Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Castle Rock Hike

Castle rock hike is a pretty straight forward and easy hike in the Adirondack Mountains. The elevation gain isn’t that high which makes this great for beginners. The viewpoint is somewhat small which is one of the drawbacks. The viewpoint is slanted downwards as well so people can’t really sit near the edge as they may slip and fall. Having said that, the viewpoint is very beautiful and I highly recommend at least going to this spot once in your lifetime. A great hike as well if you don’t have a lot of time in your hands.

Castle Rock Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 3 Miles
Elevation Gained: 700 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
1.5 Miles Going Up
1.5 Miles Going Down

Note: The information is just an approximation.


43.873043, -74.450366


Start Of The Hike

Here was the trailhead. I just kept driving through the road until I couldn’t go any further, and then here I was, at the start of another adventure. Even as I prepared my equipment, the sun sank and long shadows were casted on the ground. The darkness was creeping in and I found myself in a hurry, trying buy myself time. I put on my hiking boots, checked my GPS and proceeded to go on my journey to collect this place for my memories.


Road Trail

It was a place where red leaves were scattered through out the roads, pavements and houses, a quiet and tranquil place where I barely saw any soul but yet it was filled with houses that were very well maintained. It was a place that had a half wild, half tamed kind of feel to it where adventure just lies waiting around the corner. The cold afternoon wind brushed up against my face, sending chills along my spine, a clear indication that I needed to hurry.


Road Trail

Far deep into the road, the dead leaves lay resting in stillness and even as the wind passed me by, they were silent and motionless. The colorful leaves at the upper part of the trees glistened to the rays of the sun, while the road dimmed in solemn silence as I kept moving towards my destination. Houses and various man-made structures could still be seen on my left and right as I still felt like I was in civilization rather than off the grid.


Road Trail

The road kept going on and on until I could no longer see any houses at my sides. Only the trail markers were left and they were very well-maintained and strategically far apart that there was no way for me to get lost.


Red Trail Going To The Forest

The path to the forest opened up to me, inviting me to go inside. The road that was rather easy to walk upon disappeared and I was greeted with soft soil that was heavily covered by dead leaves. The sun vanished as my world darkened even more. I kept moving at a faster pace, hoping I could reach the viewpoint with some sun still left on the horizon.



I took the yellow trail.



The bridge felt strong to the touch and it would not budge. A stable bridge that was very well maintained as there were barely dead leaves on it.


Yellow Trail

I looked around me and the modern houses and roads that once surrounded me were completely gone, and I found myself deep within the forest with no soul or person in sight. The flat trail that I once walked upon, now had a slight ascent to it. It was a footpath filled with dead leaves with a cold chill enveloping the place that followed me wherever I go. The chill seeped into my clothes and into my sweat, sending shivers to my skin. I hugged my jacket tightly and proceeded to go on.





Yellow Trail

The trail seemed flat most of the time with a few slightly elevated parts that were not hard to traverse. Big boulders protruded from the ground that was filled with red leaves but I swiftly moved and ignored them. If it were not for the trail markers, I would have been lost already as the dead leaves blanketed the footpath, hiding the footprints and traces of people traversing it. The trail was very well marked which made it very easy for me to keep on going.


Yellow Trail



Yellow Trail

After the blue lake intersection, the ascent became steeper. I laid down my backpack and took out a water bottle. This was my second hike for the day and my legs were already tired. A quick rest before ascending or tackling the hard part of the mountain was a good idea as it would let me catch up to my breath and let my legs recuperate a little bit before going up the mountain. A few people passed me by, they said “hello”, then kept on going. I said “hello” back and watched them disappear from my view as they hiked up the mountain.


Yellow Trail

It was a trail filled with a dark soil that was a little bit damp with various roots from trees sprouting from the ground. I kept moving and going upwards. The trail had been very easy so far and even the ascent was pretty effortless as well. I kept moving even though I was a little bit tired but my pace had slowed down. Hiking and driving had taken its toll on my body but I still wanted to bag one more peak so I kept on hiking.


Yellow Trail

There was a place where the trail became very confusing. It did a U-turn and then disappeared. But as I searched for the next yellow marker, I actually found it on a tree that was on top of a rock that I had to ascend in order to continue.


