
The Path Of The Sith – Enlightenment

The path of the Sith is really just the path of the ego. You will consciously or make a conscious decision to travel the path of the ego. For enlightenment, you consciously make a decision to become more loving but for the path of the ego, you will consciously make a decision to go for superiority. In the path of the Sith, you basically have to close your heart or start moving away from love and move towards superiority. You will most likely end up as a serial killer, murderer or something terrible. You will definitely not get force powers but you will not go into inferiority that easily.

This article is actually a continuation of the first part which I called The Darkness Within.


Invoking Your Superiority

The simple truth is that your idea of superiority only exists in your head. It does not exist anywhere else. For this reason, you can invoke it anytime you want. This will prevent you from going into inferiority or at least it will prevent you from staying in inferiority mode.

So this is the most recent news I have seen. This man killed this lovely teenager which is really such a tragedy. You can pick whatever news you want. Now, after watching this, just feel that hatred for this man. We are going to use this hatred for a lot of things. Just like the Sith, they thrive in hatred. The hate you have can keep you away from inferiority. Anytime you are hateful towards another person, you cannot go into inferiority. It is because in your mind, you are right, you are morally superior, and you are diving deep into that energy of hatred. Hatred is superiority. The more hate that you have, the more superior you will feel against another person.

It is the same thing for the Sith. They use their hate to make themselves stronger. Anakin ended up as a powerful Sith because his hate for Obi-Wan is immense. What I mean is that Anakin is always able to draw in to his hate for Obi-Wan as a source of power. To Anakin, he no longer has a wife, kids, and everything was gone. The only thing remained was his hate for Obi-Wan. He is cold, merciless and very hateful.

So if you follow this path, it will be the same for you. You have to use your hate to feel superior. Whenever you feel inferior, you just turn on the news and pour all of your hate to the criminals. Attack the criminal with every passion of your entire being. “I’ll f******* kill this guy. He is such a monster. I’ll kill all of his families and so on.” Just feel that hate. All of your inferiority thoughts will subside. You can watch any reality show and say,”these stupid f***** have the worst lives ever. Stupid mother f******* should just die and save the Earth the resources.”


When You See People On A Street

When you see people walking by the street, you can invoke your superiority anytime you want. Doesn’t matter if the guy is rich, or whatever. You can judge his clothes, his appearance, his weight, his height, and so on. “This rich guy thinks he is all that but if I had a face like that, I would just kill myself.” “Look at how ugly this girl is walking down the street, her parents must have been aliens.” “Look at the clothes this guy is wearing, if I am as poor as him I will just shoot myself”. “What an ugly guy, I don’t even need to insult him, he is already an insult to himself.” “Look how messed up the way that guy walks, he walks like a duck, talks like a duck, his Momma must have been a duck.”

*BTW if you laughed, it is okay. Do not judge yourself. Love does not judge nor attack. So you shouldn’t attack nor judge yourself.

You can just meet people on the street and just insult them in your head. You can nit pick every little thing possible. Your whole job is to judge and judge and judge. The more you judge people, the less inferior you will feel. You can judge anyone you want. The whole world is a world of imperfections so you have a lot of possible ways to judge people. Actually, there is an infinite amount of ways you can judge a person that you don’t even know. The more you judge others, the less inferior you will feel.

If you look at TWICE or any idol, there will be a lot of haters. No matter how beautiful you are, no matter how amazing your choreography is, or how much you work on your body, how much you work on your skills as a dancer, there will always be people who will hate you. “You are a disgrace to all the people on Earth by making young girls want to look like you”. “These women are a disgrace to all the women on Earth.” “These girls are all idiots, I bet they don’t even have a high school diploma.”

It does not matter who you are, where you come from, whether you look beautiful, ugly, normal or in between, people can hate you. You can donate all of your time and money trying to help people and there will still be a lot of people that will hate you. There will still be a lot of people that will judge you.

I’m just pointing out that it is possible to judge people no matter who they are, no matter their background, no matter what they do, no matter what personality that they have and so on. You have an infinite amount of ways to judge people. There is no one in this world that you cannot judge because everyone has some sort of limitation or imperfection.


