Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Buck Mountain Hike in Adirondacks

Buck Mountain is a relatively easy hike in Lake George. The viewpoints are pretty good and pretty spacious so people have places to sit while enjoying the view. The hike is pretty quick when I did it plus to my surprise, I didn’t encounter any mosquitoes. I definitely love the hike and if I had more time, I would do it again. You will get to look at Lake George at the viewpoint and see various ships or boats moving on the lake.

Buck Mountain Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Moderate to Strenuous
Distance: 7 Miles
Elevation Gained: 2000 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: Yes

Trail Breakdown
1.5 Miles Blue Trail – Semi Flat
2 Miles Yellow Trail Going Up
3.5 Miles Going Back

Note: The information is just an approximation.


43.509298, -73.630615


Start Of The Hike

It was one of the biggest parking lots that I had ever seen and it was also the emptiest. There was only a car in a spot underneath the shadows of a tree while all the other spaces were empty. No matter. I didn’t come here for the parking lot. I came here to hike. The empty place wasn’t a good sign as this place may not be popular and it may not have a viewpoint at all but it was too late to go back so I prepared my hiking gear and proceeded to move on.


Trail Head


Yellow Trail


Yellow Trail


Yellow Trail


Yellow Trail


Yellow Trail Going Up

I stepped on the leaf-filled trail and began my ascent. There was no more flat terrain from here on out, all that was left were ascending trails leading to the top of the mountain. I quickened my pace as there was no more time left to lose. I didn’t want to hike in the dark and would love it if there was still some sunlight left for taking pictures.


Yellow Trail Ascending

It was a wide footpath that was very easy to traverse with minimal rocks and boulders on the trail. Filled with soft soil and leaves, the footpath felt good on the legs with minimal pressure and impact created with each step that I made.


Yellow Trail Ascent

I kept going upwards without resting nor stopping as the only thing on my mind was to get to the viewpoint before darkness takes over. The footpath became more untamed the further I got up the mountain with boulders and rocks scattered all over the trail.


Yellow Trail

Various roots wormed their way out of the soil and stretched themselves out through the trails. I stepped on one of them, they felt strong and felt alive rather weak, dry or brittle. The forest seemed flourishing or alive as I kept going up the mountain.


Yellow Trail

The footpath became steeper and steeper as I got up the mountain. I was breathing heavily at this point with sweat covering my whole body but I still kept going as there was no more time to lose. The footpath became more unfriendly as well with various branches, twigs and rocks scattered all over the trail.


Yellow Trail

There was no end to the ascent as it seemed to be going on and on. I could not see the finish line but I still kept moving, kept going up the mountain. “I will see the end when I see it”, I thought to myself.


Yellow Trail Almost At The Top

I looked up and saw the light at the end of the tunnel or so to speak. Light shined down upon me as the forest became thinner on this part of the trail. I was almost at the end, just little bit more and I will be there.


Yellow Trail Smooth Rock Trail

The last ascent was very steep with a footpath that was just a smooth rock. I could see this being a problem for a few people but I got a lot of traction in my boots. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, preparing my body to go up and in a blink of an eye, I run upwards to the top of the mountain.


Buck Mountain Views



Buck Mountain Lookout


Buck Mountain Scenery




Buck Mountain Lookout


Buck Mountain Scenery


Buck Mountain Views


Buck Mountain Going Back


Buck Mountain Storm Approaching


Buck Mountain Rain


Wet Trail Going Back


Storm Ceases

Between the rain-quenched soil of the earth and the light of the afternoon sun, I sped through the forests like a man posseted. I felt my lungs huffing and puffing and my heart pounding intensely as I was running at full speed for some time.


Trail Became Muddy And Wet


Sun Shining


End Of The Hike