
The Darkness Within

Man In Black

In the tv series called “Westworld”, there is this guy or character called “Man In Black” who is played by Ed Harris. The show is about the future. In the future, a corporation was able to create robots that looked like human beings. This corporation created a theme park for adults called Westworld. In Westworld, you can do whatever you want. You can kill, rape, destroy, mutilate the robots and so on. It is basically like a game played in real life where you can do whatever you want with the robots. They have quests, stories and the guest get to have choices.

The Man In Black admitted in season 2 that he had this darkness within him. In the real world, he tried to do good. He tried to be a good man, generous and everything. However, he goes to Westworld, he becomes the Man In Black which is a character that is like evil incarnate. A man that did every little thing that you can imagine to be evil like killing children, rape, murder, and so on. He can only feed this darkness inside him in Westworld. The real world no longer interests him.


This Darkness Is Inside Every Person

This darkness is inside every person. It is inside of you, inside of your brother, inside of your mother, inside of your child, inside of everyone. I find that people who think they are good are more susceptible to this darkness. It is because they are in denial or they cannot see what they do not want to see. You can call this the darkness, or the devil, demon, satan, or the ego. You can call it whatever you want. It is the unconscious thought pattern that is very unloving. In life, you only have two choices. You are either loving or unloving/fear. There is no middle nor gray area.

The ego can only know superiority and inferiority. It does not know love. So when the ego moves to superiority, it inflates itself. It feels good. It feels like its identity is secure. It feels secure. When the ego goes into inferiority, it attacks itself or the person. “You are inferior, you are worthless, you are stupid, you are ugly, you are this, and you are that”. The ego does not care whether you pick superiority or inferiority. When the ego feels superior, it gets some sort of elation or exhilaration. It feels good. If it does not get this high, this elation or this feeling of superiority, it will go into inferiority. You really would rather feel superior than inferior. To prevent the ego from going to inferiority, you will have to keep feeding it superiority everyday. If you do not feed this darkness inside you everyday, you will go into inferior mode. So this feeling of superiority is like an addiction. If you don’t get your fix, you will suffer.


Dark Night Of The Soul Or The Messenger Of Misery

I heard this from Les Brown who is a motivational speaker. He basically called this the messenger of misery. There are days when things just do not feel right or days when things just go wrong. You think your world is falling apart, you go into depression mode, you feel a lot negative emotions, you think of your dreams and you think you will never get them. There are days when things happen externally that creates this internal feeling like a death of a loved one, unexpected bills, unexpected stress, losing your job and so on. These are the days when the dark night of the soul happens or when the messenger of misery comes to pay you a visit. The days when your mind is filled with worry and thoughts of uncertainty of the future.


The Need For Superiority

So when your mind is full of fear and worry, what is the quickest way to alleviate this? You can take drugs, drink alcohol, take some sort of substance to mellow the mind or stop yourself from thinking. Unfortunately, this is expensive. You cannot do this everyday. Maybe when you are really really depress and uncertain, then you can do this. But to prevent your mind from going to inferiority everyday or experiencing worry or fear, most people will just try to make themselves feel superior. You can watch a movie, tv series, play video games, and so on to make yourself feel superior.

I can make a lot of examples about this. This is the Maury Show. They are about teenagers and young adult women who got pregnant and looking for the father of their babies. Just saying this statement, you would think that this show will be dramatic, full of love or full of compassion and so on. However, this is not. It is all about the inflation of the ego. It has that “I am so glad I am not these people” or “look how messed up or f****** up these people are”. So when you watch this show, you will automatically feel good if you are feeling inferior. The reaction of people at the end is kind of funny on how happy they are. You can feel the happiness of the guys and girls when they got the response they were looking for. If you look at this show in the stand point of the ego, you will find it very entertaining. However, if you look at this in the stand point of a loving person, you will feel compassion. You will still be happy for the people that got the response that they were looking for but you will feel compassion for the baby, for the mother, for the father and so on. What kind of a kid wants to grow up without a father? Who wants a single mother to shoulder all the weight of raising a child? So if you look at this in a loving standpoint and not for the inflation of the ego, you will find compassion. This will not be entertaining anymore. It will still be funny but you will choose to not watch it because it is not loving. But for the ego, this is very entertaining. It can inflate itself and make itself feel good just by watching this kind of shows.

