
Enlightenment Practices

Where Are We At As A Human Collective?

According to my woo-woo sources, we are in some sort of relief period. It may sound hard to believe but we are in a phase were everything seems like it is going back to normal. We are all facing minor inconveniences like laws limiting our freedom, rumors of war and so on. I think I said those things will happen, right? Maybe I didn’t. I don’t really feel like writing everything since I feel good and having fun.

Anyway, we are in a “calm before the storm” kind of phase. I don’t know how long this will lasts. It may lasts for 1 month or 1 year or more but it is nice right now. Well, my life is nice, I don’t know about yours. After this “calm before the storm” or when the “storm happens”, a lot of people are going to die. I don’t want to scare anyone but that is what they say.


When Your Time Is Up

When your time is up, your time is up. I think it is destiny but a lot of people will prematurely die or die before their time is up. The people that are very likely to die are the ones the lost their free will. What is free will? Unfortunately, free will is not the freedom of decision making or having choices in enlightenment. Free will is the ability to be able to freely choose the emotion or feeling at any given moment. If you lose this “free will”, you will have a high chance of prematurely dying. If you give this “free will” to someone else like other people, government, political leaders, news and so on, then you may die prematurely. So if other entities have control over your emotions, you lose your free will.

I’m just telling you what I heard. This may or may not be true.


Anyway, We Have Three Enlightenment Practices

To avoid prematurely dying, enlightenment practices can help.


I. Listen To Your Emotional Guiding System

If it feels good, it is good. If it feels bad, it is bad. If you feel bad, you created a thought or emotion that you should reinterpret or reanalyze. Usually, this is the case. By continually looking at your emotions, you will be able to differentiate between love and fear. Love feels good, and fear feels bad.


II. Stay In The Present Moment

The present moment is eternal. It is all there is, all there ever will be. If you stay at the present moment, it is a lot easier to create feelings of gratitude and joy.  Stay in the present moment and enjoy it so that worry cannot enter your mind.


III. Meditation

If you go to youtube, there will be thousands of guided meditations. Just pick one every night or whenever it is convenient and listen to it. That is good enough. Meditation is the number one practice as it allows you to reach higher frequencies or very loving emotions rather easily. It is an intent or command that states that you are in control of your mind and not the other way around.

It is a practice that allows you to improve or gain back your free will.