead.