
Health And Youthing Answers

Health and youthing answers I got when I was meditating. Sometimes when I meditate, I get answers to some health and anti-aging questions. Not sure if they are true but I will just share them. This is going to be very unscientific.


Hair Loss

Hair loss is not caused by the aging process. So no matter how much anti-aging practice or youthing you do, you will still lose your hair since it is not caused by the aging process. It is caused by some sort of radiation. I don’t know if it is caused by cell phone tower radiation, routers, emf, microwave and so on. The only answer I got is that hair loss is caused by radiation.

Is there a solution? The only solution I got is that 15-30 years from now, there will be a more natural way to regrow hair. You apply something on your scalp and it regenerates the hair follicles and scalp. It is not a drug. That is all I got.

Your hair growing back or losing it is not a good way to judge whether you are doing well with your anti-aging practice. The best way to gauge your anti-aging practice is by moisturizing your facial skin. If you moisturize your facial skin, you are sending “intent” for it to become younger. So if you are high or your vibration is high, your skin cells will listen to your intention and it will remove your wrinkles for a few months or even permanently.


Increasing Metabolism

According to science, our metabolism drops as we get older. The answer I got when I was meditating was that in order to get my metabolism to be back in my 20s, I have to do HIIT exercise everyday for 3-5 years. If I do HIIT exercises, my metabolism will naturally increase very very very slowly. So dieting is not a good way for me to lose weight. It is better to do HIIT exercises to permanently lose weight or do both dieting and exercise.


The Cause Of All Sicknesses

The cause of all sicknesses is unloving thoughts. The more unloving thoughts you have, the more sick you become. The body cannot differentiate between something that is real or something that is happening in the mind. So if the mind is fearful, negative, and so on, the body gets affected as if those thoughts are real.


Certain Thoughts Create Certain Illnesses

If you are feeling trapped or thoughts that you are trapped, you will have problems on your legs.

If you are feeling burdened or have so many things to do, you will have problems with your back.

If you are very controlling of people and situations, you have a high probability of getting Alzheimer or Dementia so that you can learn to let go and have no control.

If you are close minded and you believe that your beliefs are correct, other people are wrong, you will experience stiffness in the body. It is like, “This is my identity, I am this, I am that, never will I be any other.” Such rigid beliefs or thought patterns will create stiffness and lack of mobility in the body as the flow of energy is being obstructed.


Well That Is It

That is it. I don’t know if you will believe these things but that is all I got. If you don’t, just look at this as entertainment or something that is fiction.


Wait, One More Thing

I did say this before that the next couple of years are going to be tough until 2030 or maybe even more. I think I said that even before Covid. What I got while meditating was that the energies of the Earth are rising or positive energies are filling the Earth. This means that the negative energies will not survive so all of the shadows are going to go up to the surface. When we say shadows, we mean those negative emotions that are living inside ourselves and in our society as a whole.

So it is going to be a tough time. People will have to deal with their shadows, negative thoughts, negative views, negative emotions whether they like it or not. People will have to deal with their fears and unloving beliefs. So people’s minds are going to go boom or explode with so many stuff.

You will notice that you are going to have these memories and thoughts living rent free in your head. They will keep recycling over and over until you release them. Let these thoughts go, they no longer serve you. When negative emotions rises inside of you, release them by either shouting with your mouth buried inside a pillow, crying, exercising and so on. For me, I pretend to throw up like I’m throwing up all the negativity that I don’t want anymore. There is a big chance that some people are going to be violent like Will Smith hahaha. It is trapped energy that needs to be released so release it in a way that you are not going to hurt anyone.

In the park near my house, we have ducks staying there before they migrate. Sometimes two ducks will fight over territory. After they are done, they will flap their wings and shake their body. It is how they release negativity. So try your best to release these trapped energies without hurting anyone.

Anyway, next few years will be tough times for the mind. So do your best.