Hiking Trails

Breakneck Ridge Loop Hike

breakneck ridge

Breakneck ridge is definitely one of the most popular hikes that I know of. The parking spot is often full of cars during the weekends and there will be like hundreds of people walking to the trail head from the train. This hike has a lot of amazing views but people come here for the rock scramble. The steep trails provide a great workout and allow people to use all four of their limbs to get up the trail. You can use the breakneck bypass to cut the trail short if you no longer have any stamina.

Breakneck Ridge To Sugarloaf Mountain Loop Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1, Trail Map 2
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Strenuous
Distance: 8 or 3.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 2,000 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: Yes

Trail Breakdown
White Trail – 2 miles
Blue White Trail – 2 miles
Yellow Trail – 4 miles


Note: The information is just an approximation. You can take the Breakneck Bypass to cut the hike into 3.5 miles. Used multiple pictures from different days to tell the story.

41.445714, -73.979258


Start Of The Hike

parking lot

Before I even realized it, my mind had wandered and traveled to a far off place in time when I first started hiking. Before Breakneck Ridge was very popular, a sign that said, “I love you to the moon and back” was at the parking lot. Perhaps this came from a guy; a declaration of love from a hopeless romantic to a girl that he loves. I much prefer the old saying, “I love you to the sun and down again and around the stars and back again“, but still the message was loud and clear. It was a message of endless, vastness, and infinite love of someone to another. I think this is the same way a lot of hikers feel about Breakneck Ridge; a strong love for the mountain, hiking, nature and being in the outdoors.


White Trail

white trail start

The unforgiving trail continued ever upwards right at the start. There was no time to condition my legs nor my body to let them adapt. I was either fit or I was not, either way, the trail will decide it for me. My body continued walking upwards, amidst the barren trees that seemed to be devoid of life, big loose rocks that could tumble down, lifeless dead trees that seemed to have fallen due to a storm, and old metal broken pipes that had rust and graffiti on it. Despite how grim the trail looked, there was excitement in the way my boots hit the dark soil as if there was treasure waiting for me on the top of the mountain.


White Trail Ascent

ascending the white trail

If I could describe this hiking trail in one word, it would be ‘rocks’. Big rocks, small rocks, medium rocks, steep rocks, protruding rocks, sharp rocks, all found their way into this mountain. There was this indescribably feeling of satisfaction navigating through these rocks, a feeling I could only get in this hiking trail. I grabbed the hard stones on the trail, my fingers gripped through the coarse, rough, and cold surface, and as each minute turns, my fingers were hurting more and more from the cold. Still, there was some sort of exhilaration coursing through my body, maybe adrenaline pumping through my veins and arteries keeping everything warm. As each minute turns, my mind seemed to be filled with joy and there was a lack of worry and fear, the more I was there.



white trail rocks

The strong bald trees, the unyielding rocks, the scent of fresh air, all willed their way into my body, and I could no longer suppress the feeling of excitement brewing inside of me. Nature had seeped its way into my blood, and there was nothing more that I want than to navigate through the trail. I moved from one big rock to the next, from one white marker to another, inching along till I get to the top. The sedentary guy from the city named Ryan is no longer here. I only see “Ryan, the conqueror of mountains” 🙂


Taking The Harder Path

unmarked dangerous trail

*People can take the harder path to the flags. This is basically an improvisation from a lot of hikers. If you do rock climbing at a gym, have lots of traction on your boots, and a pro at climbing then you can do this. If you look at the first white trail picture, if you take the right path, it will lead you to very very steep parts of the mountain which is somewhat risky. You can see that one guy is going there in my first white trail picture. There will be signs that tell you that this is the wrong way. No markers nor trails here, just lots of improvisations. Whenever me and my friends do this, we would take an extra 30-60 minutes more to get to the flags compared to just doing the normal white trail.


Breakneck Ridge Flags

breakneck ridge flags

There is a kind of exhaustion where you just want to sleep and shut the world away, then there is that kind of exhaustion where you feel invigorated, accomplished and enthusiastic about life and want so much more of it. I felt the latter. I dropped my heavy backpack hard on the ground, not caring about its contents and moved my body to the edge of the cliff. The cool fresh wind pinked my cheeks, rejuvenated my body, and the view took my breath away. There was a hint of belonging, and a touch of familiarity looking at the valley, and that unexpected warmth rushed through me, giving me a feeling of home.


White Trail

breakneck white trail

I was still glued to the view that I did not notice that my group members left without me and were already very far ahead.

“How dare they do this to me? Don’t they know who I am? I am Ryan, the conqueror of mountains. The ground shakes at my foot steps, the wind sings my name across the continent, the plants whisper my deeds far and wide, and hawks revel at my name.”