I am not writing this to judge people, but just to differentiate between love and unlove. To see how the darkness inside people operate.


The Need For Villains / The Need To Be Morally Superior

In this show featuring Gordon Ramsay, the hotel owner is stealing tips from his staff. The ego loves it when people act like a villain or when people become the bully. The ego can channel all of its hatred and have justification to attack someone. There is justification to be hateful as well. The ego can feel morally superior plus attacking is justified. The ego loves to attack. So the ego loves to make other people become the villain or bully, in this way, it can feel morally superior and be able to attack. It can inflate itself in multiple ways.

In the comment section, people just want to punch this guy’s face. They have the need to punch this guy and they feel that if they do it or someone does it then it is justified because to them this guy is despicable or disgusting. Someone needs to teach this guy a lesson by hurting him. The thing is, you do not have the right to judge this person. He maybe stealing from his staff but the staff maybe grateful that they have a job because of him. The staff may hate this guy but they may not want to hurt him. So you do not have the right to make the judgment that this guy should be hurt. However, the ego thinks it is justified. The ego loves a villain. The ego can channel all of its hatred and pour it into another person. The ego inflates itself by doing so. The person will feel morally right and in the side of justice if he punches or hurt this person.

Same thing with this video. The people are glad that this woman lose his job because she acted very badly in a flight. However, the woman who took the video did not want to get this rude woman fired. She was glad that this rude woman got kicked out of the plane but she felt really bad because this angry woman lose her job. You don’t know what the victim wants to happen to the bully/perpetrator. The victim may practice compassion and tolerance, she would forgive this lady and be on her way. You are judging the bully out of your sense of inflating your ego so that you can feel morally right but in reality, they have nothing to do with you. This is none of your business. She got kicked out of the plane and lose her job. There is no longer any need to wish harm and inflict harm on her anymore. But people want her to suffer more just for one mistake? Why? Because the ego does not care, all it cares about is to be morally correct.

The path of love in this case is forgiveness. If you want to travel the path of love, it would be to forgive her for her mistake. If you want to travel the path of the ego, or you want to listen to the darkness inside you then wish her harm.


In anime, story telling and tv series, they always have a villain. In Chinese and Japanese story telling, this is very evident. In Chinese story telling, they only care about leveling up and the progress of the main character. So they have these villains that act pompous or arrogant just so that the main characters will have a chance to beat them up and correct them. Basically side character villains that are just there to make the characters look good and make them seem morally correct. This is the theme for most superhero movies, and anime meant for teenagers and young adults. There will be small time villains whose main purpose is to get beat up just so that the main character can feel very superior. It is the reason people watch these shows. They need to feel superior. They need the villain. They need to have the main character become superior.


When the main character becomes superior or beats the villain, you can feel that superiority. You can feel your ego inflating itself. “OMG that is so badass. I want to beat some guy like that also. I am going to fantasize wielding a sword and beating up someone.” If you think about it, it sounds so crazy. You are going to fantasize or fantasizing right now about beating up people so that you can feel superior.

So who is going to play the villain in your life? The answer to that is people around you.

Have you ever seen someone had a bad day at work, and they take it out on people around them? “You did not wash the dishes!!! The floors are messy!! You are driving like a maniac!!! Why are you watching TV and why aren’t you doing your homework?” So when people have a bad day at work, they take it out on others. They need to feel superior because they feel inferior at work. Since they had a bad day at work, they may get fired, they maybe filled with worry also. In order to alleviate fear, worry, panic, inferiority and so on, they need to make the people around them a villain. They will nit pick everything. “You are not doing your homework, I am going to ground you, this is for the best because I am doing this for your benefit. BTW I am morally correct so if I hit you if you talk back at me, I am allowed to do so!!”


The Prison Of A Mental Label

How can muslim terrorists justify their actions? How can Christians justify waging war in the past? How can Hitler justify killing all the Jews? How can people burn people they believe as witches at stakes? They believe that they are morally correct, so even if they hate people, they are correct in their minds and they put people in a mental concept or mental label. The mental label could be anything like bully, murderer, stupid, dumb, or even just unbeliever.

In the Bible, in Luke 19:27, Jesus said “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.”

