Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Good Luck Cliffs Hike

Goodluck Mountain Hike

The Good Luck Cliffs hike is a relatively very easy hike with somewhat decent elevation gain. The footpaths are flat for the first half then an ascent on the second half. There are multiple ledges on the top or at the viewpoint in which people can choose from. So there are plenty of spaces to sit in case this place gets crowded. Overall, a very fun hike to do with amazing views at the top.

Good Luck Mountain Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 3.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 1000 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
0.5 Miles Flat Trail To Intersection
0.5 Miles To Lake And Back
0.2 Miles To Good Luck Cliffs Intersection
0.7 Miles Going Up To Good Luck Cliffs
1.5 Miles Going Back

Note: The information is just an approximation.


43.255835, -74.538034


Start Of The Hike

I was in the middle of nowhere and far away from any trace of civilization. Adventure was screaming and I answered its call. In here I will be hiking another trail, bagging another viewpoint, and taking a lot of pictures. But more than that, I just wanted to feel nature, to be one with the Earth, and to exercise my body that was staring down on a computer for far too many days.



Into the depths I went where the darkness was slowly swallowing me whole. The morning rays that once shined upon my face, now could barely penetrate the dense leaves of the tree tops. I walked into the darkness, deeper into the forest, into the unknown, and I did so without hesitation. The dark did not frighten me anymore as I had been hiking in solitude for some time.


Muddy Trail

The mud was thick as it clung to my boots each time I stepped on the dark soil. I moaned and groaned with each step that I made as dirt, dead leaves and other types of gunk stuck themselves on my boots and on the bottom of my pants. It was not a good start and not a good way to start the morning. But even as I grumbled, I was still grateful that there were no insects or mosquitoes that were trying to suck my blood as I went on my way.



I hesitated stepping on these logs as they could be slippery and I may end up falling on my bum or hurting myself. The mud was annoying but it will be even more annoying if I fall. However, the logs proved to be rather stable as I easily walked from one log to another. They could have just put planks in here but they had to do something unnecessary such as these logs.



Intersection and signs


More Mud

More mud could be seen as if the trail had been littered with them. The trail was pretty flat with no elevation gain but it was just so muddy. It didn’t even rain the day before and yet this place was very wet and muddy.



In front of me was mud as far as my eyes could see but the little boulders scattered through out the footpath gave me hope. I stepped on the boulders cautiously, as I held my breath, trying to balance myself and not fall down. Then I stepped on another boulder and then another, until I was out of the mud.


Trail To The Lake

There was still plenty of time so I decided to take a detour and take a look at the lake very quickly but I was met with more mud and in here, dead leaves were everywhere as well which was a clear sign that people hardly come here. Still, I kept on going as the lake was not that far from me.


Good Luck Lake

The rays of the morning sun scattered through out the land and the darkness from the forest receded as the soft light glistened and covered the landscape. The trees, and mountains felt the calmness of the lake as the waters reflected its surroundings. In here, there was stillness, and there was peace. There was no conflict and only harmony could be found.



I looked down as I caught my breath and a set of wooden planks caught my eyes, they were arranged in such a way that somewhat resemble a bridge. There were no rails, guards, and the planks were not raised at all. They were embedded deep into the soil which was somewhat unique and it was a very peculiar design. Nevertheless, the bridge was stable and I was saved from the mud that I hated so much.



The path to Good Luck cliffs can be easily missed as the blue marker can be confused with the snowmobile marker. The intersection is near the lake intersection. Once I got out of the lake, I made sure to look for the Good luck cliffs intersection.


Blue Trail Going Up

The footpath was an incline going upwards filled with dead leaves, branches and wet muddy soil. The trail did not seem to be popular and maintained at all as there were too many leaves, branches, and other miscellaneous annoying things on the ground. I walked slowly as my boots were somewhat sinking through the mud or wet soil underneath the leaves. The trail was somewhat slippery as well and I have no idea what hidden dangers lay beneath the dead brown leaves so I chose to take my time and tried my best to be careful.


Blue Trail Ascending

I let out a deep sigh as the trail became black and wet filled with dead twigs and branches as I went up the mountain. I stepped on the black soil without thinking and my foot slipped to the side with the center of my gravity shifting as I almost fell to the ground if it weren’t for my right hand as it slammed to the ground, touching the wet and muddy soil.

My hand and arm were okay but my hand became dirty as it was filled with dirt and mud. I wiped it off on the nearest tree and used the leaves to further clean my hand then proceeded to go back to hiking the mountain.


View Of The Cliff

I smiled when I saw a wall of stone in front of me as this must be the Good Luck cliffs that people were talking about. I just needed a few more elevation gain and I should be at the top.

My hand instinctively grabbed the tripod in my backpack as a big rat like creature scurried near the stone wall. I stopped breathing and stopped all my actions as I didn’t want to startle it. After a closer look, it was a porcupine and big one at that. It just kept moving towards its destination and it didn’t pay any attention to me as if I wasn’t even there so I moved on as well.


Almost At The Top

Almost at the top. Just a few more steps and elevation gain.


Trail At The Top

Behold! The view point was upon me, and far between the trees, the color of the sky could be seen, and the far away green mountains revealed themselves to me as I walked closer to the edge. The rays of the sun had come and greeted me as the shadows of the forest dispersed and I looked at the place in new brightness, and in a new light.


Good Luck Mountain Lookout

The sun rose up into the sky and lit up the lands with its gentle rays, touching the trees and mountains with its soft caress. I sat upon the edge of a cliff, a flat rock that stretched on for a few feet. It was rough and uncomfortable but I felt very safe and secure while watching the shadows move backward with the blue sky emerging from the clouds.


Good Luck Mountain Scenery

More pics.


Good Luck Mountain Views

Covered in a luminous white light, the sea of trees seemed rather cheerful as if they were rejoicing that the night was over and the sun coming out of the darkness has begun. A light cool wind kept coming in from the silver horizon, swaying and rustling the trees that surrounded me and cooling my body with each wave. I was all alone in a beautiful viewpoint, devoid of tourists and any other hikers. I stood at the edge of the mountain, in solitude and in silence, just appreciating the beautiful landscape in front of me.


Good Luck Mountain Vista

More pictures.


Good Luck Mountain Lookout

Then great freedom was revealed inside of me as I stood at the edge of a cliff, opening my arms as If I was flying as I felt unhindered, unburdened, and worry free. In here, there was nothing that was asked of me as I didn’t have to please anyone, do tasks for my job, nor do any chores. In this moment, all I had to do was enjoy myself, enjoy nature, and enjoy my time here. I screamed “hello” to my hearts content but the land was silent, but I knew inside what it replied, it said “hello” back.


Trail Going Down

I looked down and only found horror as I approached the mud covered trail. Dreadful as it can be, the mud was slippery, and more loath some than anything I had ever seen in here. It was black and consisted of leaves, twigs, and tiny rocks, each clinging to my boots and pants as if they were glue. I cautiously went downward as I did not want to slip and fall, I learned my lesson the first time, and will not repeat it again.


Flat Trail Going Back

Got back down and back to the flat footpath.


End Of The Hike

It was another good day and another good hike. I wanted to hike one more trail as such I left early. Even though the mud was such a pain, I still had a good time. The place was very beautiful and it offered a wonderful viewpoint that was very accessible and didn’t require a lot of miles to reach. I wish I could go back to this place again but I knew that this was the last time that I will ever be here. So I said goodbye and went on my way.