All joking aside, I was really tired, I should have exercised more. Physically I was drained, emotionally, I was in the clouds.


White Trail Rock Scramble

white trail rock scramble

I chose a path that seemed the easiest, a straight rock scramble up the mountain, in order to catch up. The bright morning sun lit up the way, showing me where to grab, where to put my foot, and how to steer through the big stones blocking my way. I felt the cool breeze come my way, slightly pushing my back, cooling the sweat on my head, and urging me to go on. I picked up the pace a little, like a mouse moving through a maze eagerly searching for food, I maneuvered through the rocks like a skilled master, my hands found their way easily, as my legs kept my body stable and secure. I guess if you love nature, nature will love you back.


White Trail Ascending Rock Scramble

white trail rock climb

All I could see were rocks that towered above me, teasing and enticing me to climb them. I could be at home watching TV or playing video games in a computer, yet I find myself here, moving further and further up a mountain. I took my time slowly, cautiously planning to where I place my foot, making sure I am safe and secure. This is no time for pride, nor for boasting, safety is a priority. I could hear myself breathing heavily, my body getting more and more tired, my fingers roughed up from the continuous ascent that I have put myself through. Every muscle in my body was engaged and working hard to get me up there.


White Trail Bouldering

white trail bouldering

The higher I ascend, the greater the feeling of satisfaction that moved through out my body. One outcrop at a time, one foot at a time, one motion at a time and one breath at a time. As I stride myself further upwards as my breathing became heavier and heavier. I could smell the cold wind of the mountain, carrying the scent of the earth and dirt with it. The noise of various people laughing and conversing made me realized I was closed to the next outlook. I raised my left hand to grip a big rock, it felt anchored and strong. A big immovable object I could latch myself onto and before I knew it, I was at the next view point.


Breakneck Ridge Lookout

breakneck ridge lookout

For a moment I was silent, perhaps my body was exhausted, or perhaps I was in awe at how far I have come up the mountain. I could see the flags from this vantage point and the people that were taking selfies there. The people looked so tiny and small that I could not believe I was just there a few minutes ago. I never understood why people climb mountains, dive to the bottom of the ocean, or skydive out of a plane until I started hiking. There was this freedom and exhilaration that came with those activities. Freedom to allow my soul to explore, reach unimaginable heights, experience new sensations, and make good friends along the way.


White Trail Rock Ascent

white trail ascending

The white trail kept getting harder and harder, the slope was becoming steeper and there was no other way than to go up. I looked at my fellow hikers and the signs of fatigue were apparent on their bodies. Some were exhausted already and we were not even at the top yet. They have come so far to think about going back, nothing will stop them from moving on. I could feel some of them just dragging their bodies but their will power was still very high and they were willing to keep going.


Optional Harder Trail

Red Trail Sign

red trail steep

*The red trail is at the right of the white trail. They are practically side by side. There is this sign that says “To Death” on the red trail. This red trail is not in the map so maybe other hikers have made it.


Red Trail Ascent

ascending the steep red trail

I hesitated for a moment, not sure where to put my footing, as my right foot slipped just a few moments ago. I could have been down there, at the bottom with broken bones, my body wringing in pain, and that is the best case scenario, worst case, I would have just died. There is a risk at hiking in the outdoors but I never thought it would happen to me. My left foot was stable but I have no idea how long that will last. I knew I needed to move, just had to be careful about it.


Red Trail Ascent Top View

top view of rock climbing

A drop of sweat ran down my cheek and dripped off at the bottom of my chin. The sweat dropped near my right hand, and made a tiny spot in the steep slope darker. My eyes shifted downward and saw the ground about 15 feet below me. I was hugging a wall of rocks as if my life depended on it. A few people have died in Breakneck Ridge after all. I went to a steep part of the trail and perhaps it was not the wisest thing I could have done.

I tried to keep my cool as one wrong step could mean severe injuries to my bones and legs. I breathed through wave after wave of panic and fear. “So this is one of those life or death situations I only read about”, I thought to myself. I looked up and saw that a small outcrop that my right hand could grip. I grabbed it and lifted my right foot to a higher spot and in one big motion, I was free and at the top.


Breakneck Ridge Looking At Storm King Mountain

Breakneck Ridge Looking At Storm King Mountain

I sat on the ledge of a view point, next to various hideous graffiti, with the wind flipping my bangs across my face. I allowed my eyes to wander along the beautiful blue sky, the fleeting fluffy clouds, across the Hudson river, looking straight at Storm King mountain across us, and the multitude of bare trees below us. “This is only the start”, I thought to myself. I imagined hiking various trails across the USA, climbing steep mountain slopes, taking pictures of wild and untamed landscapes, and sharing the fun and adventure with people who love photography and hiking with me. Hopefully, these visions will come true someday.


