Hiking Trails

Apshawa Preserve Hike

apshawa preserve

Apshawa Preserve offers amazing trails and this is a great hike that is not that difficult. This is good for beginners because the hike is mostly flat and people can definitely skip the green trail if they are already tired. This hike offers amazing lake views, dams, ruins and more. I did this hike a couple of times in the mosquito or insect season, to my surprise, there weren’t any. I was mosquito free and I was able to enjoy the hike and nature very well.

Apshawa Preserve Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy To Moderate
Distance: 5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 700 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: No

Trail Breakdown
Blue Trail To White Trail – 0.3 miles
White Trail – 0.3 miles
Red Trail – 1.6 miles
Green Trail – 1.7 miles
Blue Trail To Parking – 1 mile

Link: https://www.mapmyhike.com/workout/2180766758


Note: The information is just an approximation.


41.025240, -74.373961


Start Of The Hike

start of the hike

The gate of Apshawa Preserve looked like prison bars meant to imprison a demon, or a dragon that had been locked up for ages. It was a unique sight as I have never seen a very fenced and secured park before. Still, I longed for something new, some sort of adventure, and explore lands I have not seen in a while. The gate made an eerie screeching sound as I opened it, it was as if it was warning me not to enter the land. I stepped inside and before I could turn around, the gate closed itself like one of those things that happen in horror movies. I hesitated for a bit as the dirt footpath seemed to lead deep into the shadows of the forest but I summoned my courage and walked on.


Blue Trail

blue trail

The beautiful blue sky etched across the sky from a distance, and little patches of sunlight appeared on the ground. The weather was turning for the better, and I hoped it would continue that way for a while. The tall scrawny trees towered above me with their crowns full of green leaves as tiny grasses, weeds and wild plant life were sprouting on the ground. It was a beautiful flat footpath surrounded by a beautiful green landscape, a normal and common sight for most hikers like me.


White Trail

white trail

The bright sun illuminated the landscape, its rays was almost blinding to my eyes that was so used to the dull and dark lit forest. I could hear a few birds chirping in the background but could not tell where they were. They must have been very happy with the sun shining so brightly as well. The white trail was mostly flat with a few forks and turns that were easy to spot. It was a rather easy and very quick trail.


White Trail View

white trail view

The view at the white trail was blocked by a few tall green trees and bushes but you could still see a hill in the distance overflowing with green trees and leaves. The once white sky filled with clouds turned into a deep blue color practically devoid of any cloud. I stayed for a few seconds to look for an opening but there wasn’t any. The view was rather disheartening as I chose to just skip it and go on my way.


Missed Door

missed door

Lost and confused, I daydreamed my way to a part of the park without any white marker. If I had followed the correct path, I would have seen a door by now that would lead me to the red markers. I could see a red marker up ahead but a big metallic fence blocked my way. It was tall and looked dangerous if I made an attempt to climb it so I moved to the left, following and sticking close to the fence while trying my best not to kill any plants or harm myself in the process.



main bridge intersection

A strong metallic bridge could be seen with a few gated doors that lead to the blue and green trail markers out of which various streams of water go under the bridge. The bridge felt strong and solid as it barely shook when I crossed it. I stood and rested at the bridge, just appreciating the scenery that I found myself into. The forest seemed bright and happy, the water seemed clean and devoid of insects, and the birds chirping in the background gave a peaceful feeling in the atmosphere as if the landscape was welcoming me to stay and relax just for a few minutes.




The day had been very bright and very blue that explore the park with all its intricacies, discover new paths and places I had not seen, with the beautiful sun shining down on the landscape, was very delightful to my soul. To my right was a man-made structure that sent a deep sense of curiosity into my body as streams of water flew down a black concrete wall with various green plant life growing at the side of it.


Dam View

Apshawa Preserve dam lookout

Clear and beautiful, the large body of water sparkled underneath the deep blue sky, sending pleasure to my eyes and a sense of amazement at how nature and human beings can work well together. The sun showered its light upon the beautiful landscape of green grasses, tiny shrubs, wild flowers, and the clear water in the dam, whose features were alluring from every corner that I could see. I sat at the concrete dam as a few gusts of wind passed me by. The winds felt good and comfortable that my eye lids started to drop, tempting my body to go to sleep.


Red Trail

red trail

The red trail was a dirt footpath with different kinds of trees and plant life growing along side it, as glimpses of the lake or dam could be seen to my right. There was a sense of gratitude walking alone in the woods without worrying about the safety of any group members. I could take my time, walk slowly, watch the wild plants around me change the depth of their green color as the light and shadow touches them.


