Hiking Trails

Glen Onoko Falls Hike

Glen Onoko Falls Hike

This trail is currently closed due to safety hazards. Rangers give tickets to people who are caught hiking this trail. People most likely go on top of the waterfall and play around there until they got injured. So many people die that way. It pisses me off also whenever I lead a hike and my members play around at the top of a waterfall.

In case this place opens again, I highly recommend that people do this hike. This is a very short hike and you will see three waterfalls. I recommend doing this in April or Summer if this ever opens again. The waterfalls will have more power during Spring and they are very beautiful and fun to play with.

Glen Onoko Falls Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 2.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 750 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
Orange Trail
First Waterfall
Second Waterfall
Third Waterfall
Camp Site
Orange Trail Going Down



Note: The information is just an approximation.


40.883621, -75.760147


Start Of The Hike

This was my second time hiking this place and yet there was still so much excitement rising up from my heart. I remembered this to be an amazing hike with a few beautiful waterfalls as I get to the top. There was so much exhilaration that I could not contain myself. I could feel myself smiling with every step that I made and heart was beating faster that closer I got to the trail head.


Orange Trail

orange trail

Various construction vehicles and equipment were laying on the ground near the trail. They were either remodeling the bridge like structure at the top or remodeling the trail. My guess was that bridge at the top had the possibility of breaking down. The trail looked good and well maintained with lots of markers to make sure that people do not get lost. It was doubtful that the equipment was for the trail maintenance.




The trail quickly became a forest as I was surrounded by trees in such a short time. The uphill was gentle and the roots that were protruding on the ground actually made the walk a little easier as they deter erosion from happening. There were a couple of Asians that passed me by, they were old but they seem very agile and strong. I was certain that I will see them at the top again.


Trail Information

trail information

At the top of the trail, another trail head with information could be seen. There was a map at the right side and I took a picture of it just in case.


Danger Sign

danger sign

Danger signs cautioning people to wear boots and be careful. I remembered this trail to be very easy but I guess a lot of people got injured and died by playing around the waterfalls. Waterfalls kill a lot of hikers and instagrammers every year. I tend to get very cautious whenever I was near one and yet I also know that a lot of people don’t care at all. They don’t see these beautiful pieces of nature as dangerous.


Slippery Rocks

slippery rocks

The ascent was steep and the rocks were very slippery from the water that was falling down from the mountain. I took my time, making sure that I was very careful. Safety was always a good priority whenever I was hiking. I didn’t mind hiking for a long time as long as I was able to get back in one piece.


Ascending Upwards

ascending upwards

The trail was very well marked and well maintained, although I had no idea whether the ‘X’ mean to stay away or to go there. I did my best to follow the markers and avoid any loose rocks as much as possible. I don’t want to injure anyone in case they come up behind me.



man made stairs

Human beings have maintained this trail quite well as logs or fallen trees have been cut and stairs have been built. The steps were sturdy and not loose, easy to walk on and not slippery at all. People have taken their time to make sure that other people do not get injured in this part of the trail.


Glen Onoko First Waterfall

glen onoko first waterfall

The water flowed endlessly from the top to the bottom. It tumbled down from one rock after another until it found its resting place at the bottom. The waterfall was not as powerful as I expected it to be but it was still beautiful. The changing leaves that surrounded it made the landscape more beautiful than ever.



first waterfall front view

I touched the water with my hands, it was cold, wet, and clean with a few leaves grazing my skin every now and then. There was no sign of any pollution nor corruption in this part of the land. Just pure water that flowed endlessly that was untouched by human beings. I was tempted to swim but I hesitated and opted not to as lots of people were using this hiking trail as well. I was certain, they wouldn’t want a half naked man ruining their selfies and pictures.


Glen Onoko Second Waterfall

glen onoko second waterfall

The second waterfall was pretty high and very beautiful that I couldn’t stop looking at it. The water felt more like a shower or light rain rather than a gushing river falling from the top. A great place to enjoy the bottom of the waterfall without being washed away or getting injured. It was a beautiful piece of nature that I wished everyone could see and experience.


Glen Onoko Falls

glen onoko falls

I welcomed the falling water droplets as they fall from a great height and into my body. They were cool and refreshing, taking away all the fatigue and heat that accumulated within me as I hiked this wonderful trail. It good and refreshing to be near a waterfall as most would have wires and gates preventing people to get near the bottom. In this trail, people can enjoy the waterfall and come close to them as much as they want. Such freedom always felt amazing and I hoped people would not be careless so that this trail would be open for a long time.