Yellow Trail

The footpath became even steeper the further I got up the mountain. I checked my body to see how it was feeling. My body still felt somewhat good, still have a few more miles to go before I needed a rest. The trail had been easy that my body felt somewhat refreshed even after hiking for some time. The cool air that infiltrated this place must have rejuvenated my body a little bit which allowed my body to keep going. One step after another, I thought to myself, just keep moving and I will eventually get to the viewpoint.


Yellow Trail

I let out a deep sigh as the trail became awry. The easy and effortless footpath was gone and now I had to conquer a new set of obstacles. I stepped on a stone to create a stable footing and grabbed on a root before propelling myself upwards. The untamed footpath was a little bit annoying as I was somewhat tired but I got up to the top without any problem so all was well and good.


Almost At The Top

Before I got to the top I had to squeeze through a crevice.


Castle Rock Lookout

It was a very small rock that was slanted. It was impossible for me to get to the edge as the slope was rather huge and I could slip or fall to the edge with one wrong move. As such going to the edge to look at the bottom or to take pictures was not something I would recommend. There was a small group of people at the top, six people if I remember correctly. They were nice and friendly and talked to me as I tried to take pictures of the landscape as quickly as possible.


Castle Rock

There wasn’t much room at the viewpoint as the rock was rather small. However, most of the people were too afraid to go near the edge which allowed me to take pictures rather easily. The people were very nice also and they didn’t mind nor find it troublesome that I was blocking their views.


Castle Rock Views

Even as I stood, the sun hid behind the clouds as the fire faded from the large lake. The sinking sun casted a dim light on the colorful landscape giving the land a cold somber ambience. The light was fading, yet the valley was still streaming with beauty. In here, I stayed for a while, just enjoying the scenery and what nature had given to me. “I live in a beautiful world”, I thought to myself. “Far more beautiful than I had ever imagined.”


Castle Rock Scenery

The sun went at last behind the great grey clouds which ignited a white fire that streamed across the skies and made the hills and mountains darker while the lake glowed in white, reflecting the fire hidden behind the clouds. The colors of the trees became muted, and silence filled the land. There was something majestic happening yet I could not explain what it was. I could only feel it. It was beautiful, solemn, and kind while my body and mind enjoying every last bit of it.


Castle Rock Viewpoint

The scent of the Earth, of decaying leaves, damp soil, and scent of change seeped its way into my soul. In here, these colorful leaves will wither soon, they will fall and they will become lifeless. Such is the way of the world which is change and this valley was in the middle of changing. I wish the valley could stay beautiful like this forever but I knew that was not possible. Time changes everything. Change was happening within me as well as I knew that I will have to quit hiking at some point in my life even if I wished that was not the case.


Going Back Down

I grabbed the bottom part of the tree and proceeded to go down. The trail near the viewpoint was a little bit wild and it was best to proceed with caution. I threw my backpack all the way to the ground as it was limiting my movement as the soft soil hit my bum as I tried to get myself down.


Going Back

I was back down again to the flat footpath that was very kind on the legs and body. I like this type of trail as it was very easy to traverse and does not use a lot of energy. I can easily take my time, enjoy the hike and the surroundings as I try to go back to the parking lot.



I decided to take a look at the lake before going back.


Trail To Lake

It was a footpath filled with red leaves, they were dead and undisturbed which was a clear indication that no one had been here for days. The sound of dry and brittle leaves dying echoed through out my surroundings as I crushed a handful of them with each step that I made. I tried to hurry as the forest kept getting darker as time passed me by, a good sign that the sun was about to set and dusk was upon me.


Almost At The Lake

The forests of trees thinned as I saw an opening at the end of the trail. White light flashed before my eyes as the waters of the lake reflected what little light was left from the afternoon sun. The shadows of the forest receded and the lake opened up, inviting anyone to see it.


Blue Mountain Lake

The opening was rather small and maybe only one or two people can view the lake. There was really nothing to see and there was no place to sit upon. I looked at the lake, took a few pictures and then went on my way.


Back To Yellow Trail

I went back to the yellow trail again.


End Of The Hike

It was the end of another hike, the end of another adventure. I took a deep breath, inhaling the good air devoid of pollution as I haggardly walked to the parking lot. I was very tired as my legs were ready to fall apart. The day was well spent, I hiked a few mountains but at the same time, such activities took their toll on my body. I was thirsty, I was hungry, and I was dead tired as I opened my car door. I sat down at the chair and felt relieved as my body could finally get some rest. I closed my eyes, took a little nap then when I woke up, I proceeded to go home. It was a beautiful hike where I met beautiful people and I hope I can come here again someday.