Red Trail Dam View

red trail dam view

There was a big patch of flat stone to my right as if the water covered it once perhaps during a high tide with white crystalline like spots scattered everywhere and plants thriving in the cracks of the flat surface. Looking towards the expansive blue sky, there across me lay tiny islands filled with green bushes and shrubs, with the wind creating ripples in the water distorting and blurring the once perfect mirror like reflection of the sky.


Apshawa Preserve Lake View

apshawa preserve lake view

Further up the trail was an opening with various rock formations that looked quite comfortable to sit upon. I took out my lunch, sat comfortably at the biggest stone, and watched the clouds move across the infinite blue sky. The clouds moved ever so beautifully, slowly inching towards their final destination while some gradually got thinner and thinner until they finally dissolved into nothingness. I took a big bite out of my cream cheese bagel, savoring the taste while enjoying myself at the beautiful view in front of me.


Apshawa Preserve Lake View

apshawa preserve lake

The lake reflecting the clouds and blue sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on. The enchanting breath of the wind ran across the water, nourishing my body and creating ripples along the surface of the water that blurred the image of the sky. The calm lake flowed so beautifully while the trees and shrubs swayed back and forth to the rhythm of the wind. Looking at this beautiful scenery, a sense of calm darted through me, a pure serene feeling of peace overflowed through out my body as if time did not exists and as if I have stayed in that lake for an eternity.


Apshawa Preserve Sunked Boat

sunked boat

Further up ahead of the red trail was another opening, and a peculiar object that seemed to be a boat of some kind was protruding on the water’s surface. This will be the fate of some of us, I thought to myself. At one point in our life, we will be a strong and sturdy boat cruising above the water but as time passes by, age would creep in, dismantling the body and paint little by little until we could no longer go on. We would sink and forever abandoned without remorse and without love, just like the boat that was in front of me.


Red Trail Top

red trail top

Dead lifeless trees that were cut into pieces rests on the ground with a big dead tree hanging horizontally over the footpath. The lifeless trees were barren of all leaves and they felt dry, coarse, and rough the moment I touched them. I climbed up the horizontal tree that seemed to have fallen, and I tried to cross it slowly and surely. Like a monkey, I played around with the tree, hanging on it, walking on top of it, and jumping all over it.


Apshawa Preserve Wrong Path – Yellow Trail

wrong way

I went straight and missed the intersection. I noticed that the water was rather murky and slimy on the yellow trail with lots of round floating plant life.


Red And Yellow Intersection


A narrow footpath made out of rocks, dirt, branches and soil was in between two bodies of water. I stayed in the middle to take a picture of the trees, water and plant life before I headed south of the trail. The lake that reflected the clouds and the blue sky, glowed underneath the afternoon light. The clouds move slowly up above the sky, the trees and grass sway solemnly with the gentle passing of the wind, and the soft light coming from the sun, rendered the scenery beautifully as my eyes sparkled in joy at how charming nature could be.


Red Trail Going Back

red trail south

The narrow red trail took us into a forest with glimpses of the lake at the right out of which huge roots from trees worming their way out of the soil with small boulders scattered throughout the footpath. There was peace and calm in the landscape as the mild winds would caress my weary body from time to time, and the pleasant sun light would illuminate the trees creating a rich vibrant glow as the light touches their leaves.


Intersection Bridge


I came back at the intersection with a metal bridge where most of the trails meet. My ears could still hear the sounds of various birds chirping way above me as if they were playing tag or hide and seek. The sound of the gushing water overpowered the sound of the birds as I got nearer the bridge. The water was moving faster than before, flowing heavily from the dam to underside of the bridge. I opened the door to the green trail and went on my way.


Green Trail

green trail

There lay, stretched out before my view, a vast expanse of thinly shaped trees densely packed together to form a forest with the footpath covered with brown dead leaves as if hardly anyone or any hiker had been on this part of the trail. The light of the sun became dim and dull as more and more green leaves dispersed at the top, almost blanketing the whole area and preventing the light of the sun from hitting the ground.


Apshawa Preserve Waterfall Top

Apshawa Preserve dam lookout

The footpath suddenly turned into a downward descent and at the end of that descent was another dam. I walked on top of the concrete dam, trying my best not to slip or fall down. If I fall to the left, I will end up with broken bones at the bottom of the dam, and if I fall to the right, I may end up up drowning myself. Luckily, the side of the dam was made out of concrete that was not slippery and the traction in my boots allowed me to traversed it well.