You Are Doing This Unconsciously Before

Before, we are doing this unconsciously. Before, this kind of behavior is done unconsciously. The only difference now is that we are doing it consciously. We are just making a decision to judge people and reap the benefits of this behavior. Let’s think about this for a second. We are doing this before as unconscious behavioral pattern so that we can feel good about ourselves. We are judging people before and we don’t know why we are judging them. Now we know that we will feel superior and we will feel good by judging people. So we are just moving from the unconscious to the conscious. We are just making the conscious decision to judge people so that we can maximize the feeling of superiority and be able to stay away from inferiority. It sounds logical enough.


The Cesspool Of Negative Emotions

If you don’t know what cesspool means, it is just a container underground that is meant for liquid waste, sewage, poop, and so on. When you judge people for a couple of days, you can feel this energy or emotions when you are judging people. It is very heavy, dark, disgusting energy. You can feel the emotion or energy coursing through your body. The first thing you will notice that this feels heavy especially if you compare it to when you are smiling or in a loving place. When you are in a loving place with your friends and people you like, you will feel light. So when you are in this judgment mode for a couple of days 24 hours a day, you will feel heavy.

To me, it really feels yucky, disgusting, and so on. When you travel the path of the ego or the path of the Sith, it is really like swimming in a cesspool. You are just in that disgusting place underground full of human waste products, urine, sewage and so on. This is really what it feels like. It is just disgusting. You will become a disgusting person in the eyes of society but who cares, if you keep following this path, you will have a hatred for humanity anyway. You will hate the world, hate people, hate everyone. You will not hate yourself because the purpose of this path is to point the blame on another person, to judge people, so that you do not judge yourself or you do not point your finger on yourself.

Anyway, my point is that you need to get used to this cesspool of emotions or feelings.


Hatred Is Power

Don’t get me wrong, hatred is power. If hatred does not give you power, or does not make you feel good, no one will go into hatred. When you are in hateful mode, it does feel like you are a Sith. You can test this right. Invoke your hatred and just feel it. I will invoke my hatred and I will tell you what it feels. I feel power, rage, attack, aggression, like punching someone in the face, like I am right and this person needs to get hurt, if this person gets hurt, I will feel good. It feels like that, I had to stop it since I like my energy to be lightweight and loving. You can just use this hatred to fuel you. Hate is powerful. It is the emotion of attack. With hate, you can attack, attack, attack and you will feel good. The more you hate, the more you want to attack, and the more you will feel good. Hate and the ego are one. The ego loves to attack and hate allows you to attack and feel good doing so.


Pettiness Is Power

For people that are loving, they do not know what pettiness is because they do not judge people. Pettiness in the path of ego is power. This is really what you are doing by judging people. You have to go into pettiness. This is the basic definition of pettiness. You are attacking and pointing out little things of no importance and making them a big deal. When you judge people, you are basically pointing out flaws and making them a big deal so that your ego will inflate and so that you will feel good. A lot of people are doing this unconsciously. The path of the ego is to basically to do this consciously. We can reap the rewards as soon as possible. Once you inflate your ego or feed it, it should become full/satisfied and hide the inferior or negative thoughts.


The Path Of Love Is Forgiveness

The path of love is basically forgiveness. Once you forgive someone, you can no longer hate them. Once you forgive people, compassion comes in. The next feeling that you will feel is compassion. After compassion, there will be peace. So for this path of the ego, you can never forgive anyone because if you do then you cannot hate them. “That guy was mean to me in highschool, I hope his marriage fails, his kids get AIDS, and he lose all of his limbs in this life of his.” “The waiter is so rude to me, I hope he gets into a car crash tonight”. The moment you forgive people, you have no more source for hatred. You will still have insecurities and worries in life. How are you going to bury the insecurities and your fears if you can no longer hate people? If we forgive people then we will have to face our insecurities, fears, worries and conquer them. This is very scary. A quick fix would be better than a permanent fix. Everyday we can just hate people so that the messenger of misery or boogeyman does not visit us.



So once you take away your hatred, you will find peace. You will go back to love again. Love feels like haven, safe, sanctuary and so on. Like when a Mother carries her child after being born. She loves the child and would protect the child. It is the same thing when Darth Vader or Anakin moves back to the light. He let go of his hatred. He found peace. When he found peace, he became a jedi again.