

What Is Eternity?

So there is this idea of forever that we see in stories, movies, tv and so on. It basically implies that it will lasts till the end of time. Everything will fade, die or decay but something that is eternal or forever will never do that. Time has no effect on it. What if I tell you that is all wrong?

Eternity cannot be found on the end of time or could withstand the end of time. Eternity is actually a state of being. I could even say that it is a feeling.


So What Does Eternity Feel Like?

Let’s say that you are a vampire. You will live forever. You are a very special vampire though in that you have no weaknesses like sunlight and you don’t need to drink blood or eat anything. You are basically immortal without any limitations.

What do you think you will do? Most people will say that they will try to become rich and not do anything anymore but that is really not going to happen.

If you don’t need anything, why do you need to become rich right now? You can do that some other time or tomorrow. There is no rush, you will live for as long as the Earth is alive. You can sleep in the sidewalk, be homeless and it makes no difference because you will outlive everyone by trillions of years.



The one thing that will happen is that you will become lazy. Really lazy because there is nothing to do. The one thing that is motivating human beings is that we are going to die after some years so we should do as much as possible and work hard before our time is up. Our body ages and we won’t be able to be as lively or as productive as before. There’s a ticking time bomb to accomplish certain things like becoming successful, getting married, making a family and so on.

But if you are immortal then there’s no rush to do anything. You can be as lazy as you want. You can get those at anytime. You can get a lover at anytime, get married maybe in 200 years later in the future, and so on. Life is easy. You can take your time.

So laziness is going to be the main state of being by people who are immortal instead of greed that humans have.


Eternity Cannot Be Found At The End Of Time

Eternity cannot be found at the end of time. Eternity can be found if you don’t believe in time. Basically, you can find eternity when you find out that time is only an illusion and never existed in the first place. Eternity is the absence of time or lack of time. There is only one moment where you can find eternity, that moment which has no beginning or end.

It is called the “Present Moment”. So when you experience that the present moment is all there will ever be, all there is, then you will find out that you are eternal and the present moment is eternal also.


Clouds That Block The Sun

Just like the dark clouds that block the sun, your thoughts block out this gateway to the present moment. You have to eliminate as much unloving thoughts as possible so that you can get a glimpse that the present moment is eternal. Which goes back to our spiritual or loving practices. Any thought or feeling that doesn’t feel good are the dark clouds. So we have to take a look at these thoughts whenever they come up or these feelings whenever they happen.

You only need just a glimpse of what eternal feels like. You just need to have a glimpse that the present moment is eternal. Just a little bit of sunlight. In that moment, a lot of your desires will be gone. Your body will feel light and there will be nothing to do. You will become very lazy. Things that you care about, things that you are so serious about and so on, will fade and melt away.

Why? I don’t know lol.


Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

It is the peace that surpasses all understanding. A lot of your fears will just fall away and there will be peace instead. The urge to accumulate, urge to make a name for yourself, urge to compete and so on will fall away.

It is beyond words to describe what eternity feels like. I can say words but they would not be enough. They just point to eternity. The mind is too limited to understand what eternity feels like. It is something you have to experience. No one can describe it for you.


When People Talk About It


When people talk about it, you will just understand. You will be like, “Yes, yes, that is it. We had the same experience.” However, you cannot describe. It is just a knowing. It is more like a remembering. You just remember that there is no time, right now is eternal, you are eternal, and nothing really matters.

All is well, all is good, no matter what the present moment is. You can be in the middle of a battleground and if you access this feeling of eternity, all is well. Nothing to worry about, nothing to be serious about. Everything is good.