
Preparing For 2023 And Beyond

This is not a prediction article. This is more like things and ideas that I recommend people to think about for 2023 and beyond. Well, it is more like a review of the past 8 years since I started this blog, in a sense that I’ve already discussed these ideas a lot of times.


Develop Your Masculine Energy

You will need masculine energy to conquer fear. There is going to be a lot of fear in the next couple of years. Masculine energy is not just for men. It is for everyone. The divine masculine is the warrior while the divine feminine is the goddess. It is the warrior’s job to conquer fear so that the goddess can shine brighter. The next couple of years will really test your mind and how much fear you can handle.


While the feminine energy is more flowing and it would rather get to a higher vibration so that fear cannot reach it, the masculine energy is different. The masculine energy is the warrior. It will go to the depths of the abyss or dungeon to confront its fears. Another good analogy of this is when Luke confronts his father in the cave. Your fears dwell inside your mind (abyss or dungeon), and the best way to get rid of them is to face them. If you don’t, those fears (dragon) will surface and create havoc when you leased expect it.

Whatever fears you have, whatever low vibration views you have, you cannot hold on to them in the next couple of years. They will keep surfacing, or manifesting into your world until you conquer them. The best way to develop your masculine energy is to conquer them.

Your biggest dragons or fears in 2023+ will be death, famine, war, and loss of freedom. These four will be your biggest fears in the next couple of years and you will have to conquer them.


Masculine Energy And Entertainment

What you are going to see is that they are going to attack masculinity or masculine energy. They have been doing it for a long time but they will do it more than ever. They are trying to program or condition people. The propaganda is always going to be masculine energy is bad. Father figures are bad. Masculine men are bad. Don’t be masculine.

Masculine energy is your ability to conquer fear and if it is weakened, you are easier to manipulate and control. So watching entertainment right now is not a good idea. It will lower your masculine energy. Watching entertainment right now will make you emotionally weak.


Don’t Watch The News

The news will paint a picture that everything will be back to normal if you follow their suggestions or follow ruling elites. Just comply, obey and follow, then everything will be back to normal. We will lead you to paradise and give you everything that you want. But it is all an illusion. What you are going to see is that they are leading you to a place that is not good for you. While they may promise that everything will go back to normal, what is going to happen is that everything will keep going on a downward spiral while they blame other people for it.

They are basically like herding the cattle and leading them to the slaughter house. If you don’t watch the propaganda, you cannot be led astray.

The news is always low vibration. It is always going to be about fear, hate and so on. As you vibrate higher, you will realize the propaganda that these news are producing. You will see that the USA is spending billions of dollars to keep you low, keep you fearful and keep you hateful.


Another good analogy is Percy Jackson and he was in a casino. It looks like you are in paradise. All you have to do is have fun, gamble, and satisfy your desires. But it is all an illusion to keep you where you are.


Present Moment

Let’s say there is a mass shooting in UK. What you are going to feel is that this world is not safe. Nothing is going well. Everything is dangerous. But you need to keep in mind that this happened in the UK. It did not happen in your neighborhood. However, it feels like it happened near you. This is how powerful the news is at lowering your frequency. They can make you feel unsafe just by telling you stories that are low vibration.

Try to put your attention in the present moment. You are home. You are safe. You are away from danger. The news can reprogram your mind. Whatever you see in the news can happen to you because that is what you are consuming.


Do Not Let Other People Drive Your Car

It basically means do not let other people have control over your destiny. It is because the main goal is to lower your vibration. The shadow elites need to lower the consciousness of the human collective and they cannot do that without your cooperation. You need to give them permission to do it. This is a “free will” planet and they cannot override your destiny unless you allow them to.

For example, let’s say they want to depopulate the world. They cannot just do it. You have to give them permission. You have to kill yourselves. They cannot kill you. You have to do it yourself. It does not work if they kill you and you did not give them permission to do so.

So they need your permission to remove your freedom, kill you, lower your vibration and so on. You don’t need to fight them. All you need to do is not agree to their ideas and propaganda and that is good enough.

This is a good example of giving away your rights. It is the same thing what I am talking about. They cannot take away anything from you unless you agree to it. If the majority voted to become slaves or lose their freedom, your area will become a place filled with slaves. If you disagree, your heart or emotional guiding system will tell you to get out of there. Each one of us will make a decision. They will show you terrible things, and create fear in your life, but as long as you do not agree, there’s a good possibility that you may not get affected.


Death Worshipping Society

I don’t know why, but people are addicted to death. They want to see death so much in TV shows, games, entertainment and so on. Every show or story has some kind of death. Humanity is so addicted and love seeing people die as a form of entertainment. We worship death for some reason.

The more you watch death in entertainment, the weaker your mind becomes. The more you watch death, the weaker your body becomes also. In terms of enlightenment, watching death makes you feel that your body is vulnerable, and fragile. Entertainment is a poison that will slowly ruin your body and mind. If you are doing enlightenment practices, you will not be able to watch shows that have low vibrational ideas. But you want to start limiting and screening the shows that you watch because they are not good for your mind nor body.


Whatever You Consume, It Becomes Your Reality

Whatever you consume, it becomes your reality. If you watch entertainment with lots of victimization, you will become a victim. If you watch shows with lots of conflict or war, you will get into conflict with others. If you watch shows filled with death, you will in some form end up facing this idea of death in your life. Unfortunately, the lower your vibration, the more enjoyable these shows become. So I recommend paying attention to your life. If you keep manifesting a scenario in your life that you do not like, you should look at the shows that you find enjoyable. There will be a correlation. At least for me, there was plenty of correlation. If you don’t want to keep manifesting the same thing over and over, you will have to make an effort to remove these shows out out of your consciousness.