This is how Christians in the past justified killing Arabs, Jews and Witches. This is what allowed the Crusades to happen. “You are a non-believer.” This is the only phrase they needed. You are now in a mental label as a non-believer. You are no longer human, you no longer have families, children, and so on. You are in a prison or trapped in a mental concept or mental label. Once you put people in a mental label, they are no longer human. They no longer have a past, present or future. They no longer have families, dreams, and so on. All you are is now a “non-believer”. This is how Muslim terrorists justify their actions. To them you are just an infidel or non-believer. Even now, if you are gay, or practices buddhism or even practices yoga, you are now Satanic. If you look at a lot of videos of non-christian religions, in youtube always some guy saying that they are Satanic. This is all people need to hate you and kill you. You are now the spawn of Satan. You do Satan’s will. You are now trap in a mental label in their minds.

In 1208, Arnald-Amalric remarked, “Kill them all. Let God sort them out,” (when asked by the Crusaders what to do with the citizens of Beziers who where a mixture of Catholics and Cathars).

Same thing with Hitler. Hitler is actually a Christian. He believed in the Aryan race. He believed that Jesus is Aryan. He wanted to conquer the world and make everyone Christian. The rulers would be the Aryan race that have blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin and so on.

Same thing with Vegans. There are a lot of hateful Vegans. To them you are just a murderer. They put you in a mental label, and they label you as a murderer. You can feel how much hatred they have for you. To them, you are no longer human. To them, you are just a murderer. You can tell that if they are allowed to kill you, they will kill you. That is how much hatred they have. To them you are just a murderer. You are no longer a human being. You have no past, no future, no family, no dreams, and so on. You are just a murderer to them.


The Need For Moral Superiority

Once you put people in a mental label, you will be morally superior and they are morally inferior. It does not matter if you donate 10 million dollars to charity, if you eat meat, you are a murderer and deserve to get hurt. It does not matter if you donate 5 days per week of your time helping people, if you are not a certain religion, you are Satanic or non-believer. It does not matter if you spend all of your life trying to end world hunger or create peace on earth, if you are asian or black or non-white, you are just trash or an inferior race.

People can put you in a mental label. Once you are in that mental label, they are now morally superior than you. You are wrong, we are right. We are in the side of good. Therefore everything we do is correct and right. Everything you do is wrong.


The Need For Mental Superiority

You do not need to be smart to feel mentally superior. You just need to make people stupid. You just need to put a mental label on them as stupid. “The car is going too fast, he will be in an accident, the driver is so stupid. The car is going so slow, he will be in an accident, he is so stupid.” “The speed I have is just right because I am smart and wise.” “Kanye West just said slavery is a choice. What an idiot! He is rich but an idiot!”

Look at all those unconscious people hating and killing each other. I am so glad I am not them. So glad I am enlightened and conscious. They are so stupid.

In reality, you can make anyone stupid. The celebrities are a good choice. Drivers are a good choice. People you meet on the streets are a good choice. “Look at how ugly the pants of that person, what a stupid guy”. Everyone actually has a fear of stupidity. Our educational system places importance on getting correct answers on the test. If you don’t score high, you are stupid. If you are stupid, then you are inferior. This fear manifests by delighting and enjoying seeing people do stupid things. When people do things that you feel are stupid, you will feel superior. This is the reason why reality shows like Gordon Ramsay, instant karma clips in youtube, dumbest criminals and so on are popular. When you watch people do stupid things, you feel superior. Your ego inflates.


The Need To Be Right

The need to be right also has something to do with mental superiority. If you are right, the other person is wrong then the other person is stupid. So very very egotistical people will fight so hard to be right. They will keep arguing and so on until the other person submits defeat. To the egotistical person, being wrong is like death. Being wrong hurts the ego. For example, you can be discussing about the planets. You know so much about astronomy. You have this identity as an astronomer. You said, “Pluto is back as a planet. The International Astronomical Union reclassified it as a planet.” Then somebody else said, that is an April Fool’s joke. It is still a dwarf planet. So imagine that you think of yourself an amazing astronomer and you made a mistake and someone proved you wrong. If you are very egotistical, this will hurt the ego. You will look like a fool. What kind of an astronomer are you? To the ego, being right is like life and death. So an egotistical person will battle you to the death to be right.

The reason why people argue so much in the Internet. They need to be right. Even if it is just in their head, they need to feel right. Even if it is delusional or the other person wasn’t wrong, they need to argue in the Internet to feel correct. To make another person wrong. The ego does not get tired. I tried. I tried to feed my ego and it does not get tired.


