
Youthing Through Enlightenment Or Mysticism Part 1

The Theory

The theory for anti-aging is very easy. If all you feel is love, it will have positive effects on your body and slow down or reverse aging. If you feel negative emotions, your body will suffer, accumulate diseases and age a lot. A good example of this is that if you get stressed out, your body reacts and creates a lot of discomfort and sometimes illnesses.

So all we have to do is figure out which emotions come from love. We talked about that in here. So the next is what to do when you are feeling low or down. How do we deal with unloving emotions? We only have two choices, either we feel love or we feel unloved. If it is easy feeling love all the time, then wouldn’t be any need for enlightenment, spiritual work, loving practices or mind training.

A lot of people think their thoughts are the truth. They blindly follow their thoughts as if their opinions are the only truth in the world. They never consider analyzing it nor consider that these thoughts are not true. Thoughts are just thoughts. They are neither true nor false, but they can lead to so much pain and terrible actions.


To Make This Easy To Understand

I can explain this in various ways. It is going to be a lot easier though to explain this in a more religious type of way. Nothing too religious. Just something general. It is because we all have different experience, different backgrounds and different beliefs that giving a one path that fits all to anti-aging is really going to be impossible. So we will do a general path that can be easily understood. So people can tailor it according to their beliefs and experiences. I’ll explain this in different ways as more time goes on.

For this explanation, we will need a being called ‘God’ and this ‘God’ loves you unconditionally. God loves you without a doubt, without any uncertainty and that God loves you 100% of the time. Well, you get the idea.


The Emotional Guiding System

The emotional guiding system, never fails. It will always direct you towards love or loving emotions. The emotional guiding system is called the heart. It is very easy to use. If it feels good, it is good. If it feels bad, it is bad. It is very simple, and provides a 100% certainty or guarantee. If the emotion that you are experiencing feels good, then it means that you are either feeling love or you went higher than the emotions that you previously felt.

If you go from an unloving emotion and to a loving emotion, it will feel good. You will often feel relief first then you feel good. If you feel good, you are on the right track or path. If you go from a low emotion to a higher one, you will feel good. If you feel bad, you are not on the right path. If you are not in the right path, you need to think about it.

So if you are feeling laughter, gratitude, abundance, and so on, then you are feeling good. If it feels good, it is good. If you are feeling anger, sadness, pain, worry, lack and so on then it will feel bad. If it feels bad then it is bad.




At some point in time, you will need to graduate and be able to discern your emotions even more. You will need to be able to understand which emotions are loving and unloving. Superiority over other people will often feel good. Just by looking at our forms of entertainment, we can easily tell that people feel good when the bad guys gets beaten up or destroyed. It is the same in real life. People will feel good if they beat up people they hate. In order to have superiority over others, conflict is needed.

If you are in a state of love or experiencing loving emotions, feeling superiority will feel bad. If you are feeling joy, happiness, secure, safe, taken cared of and etc. then feeling superiority over others will feel bad. It is because you are in a state where you feel safe and going from a safe state to a state of full of conflict to experience superiority will take you down. It will make you feel lower emotions. The only way that superiority will feel good is if you are feeling emotions that are lower such as worry.

Worried about your love life, worried about money, worried about your car and so on. It is the emotion that the majority of people are in. So people who are worrying will often feel good when they feel superior. At some point in time, you will have to be able to differentiate between feeling good because of superiority and feeling good because of love.


When You Feel Bad

For this, we will use God. You don’t have to. You can fit this concept according to your beliefs as well as long as you get the idea. It is just easier to explain this with a being called God.

When you feel bad, you are not in the right path. You are not feeling love. So this is how we can put God into the equation. If you feel bad, then you are not feeling God’s love. You took yourself away from God’s love. It is not that God took his love away from you, you made a decision to not feel God’s love.

If you feel love or loving emotions, then you will feel that God loves you. If you are feeling lower vibrating emotions or negative emotions then you will not feel God’s love.

So you need to ask yourself this. If God loves me then whatever I am thinking or feeling is not true. So if it is not true, you need to examine it. So you can often just ask yourself, if God loves me, then why do I feel this way?

So let’s say you are mad at a person. Anger is a low, negative and unloving emotion. You are not in the right path. You are looking at the situation in a wrong way. So you need to ask yourself, if God loves me, then why do I feel bad? This other person cannot take anything away from you that God cannot give back. So if you are feeling bad, you need to ask yourself this question. This question will often give you a way to look at your thoughts and emotions in a different way. So once you look at your negative emotions, if you dive deep enough, you can get a good answer that will turn the emotion into a loving one.

Again, if you feel bad, you will have to look at your thoughts and emotions again. It is because if God loves you, these thoughts and emotions are not true.



Triggers are situations that happen that take you away from a loving emotion into a lower one. So let’s say you feel good, having a good time, and then you saw this person that you hated. You suddenly felt anger, hatred and you are no longer feeling joy or happiness. This is called a trigger. There can be many types of triggers. They often lead to anger.

A common trigger is stupidity. If people call you ‘stupid’ then you will get triggered and get mad at the other person. But if you think about it, not everyone will have this kind of reaction. Let’s say you are a scientist, graduated from a prestigious school, and invented something amazing. If people call you stupid, you most likely won’t get mad because you know that you are smart. It won’t be a trigger.

So this is how you know that your thought process is not true. It is because not everyone is going to get mad. People that do not have becoming stupid as an insecurity will not get mad. Only people that are insecure about their IQ or brain power would get mad.

If you are low or feeling a negative emotion, your thoughts are not true or real. Therefore, you will need to take a look at them again or reevaluate them again. Ask yourself the question that if God loves me unconditionally then why do I get mad? Anytime you are feeling bad, you are off track or not on the right path. So you need to take a look at your thoughts and emotions again.



Probably the most painful experience or experiences you will have on this Earthly plane are your attachments. You are going to get attached to certain objects, situations and even people. Everything in this world is temporary as such, you will lose them all at some point and it will cause you a lot of pain. The most common attachments are the ones I talked about in the path of materialism.

People often think that losing a lover is the most painful but a lot of people commit suicide when they lose their house. The house is one of the most common things that people get attached to. If a person is on a verge of losing their house, it can cause tremendous amounts of pain. Once despair sets in, it can lead to suicide.

Again, you have to look at your thoughts. Your thoughts are not true. They are not real. They have no power unless you give your thoughts power. If you feel a negative or unloving emotion then you are off track. You are not on the right path. You have to analyze your thoughts and look at them from a different point of view. So look at them in a point of view where God loves you.

When your attachments like your car or houses or lover disappears, your life situation is just going to change. Your life situation is temporary. Anything can happen. It can change next decade, next year, next month, tomorrow, today or even right now. You can be dead tomorrow. Life situation changing is something you have make peace with. Every life situation has ups and downs.


The Object That You Thought

The object that you thought will always make you happy is now making you miserable. It is such irony. The one thing that you thought would complete you is causing you the greatest amount of suffering. This could be a lover, a house, a car and so on.

It is like the God is saying, “I gave you everything and power to create your own emotions, and you think this one little thing is going to make you happy? You are going to sacrifice everything I gave you for this one little thing. Let me show you how this one little thing can make your life so miserable.”

If you have enough awareness inside of you, you will see that this one little thing that you are trying to get or keep that you think will make you completely happy is actually making your life miserable or feel lots of negative emotions.


What Is So Bad?

What is so bad about being single? What is so bad about being in an apartment instead of a house? What is so bad about all these things? You may lose a car, a house, a lover but keep in mind that they are all temporary. At some point in time, you will lose them. Nothing in this world lasts forever.