Danger Sign

danger sign

At some point in time, they are going to close this trail just because there are way too many stupid people that do stupid things while on a waterfall. I’ve led a lot of hikes and people always play at the top of the waterfall, oblivious to the dangers. I was very lucky that no one ever got injured while near a waterfall in my hikes but I am certain that is not the case for everyone in the world.


Orange Trail

Various signs could be found stating that people should be careful. There was a metal pipe on the ground but I was not sure what it was used for. The ledge was dry as the water was running on the side and bottom of the big rocks, keeping the ledge dry this season. I was certain that this place would be very wet in the Spring but right now, the water was almost non-existent.


Top Of Waterfall

top of waterfall

The view at the top was pretty decent with a nice cool wind coming in. I didn’t stay long as the viewpoint was blocked by a lot of trees and the angle to the valley was very narrow. I was certain that this view would have been a lot better if the trees were maintained but at the same time, I didn’t want the trees to die just for my satisfaction.




I found the trail markers and they led to a very narrow footpath next to the river. I ducked to avoid the low branches that were hanging around and proceeded to dive in deeper into the trail. The narrow footpath was rather short but still, I almost got lost. So I recommend paying attention to the markers if you ever find yourself here.


Third Trail

third waterfall

The third waterfall was disappointing that I didn’t really spend a lot of time admiring it. This place was a lot more beautiful in the Spring with the water flowing heavily from the top but in this instance, the water barely trickled down. I remember taking a quick shower here and playing around during the Spring time. It was a lot of fun and wouldn’t mind coming back here again.


Top Of Third Waterfall

top of third waterfall

The top of the third waterfall was pretty big and a good place to have lunch. A couple of the Asians I saw made their lunch spot here. They brought a portable stove that allowed them to cook foods with. There was a part of me that envied them as I always wanted to have a picnic on a hiking trip. The way they eat and laugh together was amazing as if they knew each other for a decades and as if they had no troubles or worries in the world.


Fire pit Camping Site

firepit at top of trail

At the top part of the orange trail was a camp site with a fire pit in the middle. This looked like a great place to set up camp for backpacking purposes. I had a choice whether to do a loop and increase the length of the hike or just go back straight down. I choose to just go back down and cut the hike short.


Rail Road At The Bottom

rail road at bottom

At the bottom of park, near the trail head, was a rail road. It was hidden, behind a few plants and bushes but I managed to find it. There was nothing much to see and no trains passed by but I thought it was still a cool place to explore.


Lake View

lake view

After further exploring, I found a lake near the trail head. The lake looked pretty good but the water did not look clean. It was as if a liquid plastic like substance was on the surface of the lake. The liquid substance made the water somewhat still and made the fallen leaves stay in place. The lake was gooey or slimy that I didn’t want to touch it. It still looked good though for some reason.




I reached my car rather easily but I remember that there was a cave at the first parking lot. I crossed the bridge to go to the next parking lot.


Glen Onoko Cave Entrance

glen onoko cave entrance

The cave entrance was rather hidden and took my a while to find it. However, I clearly saw it when I was driving so I knew that it was here. The mouth of the cave looked eerily as if it was a beast that would swallow people and they would never be able to come back.


Glen Onoko Cave

glen onoko cave

The cave was dark that I could barely see anything. The light at the end of the cave was bright and it illuminated some parts of the darkness which allowed me to walked or explore the cave without any flash lights or any problems.


Cave Views

cave view

At the end of the cave was a viewpoint and I saw a few people kayaking and rafting below. I think I went to a rafting company before and at the end of the rafting trip was this place as I remember that weird looking structure in the middle. My guess was that this used to be a bridge before it collapsed.


End Of The Hike

end of the hike

I took one final look at the cave as I was crossing the bridge. This was a good hike and today was a great day to go hiking. The weather was beautiful and the atmosphere was cold enough that hiking up a mountain felt pleasant rather than troublesome. This was probably my last hike on this place. I looked at the trail one last time and I knew I will most likely never come back. But as old adventures begin to fade, new ones start appearing as well.


For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best Hikes In Pennsylvania page.

One Reply to “Glen Onoko Falls Hike

  1. Went here a long time ago. The waterfalls were very beautiful. It is currently closed right now or when I am writing this.

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