Internet Superiority / Trolls

Superiority is the reason why we have Internet trolls also. Internet trolls feel a great deal of satisfaction making other people angry. They will argue with you just to make you angry. The more people that reply, the better. It looks at the comments and says, “hey look, I did that. I made so many people angry”.

There are people who create lies on instagram or any social media also. Look what I did and how many people like me. The ego gets inflated because of this. It does not matter if it is fake, or a lie. The ego will say, “look I did that, I fooled people. or look at me, me… my ego needs attention.” Anyway, if people want to lie in social media, that is their decision also. Let them live their life the way they want. Try not to judge them. If you judge them, you are also inflating your ego. Love does not attack. Just love them, forgive them and accept them for who they are…. even if they are narcissistic attention hogging crazy people hahaha just kidding. Love is acceptance so just love them for who they are rather than attacking them to feel superior.


Situation Is Wrong

You can make a situation wrong also. If you are in a traffic or a big line. You can make it wrong also. The cashier is so slow, the drivers are so stupid and so on. What you are basically saying is that I’m too good for this situation. I should be doing something else. I should be first at the line. This world is meant to make me happy. If I am not happy then something is wrong. The situation is wrong. The situation and everyone in this world is suppose to make me happy. I am far too superior to be in this situation. This situation is not right. So I hate it. I hate this. This is so far beneath me. I am better and my time is better spent somewhere else sitting elsewhere watching tv or standing somewhere else. Sitting in this traffic is beneath me or standing in this line is beneath. I am far superior than this. This is wrong. I hate this.


Gossip / Talking Bad About Others

Superiority has a lot to do with gossip also. “You know what that person did? She is so stupid.” “You know how rude that waiter was to me? He was so rude.” After 20 years, you can still hear the same thing. “Remember that waiter who was rude to me like 20 years ago? He was so rude.” People can still remember it because it plays over and over in their heads. It is a source of superiority so people think about it over and over. “You know how bad that driver was, he was so bad.” The ego remembers all of these so that the ego can reuse the memory over and over again.

The path of love is simple. I forgive you. That is it. “I forgive the waiter for being rude to me.” You will most likely never remember it again. Once you forgive someone, there is no more superiority.


The Darkness Within You Is The Same

The man in black has this darkness, he has to keep feeding the darkness over and over. He has to do all of these evil things because he feels good. He feels superior whenever he rapes someone or kills someone, and so on. A way to inflate his ego, a way to release, or a way to feed his addiction. It is the same thing with playing video games. Just a way to feel superior. It is the same thing with everything I said in this article. You need to feed your darkness. If you do not feed your darkness, you will go into inferiority mode. You will go into insecure mode. The darkness will attack you. So you need to feed it everyday. It is the same thing for you. You have to feed your ego everyday. You have to attack people everyday.

Try not watching any shows that feeds your ego for 1 week. You will not make it. You will enter the dark night of the soul or the messenger of misery will visit you. In those moments, you will be filled with worry, frustration, negative thoughts and so on. In order to keep that away, you need to feed your ego every day. Once the ego feels inflated, it feels good so it hides the negative thoughts. It is like saying to you, I am now full today but I’ll cyu again tomorrow, you better feed me tomorrow or you will be sorry.


The Path Of Love

This article is longer than I expected. Anyway, if you are trying to become more loving, the path of love is basically forgiveness, tolerance, be happy for people, acceptance and so on. People already made a list of the emotions that come from love. You can see it in the picture that I posted. Yours will be somewhat different though because you have your own emotional guiding system. Similar but not entirely the same.

Since you only have two options which is path of love or path of fear, then you can measure your happiness and unhappiness. The amount of times in a day you have to feed your ego by going into superiority/inferiority mode is the amount of unhappiness you have. This could be from morning to night or 24 hours or a day. If you don’t feed your ego, you will go into inferiority, worry, fear, and so on. You can tell how happy you are by the amount of loving emotions that you feel in a day but this is harder. It is easier to measure your happiness and unhappiness by how egotistical or how unloving you are.

So rather than going into superiority and inferiority, just become loving. Rather than going back and forth from superiority to inferiority and vice versa, just become loving. You no longer need to be superior or attack others.