
Two Feelings Missing

Two feelings missing from humanity. Well, there are an infinite amount of feelings / emotions but there are two feelings that are missing from humanity which is why everyone feels incomplete, unease, heavy, unhappy and so on. These are the feelings I felt and there are probably a lot more up there.



The first one is the feeling of eternity. I’ve only felt this feeling once. It is probably very high cause I couldn’t get back that feeling again. It is the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” This feeling cannot be described fully. The human mind is very limited and there’s no words to describe this feeling completely. I can only describe bits and pieces of it.

When I felt it, I disappeared. I became a “nobody.” I didn’t even have a name. A lot of people describe it the same way also. They disappeared. I couldn’t function as a human being for a week or so. I was just in lala land. It wasn’t intense, it was gentle and kind. It was like remembering that I was eternal and the present moment was eternal. There was nothing that could harm me, nothing I need to do to complete myself, nothing I need to do to feel happy. I could be homeless, diseased, old, about to die and so on, none of that mattered. I could see myself being happy and very fulfilled even if I had those conditions. There was no such thing as problems or worries or fear or any negative emotion.

I had abundance. Abundance was me. I felt so rich, I started making so much money in the stock market lol.



The second feeling is completeness. As I meditate and try to get the feeling of eternity back to my life, I always fail. But there were times when I get the feeling of completeness. It is like shooting for the stars and missing but at least you landed on the moon kind of thing. Completeness is basically feeling complete. Nothing you can add to yourself or take away from yourself. You are whole and complete.

I remember a lot of conditions that I could be in and it wouldn’t matter.

People could become like Stephen Hawkings and it wouldn’t matter. Stephen Hawkings is the smart guy on a wheel chair due to his disease. It wouldn’t matter at all. No matter what limitation I find myself in, I would feel really good. I would feel happy, fulfilled, complete and so on. It is because I don’t need the outside world anymore. The emotion or feeling came from within. So no matter where I go or whatever situation I found myself in, I will always feel complete. Nothing to add, nothing that can be taken away, I will always be complete. The outside world could give me a lot of limitations and it wouldn’t matter.


The Kingdom Of Heaven

I could only get the feeling of completeness when I am meditating. So this makes me believe that there are emotions that are very high. If we can vibrate higher, we can feel these emotions / feelings on a regular basis without having to meditate. So the kingdom of heaven is really within. The outside world won’t be able to do it. Your lover won’t be able to do it. Money won’t be able to do it. Anything outside of us won’t be able to make us feel completeness. The world will always have its ups and downs while completeness is just completeness.

I’m sure if the whole world or humanity feels this completeness then humanity will not be so greedy. Our default emotion is greed or to accumulate. It is because accumulating stuff will initially feel good. We keep chasing that feeling. If I earn 10,000 dollars, it would feel good, then I would need 20k to get the same feeling and so on.


The More We Feel Good

The more we feel good or the higher we vibrate, the less interested we are in the world. Most human beings are concerned about the economy, president, their livelihood, how they are going to get a lover, sex, how they are going to feel pleasure and so on. The higher you go, the less interested you are in the world. There was this guy, he got really really high through this retreat, they meditated and after they meditated, he did not care about the world anymore. He did not even care whether his kids will die. But then after a few minutes, he was like, “wait a minute, I do care that my kids are alive and so on.” He went really high then back down again really fast. I could understand that he saw eternity so he knew that his kids are eternal also, none of the things in this world really matters because they have no affect on an eternal being.

These feelings would scare the ego because your ego will disappear when you get very high. However, it is the peace that surpasses all understanding.