White Trail

white trail going up

The white trail looked flat but we all knew that it will not last long as we could see the top of Breakneck Ridge from here. There was laughter in the air as our spirits were high. The last view point gave us enough rest and relaxation that our bodies felt good and strong. We were ready for the next challenges and excited for more steep slopes to conquer.


White Trail Options

*Whenever I see this rock, I know that I have two options. If I go straight after this rock, it will be a harder and steeper trail. If I go to the right after the rock, it will be somewhat easier. I usually take the right.


*This is what the straight path looks like.


White Trail Cliff Edge – Right

breakneck ridge cliff views

Walking along this trail was like walking along a subway platform in NYC. But in here, no one dared to walk side by side. One person in front of another, steady and quietly without any goofing around. The trail was easy, pretty safe, and would only lasts a couple of seconds but there was something uneasy walking along a cliff side like this as if the grim reaper was waiting somewhere down there, hoping for foolish travelers to come flying by.


Ascending The Cliff Path

breakneck ridge cliff path view

I dropped down on all fours, looking like a drunk man puking his guts out on a sidewalk pavement, which was a better option than spilling my guts out on the side of the mountain. I paused for a brief moment, trying to get some traction between my boots and the ground. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with that crisp air that you can only get outside of the city, then moved carefully towards the top. This part of the trail wasn’t that steep but there were some tricky parts to it as well.


Fourth View

breakneck ridge viewpoint

From this place, I could see the river glistening to the warm and tender rays of the morning sun. In here, the wind was gentle, barely even noticeable, but I felt it on my skin, cooling my body and taking all the sweat away. This was the perfect place to have lunch so we opened our backpacks took out our sandwiches, fruits, rice and variety of snacks that will replenish our bodies of the energy that we lost.

For a moment I yearned for something, just an idea to become an amazing hiker. To have legs of steel; strong and reliable that allows me to run faster than a cheetah, arm muscles for climbing, a strong indestructible back, graceful footwork for balance and agility, and be able to withstand the cold like that Russian guy, Wim Hof, who hikes in his underwear during the winter. Maybe I will do it one step at a time, take my time, be more patient, spend a lot hiking or in the gym training my body, plan my nutrition well and maybe one day I will be an amazing hiker; a guy that people can rely on and look up to.


Top Of Breakneck And Rock Climbing

*So after ascending the white trail, I ended up at the top. At the top of breakneck, I saw a few more viewpoints. However, once people get here, they are no longer interested in those view points. I see lots of people do the rocks in here though. So here are the two rocks that people can do. These rocks are tough though especially the first rock. For the first rock, people can do it in two ways. You can do the middle climb which is harder especially if the person is short. The middle is the one that I did or you can climb this on the outside which is easier. The bottom one is not that hard but people also try to climb the right side of it which is just a steep slippery rock. I never took any climbing lessons so I most likely did these rocks in the most inelegant, ungraceful and amateurish way.



White Trail To Blue/White

It was a trail of continuous ascents and descents, with a sea of brown leaves covering the land, out of which skeletal trees towered above us, and only the deafening silence could be heard. I set my footing carefully as the dried up leaves made the descent more slippery. I placed my hiking sticks firmly pointed on the ground, another precaution in case I end up falling. I took a deep breath and exhaled a puff of white smoke. The bare trees blocked out the wind on this part of the mountain yet there was a chill that clung to the air, sucking out the warmth in our bodies, urging us to keep moving.


Shortcut To 9D – Breakneck Bypass

breakneck bypass

*I can take this trail to get back to the parking lot. This is a good short cut which cuts the hike into 3.5 miles. Someone obviously did this graffiti. I don’t think I saw this sign when I first hiked this mountain a couple of years ago.


Longer Trail – 8 Miles

White And Blue Trail

The blue and white trail was similar to the white trail we had before. The repeated ups and downs, dead leaves, and slippery slopes were very common on the first half of the trail. Yet the trail flattens out at the second half, giving our bodies reprieve and allowed us to conserve our energies. I could hear my group members talking again, laughing, sharing stories of who they are, where they work, and what they do for a living. The typical safe questions and answers people usually play out when meeting strangers, or new friends, or even on a date.


Yellow Trail

When I arrived at the yellow markers, I stopped and lifted my head up, as I moved myself to the left then to the right, then back again. My eyes shifted in all directions, my head turning back and forth. These stupid yellow markers were making my head spin in confusion. The yellow trail was not marked very well at the start, but still, I managed to point us in the correct direction. The trail was pretty even, with an abundance of leafless trees as far as the eye could see.