Apshawa Preserve dam lookout

Clear and cold, the water from the dam reflected the green forest surrounding it, and at the tip of the side of the dam was a big log or a dead tree that drifted all the way near me. The scent of the refreshing wind that came passing by was a good a sign that it was time for a break as I let my legs dangle on the side of the dam and relaxed for a bit.


Apshawa Preserve dam waterfall

The white water cascaded all the way down to the sharp and slippery rocks at the bottom. The water’s force could be felt even from where I was sitting as I could hear a thousand droplets of water splashing themselves against the stone ground. The roar was deafening and I could no longer hear the birds nor any insects around me, just the mighty roar of the waterfall impinging upon the stone ground at the bottom. I rested for a few minutes while being in awe at the force that the water was making.


Apshawa Preserve Waterfall Bottom

Apshawa Preserve waterfall

I walked ever so carefully in the direction of the waterfall as the rocks were very slippery with various plants, dead branches, and other debris in my way. A white mist enveloped the bottom of the waterfall, its reach could be felt by my body as my clothes and skin became wet in mere seconds. I tried to stay for a minute or so but I just couldn’t as my pants became very wet that it looked like I peed on them. I dropped down and walked back on all fours, trying my best not to slip and fall as everything around me looked moist and slippery.


Apshawa Preserve Ruins

Apshawa Preserve ruins

After the dam were these ruins, a few broken stoned houses with window openings and nothing inside but debris, junk and dead branches. In the distance were gigantic hollow barrels made out of metal as I dared not to approach them as they looked full of rust. They were big about 20 feet in height or more, and 3-4 times wider than the small houses. I left them alone as I did not want to get injured. Even now, I still have no idea what these ruins were for or what they used to be.


Green Trail View Point

green trail lookout

The narrow footpath turned into a steep ascent, going upwards toward a hill. I could feel fatigue slowly creeping in as my breath was becoming heavier, and my steps becoming more and more sluggish. I did not expect an upward ascent on this trail, if I did, I would have rested more. At the top was nothing, well maybe a view that was blocked by trees. There was nothing interesting at the top but I was tired. I dropped my backpack, lay my head on top of it and rested for a few minutes while enjoying the soft cool wind coming from the cliff before deciding to head down towards the end of the green trail.


End Of The Green Trail

green trail door

Muddy and murky, the descent was filled with water that seeped deep into the soil with dead leaves, palm sized stones and broken branches mixing in. It was an arduous trail that took a lot of my energy as I tried to balance myself and keep myself dry at the same time. I tried walking at the side to keep my feet dry and prevent water from getting into my socks but each step that I took made my boots sink deep into the earth with mud getting stuck at the sides the moment I lifted them up.

Each step had to be carefully made which took a lot of my energy and time and as I saw the door at the end, my heart sang in happiness as I knew the trail was finally over. I opened the door, went to the right, and headed for the blue trail.


Blue Trail

blue trail

At one part of the blue trail was a big flat surface made out of stone with a cairn in the middle. I was looking so closely at the cairn that one of the branches that was hanging very low almost hit my face. Luckily it didn’t. I was still in a good mood as the hike had been lovely and very interesting and it was time to go home. The sun illuminated my path as if it had fallen in love with me and wanted to take me safely to my car.


End Of The Hike

end of the hike

I approached the metallic door and I could see my car in the distance. I opened the metallic door, went through it and closed it in one swift motion then I went towards my car. The hike was over but the adventure never ends. There was no dragon nor beast trapped inside the park. It was a beautiful area with lots of beautiful scenery and would gladly come here again but there are so many beautiful places to visit that I have never been to that I may never see this place again. I said goodbye to the Apshawa Preserve while hoping that it would stay beautiful even after many years have passed. Hoping one day, I will be able to visit this place again.




For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best Hikes For New York City Or Best Hikes For New Jersey.


8 Replies to “Apshawa Preserve Hike

  1. The dams were very cool and nice to look at. Good hike that is not that strenuous and not that challenging.

  2. Easy hike, not a lot of views but lots of interesting things to see. I would come here again.

  3. Lots of dams and not a lot of viewpoints. Close to where I live and I come here often. Good hike.

  4. Did the whole thing and enjoyed it. It is a little bit confusing but we made it!

  5. There were lots of bodies of water. It is a pretty good hike. Nothing too spectacular or awesome. More like a walk in the park.

  6. There weren’t a lot of ascents and there were lots of dams and streams. Little rivers and a lake. Those were the highlights and some ruins. I had fun. May come again next year.

  7. We did all of the trails. Elevation gain is low and don’t expect a view from a mountain ledge. Good hike.

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