Enlightenment Woo Woo

Twitter Opinions

I was in twitter and people are always fighting there which is fine. However, I will give my two cents or my opinion since these things will keep happening. We are heading for more chaos, loss of freedom and so on. This also reminds me that I really have nothing to do with the world, I am just a witness. Someone above the battleground and not part of it.


Right = Masculine And Left = Feminine

We can basically say that the right is more masculine and the left is more feminine. So most of us are in the center and we are leaning either right or left. The people at the right are more in tune with their masculine energies while the left are more in tune with the feminine energies.

Positive masculine will result in order and positive feminine will result in compassion. If you are right leaning, you will value order more. If you are left, you will value compassion more. Easy stuff to understand.

We can also look at this chart. It shows the positive and negative energies. You can see this inside yourself also.


Toxic Masculine And Toxic Feminine

Toxic masculine energy is represented as tyranny which is why the right is often associated with fascism, dictatorship, and so on. Remember that masculine is order so too much order results in tyranny. Toxic feminine is represented by chaos. Too much compassion results in chaos. This chaos is represented by a snake eating itself. People at the left who have a lot of toxic energies know no friends and only see enemies or potential enemies.

You can see this in yourself or people you know also. If you have a lot of toxic masculine energies, you will be very controlling. If you have a lot of toxic feminine energies, you will be crazy.


The Problem And The Solution

The problem arises when the right sees that the left are crazy. The left sees the right as very controlling. The problem arises when people look at other people’s flaws instead of looking at their own. The lack of introspection while also being very attached to projection results in the fighting or separation we have now.

So rather than looking at others, it is best to look within. Rather than looking at the world, it is best to look at your own inner world. You will only find judgment if you look at other’s flaws. You will only find moral superiority that makes you feel a little bit better but also lowers your vibration and happiness. As such the solution is to look within rather than looking without.


This World Does Not Matter

Some of you may have the urge to be in conflict or to take sides which is fine. You can do whatever you want. There’s really no right or wrong views or actions. No right or wrong way to live your life also. However, this world really does not matter. Humanity learns from duality so humanity will create problems, chaos, and suffering in order to learn. Humanity goes to the darkness in order to learn that humanity belongs to the light.

There are these children at the back of the car with their booster seats. Sometimes they have these steering wheel toys. The child would often pretend that he is in control of the car. But that is all there is to it. It is just pretend. We don’t really have any control. We are just pretending to have control. Our lives are predestined and moves in a predictable way.

Having said that, it is a good idea to resist nothing. Let go of all resistance. To let go of everything. Let go of controlling other people’s views, controlling where humanity is going, and controlling the future events that may or may not happen. Knowing full well that whatever happens will always be for the good of humanity. Humanity may create wars or destroy itself but humanity can always build again from zero while also carrying the lessons that it learned. It is the same for every person. They will die and they will carry with them their experiences and lessons that they have learned in this lifetime. They will carry it to their next reincarnation if they choose to reincarnate in Earth again.


Ok, My Two Cents On Twitter

Okay, this is my two cents on twitter. Reality is complicated and simple at the same time. Do your best with the conflict and stuff. Navigating through this world is not that easy.