Sugarloaf Mountain

sugarloaf mountain

We marched along at a somewhat steep incline to reach Sugarloaf Mountain. I could hear the sound of heavy breathing from my group members, as they dragged their bodies upwards trying to reach the summit. There was exhaustion that emanated from their bodies yet their smiles would say otherwise. The pointy and cold surface of Sugarloaf Mountain looked like a giant comfortable bed, or a luxury chair we could all sit upon. We stopped at the mountain to take a well deserved rest, freeing ourselves from the burden of moving, allowing ourselves to relax and enjoy each other’s company.


Sugarloaf Mountain Tree

Sugarloaf Mountain Tree

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto a big ledge overlooking the great murky river, at the center of it all, a lifeless dead tree could be seen. I placed my hands gently on the smooth bark of the tree, pushed it a little to see if it was stable enough. My hands hovered over the horizontal cuts along the bark, they were deep and looked man made. This tree was not here by accident, it was created by someone, different parts from different trees nailed or glued together, and the final product is what appears to to be some sort of a tree from a Frankenstein horror story.

I climbed through what appears to be steps on the back of the tree, and sat at the top. In here, I have a clear vision of the valley, river, and sky, a panorama of nature’s beauty all laid out in front of me. My skin felt the cool breeze wrapped around my tired body, giving me strength, giving me peace, and lulling me to sleep. “I could stay on this tree for a long time”, I thought to myself. This is one of those moments of silence that I often enjoy, destitute of conflict, my mind free of worries, and nothing for me to do than enjoy here and now or what nature has to offer.


*I always do the Karate Kid pose in here. It raises the spirits of people for some reason. Whenever people see the tree, they are not very impressed with it but when I do the Karate Kid pose, their faces light up and start smiling, then they all want to go to the tree and take pictures or selfies.


Sugarloaf Descent

The descent to the parking lot was harder than I remembered. Each step downward brought pressure on my knees and pain on my toes. I heard the sound of leaves whooshing against the wind, the type of sound that people make when they were about to slip and fall. I reached out my hand towards my backpack, took out my hiking sticks, and punched them to the ground, giving me four legs instead of two. The hiking sticks provided my toes and knees relief, as I carried on my way safely to the parking lot.

Note: It takes roughly 20 minutes from the tree to the parking lot. Maybe even less.


End Of The Hike

parking lot

My belly grumbled, a sound of displeasure from all the hiking that I have been doing. “Feed me”, it commanded. The taste of barbecue entered my mind, and consumed my thoughts. There was nice little restaurant with fried little shrimps, covered in bread crumbs, sizzled to perfection for appetizers accompanied by those crisp and fresh calamari in marinara sauce. They served this soup with chili and butter tasting sauce, with a hint of wine that made it so rich and so creamy. In it were these succulent pieces of broccoli, mushroom, and other green vegetables. The taste was so heavenly that I was sure that the vegetables happily gave their lives to be eaten this way.

Having said that, we were all planning on going to a restaurant thinking of what to order and how to fill our bellies.



For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best NYC Hikes Or Best New Jersey Hikes.


24 Replies to “Breakneck Ridge Loop Hike

  1. This is by far my most favorite hiking trail but this is often very crowded during the weekends.

  2. Been climbing this ridge all year long. Really great hike, nothing around it compares.

  3. I highly recommend this trail. Everyone recommends this hike which is why this is so popular.

  4. It was a very good experience. The white markers are very well maintained and we can get a map at the beginning of the trail. I enjoyed this hike very much.

  5. This was too easy for my group so we went to the firetower before going back to the parking lot. Good hike and fun trail.

  6. We did the tougher part at the beginning like this website says. The one on the right. I’ve been here so many times but never tried that way. It was a lot of fun.

  7. So crowded during the weekends. Saw a few kids spray painting the rocks. Way too many people but it was a good trail.

  8. It was long and exhausting but I love it. I do this hike all the time and never gets boring. Thanks for the suggestion in the beginning. We tried it and everyone loved it but not recommended for beginners.

  9. This is a fun hike but the grafitti and trash are getting out of control. People have no respect for nature whatsoever. People are just disgusting.

  10. My friends were very experienced hikers and they have been here a few times. They wanted to do the whole short trail twice. Hell no for me, I got to the parking lot and stayed inside the car after one loop. Really fun and exhausting!!

  11. The first mile is very tough. Expect to go down on 4 of your limbs. I felt like I was crawling upwards. It was fun!!! We all had an amazing time!

  12. The first climb was very challenging. I had a great workout. We just did the short hike also.

  13. The trails are very well marked. The views are amazing but we missed some of them because we were having so much fun climbing hte mountain.

  14. Really fun climb!! Will do this again and again and I don’t think we will get tired of it.

  15. This place is so popular. Came around 11 AM and hundreds or maybe a thousand people appeared out of nowhere. My friends said they came from the train. They passed us by and then we never met them again. Good hike.

  16. I only did the short hike since I was so tired already. It was a great hike.

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