
Youthing Through Enlightenment Or Mysticism Part 2


The common misconception is that you can relieve yourself of worry by accumulating objects. It is the way the ego tries to find certainty or alleviate worry which is through object accumulation. If I get a car, I’ll be more complete then I will get a house, then a girl and all my worries will disappear once I have all the money I need.

This is not true because your worry just shifts from one thing to another. Let’s say you got your car, then you worry about getting a house. You got a car and a house then you worry about getting a lover or getting a divorce. Let’s say you accumulate a lot of objects and got really old, the next thing you are worried about is your health. You will be worried about the money that you will give to your children or grand children. Worry never ends because you have trained your mind to worry. It never stops, it shifts from worrying about one thing to another.

Life could be summed up that way. Life is just one freaking thing after another. one problem after another. At some point, you will have to make peace with all the things that you worry about. Everything in this world is temporary as such you will lose all of the objects you accumulated or want to accumulate. So if you feel bad, you are not in the right path. You have to stop, and think about it. Take a look at your thoughts and where your thoughts are leading you. If it feels bad, it is not true. You have to transform these unloving thoughts into loving thoughts or you will worry forever.


Find Death Before Death Finds You

You will have to make peace with death as well. I cannot really talk about this in depth because I was never afraid of dying. I mean, I’m not as afraid of it compared to a normal person. The fear of dying can send your thoughts into a very downward spiral.

Again, if God loves you then death is not real. You fear that you will not be able to see your loved ones again. This fear is not real because it feels bad. So if God loves you then you will see your loved ones again. Fear that your loved ones may not be taken cared of if you are gone. This fear is not real because it feels bad. If God loves you then you are not in the right state of mind if you feel bad. So you will have to take a look at your thoughts and emotions again.

Most people will have their own beliefs of the afterlife. So you will have to come up with your own conclusions. In my findings or in my theory, death is not real. You will just move from one state to another since consciousness cannot die. It will feel like blinking. One moment you are human, then next you are spirit.

Sooner or later you are going to die, your parents are going to die, your grandparents are going to die, your children are going to die and so on. You cannot save them from death. In depends on your beliefs but you have to trust your children are going to be okay, loved ones are going to be okay and so on. So you have to make peace with death.

The secret is to find death before it finds you. You can also say that you have to die before you die and then you will realize that there is no death.


Danger Is Real, Fear Is Only An Illusion

Danger is real but fear is only an illusion. Will Smith got this correct. You can jump off a plane without a parachute and you will die. Danger is real. Things can hurt your body. But fear only exists in your mind. Even if you die, you will be saved. Again, ask what would God do if he loves you unconditionally? Of course, he will save your soul. Your body may die, but your soul lives on. This is just a way to look at this. You can look at this at anyway you want. Depends on your belief system.

Nothing in this world is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.


How To Know You Are Always In A State Of Low Emotions

The mind cannot handle being in a very low state all the time. The mind cannot handle worry. The mind suffers. In order to get out of worry, the mind and body seeks superiority. In order to assert your superiority over someone then you will need to be in conflict. The most common is moral superiority. You think you are more morally right than the other person. So the other deserves to be attacked, insulted or even killed.


The craving for conflict is one of the certain signs that people are not happy with their lives. They are always worried, depress, feeling down and so on. In order for them to get higher or feel good, they will need to be in conflict. Happy people avoid conflict all the time. It is because conflict is very low. You are in a state of fight or flight all the time just to feel a little bit superior towards another person.

You always blame the outside world for your unhappiness. So you will end up being very controlling. The thoughts, “this person should have done this, this person should have done that” will often come up.

The outside world is actually just a reflection of your inner world. So how angry you are of the outside world is how angry you are of your world within. If your inner world is miserable, unsafe, lots of worry and so on, it will be what you see in the outside world.

Distractions Or Entertainment

The more fearful, stressed and unhappy you are, the more you will seek distractions and entertainment. The mind cannot handle fearful thoughts all the time. In order to make this subside, you are programmed to seek safety from your thoughts through entertainment. Entertainment will distract you for a few minutes or hours so that you don’t have to deal with your thoughts. Entertainment can be food also. It can also be exercise. It can be weed, alcohol, drugs and so on. The common theme is that you don’t want to deal with your thoughts so you seek pleasure from outside sources.

In order to deal with your thoughts, you need to analyze them. This is the principle of this anti-aging, spiritual, loving or enlightenment practice which is to look deep within for a solution. Look at your thoughts that make you feel bad and realize that they are not true.


How To Know If You Are Doing Well

You Feel Good

If you are doing well, you will feel good. You will feel happy all the time. As you progress in your loving practices, you will notice that the outside world will have very little thing to do with your happiness. Your happiness comes from within which makes it very sustainable.

People Will Be Drawn To You Unexplainably

People are going to be drawn to you and they will not be able to explain it. They are going to be like insects and you are like a light bulb. They will instinctively drawn in. They will miss you, miss your presence when you are gone and etc. This will make you stand out. No matter how much you try to blend in the shadows, be normal, and so on, it will not work. People will just notice you. Like a light bulb.

Less Thoughts / More Satisfying Life

As you improve in your loving practice, you will have less thoughts. This will lead to a more satisfying life because you will always end up in the present moment. For example, when you are eating food, you will end up savoring the food. You will end up enjoying it more instead of your mind randomly creating thoughts of worry or things you need to do in the future. You will end up in the present moment and enjoying the moment more.

The less random thoughts you have, the better. If we can measure how enlightened a person is or how peaceful a person is, it will be based on how long he can empty his mind. If your mind is empty and doesn’t have random thoughts every second or minute, you are doing well.


Expressing Your Emotions?

This loving practice is not telling you to bottle up your feelings or to not express your emotions. It does not say that at all. It asks that you take a look at your emotions especially the negative ones whenever you feel them. It just asks you to take a look at your thoughts when you are feeling bad.


The Last Thing

Once you have a nice control over your mind, the last thing that you will need to look at will be your beliefs on time. Time is a creation of human kind. At some point, the human race decided to have 12 months for 1 year, 24 hours for a day, 60 minutes to an hour, 60 seconds to a minute and so on. The calendar the humanity uses wasn’t always like this. It just improved as time goes by. This means we created the concept of time.

Time is not real. There is only the present moment. Time is just an illusion. While time has practical uses like waking up early to go to your job and so on, there is really only the present moment. Science is heading towards this conclusion also that time is not real.

This is the one thing that is going to be very hard to believe though. Everything that you see is affected by time. Your pet ages faster than you are, the tree loses its leaves in the Fall and gets them back again in the Spring, it takes you 30 minutes to go to work, your birthday is coming up, and so on. Every instance that your mind believes in time, it believes in the body aging and dying as time goes by.