Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Mount Van Hoevenberg Hike

mount van hoevenberg

This is a very good hike to do to enjoy the fall foliage. This is pretty easy, popular and the trails are not that hard. It is short, the elevation gain isn’t that high and the views are amazing. People would often go to Mount Jo and then go to this hike for some views. You can pay for the parking lot but there are also some spaces near the trailhead. This is a great hike for families, beginners and kids. In fact, I saw a lot of families when I did this hiking trail.

Mount Van Hoevenberg Hiking Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1, Trail Map 2
Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: ~4.4 Miles
Elevation Gained: 701 feet

Trail Breakdown
2.2 Miles To The Summit
2.2 Miles Back Down


Note: The information is just an approximation.


44.193802, -73.950760


Start Of The Hike

start of the hike

The pleasant summer was over and it was time for the Fall season to take its course. Between the intensity of the summer sun and coldness of the winter snow, I had always preferred the breath of the Autumn winds. I closed my eyes as the winds passed me by, whispering to my ears a story that I had been longing to hear. It beckoned me to keep hiking, keep reaching higher places, and experience the world from a different vantage point.


Blue Trail Flat Terrain

I stepped into a trail filled with an ocean of brown leaves scattered everywhere as far as my eyes could see, a clear sign that Fall Foliage was upon me. I smashed and destroyed a handful of leaves with each downward step that I made and kicked a few into the air whenever I lifted my feet as well.


Blue Trail Fall

A strong gust of wind rattled the branches and set a few leaves flying downward. The colorful leaves spiraled and danced as they float in the air, creating a brief spectacle or show for me to see before laying down peacefully at the ground. The October winds had the aroma of the earth and a chilly bite to them that signify that the season was changing.


Near The Lake Or Pond

I zipped my jacket shut as the cold October winds passed me by, sending shivers down my spine. The air was cold and chilly, sucking the warmth out of my cheeks and leaving them paler than they used to be. I blew hot air into my hands and rubbed them together to create some heat then proceeded down the trail.



The trail led to a marsh with lots of dead trees standing like pillars, brown weeds and thorny shrubs loomed up through the shadows like garbage or trash on a sidewalk that nature did not want. There was a pond in the middle; a pool of water so murky and muddy that all qualities of beauty seemed to have drowned and have died from it. I stepped on to the earth, and mud enveloped my boots. I kicked and swayed my legs hoping the soil would fall down but it was stuck to the boots like glue and would not let go. Still I moved on, determined to get my reward which was to see the summit or vista that I was promised to have.



I was greeted by warm “Hello” and “Good Afternoon” as people from the summit were trekking back to the parking lot. A father and mother with their kids, a couple of college students, and tourists that wanted to try hiking, greeted me in the footpath. The trail that was eerie and desolate turned into a familiar and friendly path. The familiar sunshine, hikers, and smiles on people’s faces gave me comfort, a soothing atmosphere, and a sense that the hike was starting over again.


Blue Trail Ascent

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and took a step towards the top of the mountain. My breathing became quick and short as I kept making progress on the footpath. The ascent was getting to me. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem but I packed too many camera gear and equipment this time as such, my body was having problems.


Blue Trail Ascending

Fatigue was accumulating all over my body but the elevation gain for this hike was very little so I knew that I would be fine. I underestimated the hike as I packed too much weight on my backpack and my body was suffering for it. I kept going one step after another, just trying to get to the top of the mountain no matter how slow my pace was.


Mount Van Hoevenberg

I laid down my backpack gently on the ground and wiped the dirt off the ledge with my hands before sitting down. I was dead tired as I felt my body craving a nice rest in order to be able to catch up to my breath. My breathing was erratic but quickly turned back to normal after a few minutes of resting and looking at the viewpoint.


Mount Van Hoevenberg Lookout

I was smiling from ear to ear with my spirits as high as the clouds that were in front of me. It wasn’t peak foliage yet as there were still plenty of greens and barely any reds on the valley down below but the landscape still looked very beautiful to the eyes and I was lucky enough to be here as the leaves were changing their colors. Perhaps I was a day or two days too early as the trees on the mountains far from me were already red but the leaves or trees near me were still very green.


Mount Van Hoevenberg Views

Autumn’s paint brush had dyed a few trees into a pinkish color, while making some yellowish. I stood at the edge of a cliff, hypnotized at the landscape in front of me as the changing colors in Autumn never ceased to amaze me. There was gladness in my heart and happiness within my soul as there was barely anything more beautiful to a nature lover than a landscape full of colorful leaves.


Mount Van Hoevenberg Fall Foliage

The sun peeked through the thick clouds hovering above me, showering me with its mild rays, coloring my cheeks and giving a little bit of warmth to my body. I was swimming in a sea of happiness as the sun lit up the valley and magnified its colors even more. I sat at the edge of a cliff, just admiring the clouds and valley while enjoying the cool wind that caressed my skin that was coming and going.


Mount Van Hoevenberg

More Views.


Mount Van Hoevenberg Autumn

I sat in silence just looking at the viewpoint and in one moment, it was as if time stood still. I didn’t have any thought in my mind and as if I disappeared completely. Everything became more vivid and clear as if I was looking at the valley for the first time again. There was a sparked of awe in my eyes as if everything around me was magnified, and my sense of touch and hearing became more intense as well. I traced my fingers on the coarse hard ground and it felt new. I felt the cold winds on my skin and such sensations felt new as well or more intense and I loved it. I was just lost in that moment as if I had no past nor future, and there was only that moment that existed in time.


Mount Van Hoevenberg View

All of my worries and troubles in this life of mine seemed to evaporate whenever I go to a viewpoint. It was as if the wind would take them all away and never to be seen again as long as I stayed in this place forever. I looked at the beautiful and colorful trees of the valley in front of me and wished that these feelings of peace would stay with me for all of eternity.


Mount Van Hoevenberg Views

I took one last look at the valley in front of me as I knew that it was time to go back down. It felt like I was drowning in a river of sweet sadness or sweet misery every time I leave a beautiful viewpoint as I knew that I wouldn’t be back here for some time. But goodbyes were very common in this life of mine. There will be new beginnings and sweet bitter endings as well. It was a beautiful cycle that goes on and on in this life of mine as if it would always happen for all of eternity.


Lake Reflection

*Pic taken a few years before

A few years ago, I did this exact same hike. In that day long ago, I followed the trail back to the parking lot, and the pond that I thought was pure pile of repulsiveness transformed into something new. It was unexpected but truly welcomed by my eyes. The pond with no name that I thought was pure garbage dazzled in intense colors as it reflected the mountains, colorful trees, the sky and everything surrounding it. I was stunned and shocked that something so utterly ugly could become something somewhat beautiful. It was like the story of the ugly duckling where the duck turned into a beautiful swan. The lake with brown hellish weeds, dead trees and muddy waters became bright, shiny, and stunning under the setting sun.



End Of The Hike

Another hike that ended beautifully. Well, I’ve been here multiple times because the viewpoint was very beautiful and the footpath to get there was very easy. I wanted to hike a few more trails as the Fall foliage comes and goes so fast so I went to my car, packed my backpack into the trunk and prepared myself to go to another adventure. I looked at the trail one last time and whispered, “all is well that ends well.”




5 Replies to “Mount Van Hoevenberg Hike

  1. This is a great place. Very close to the loj. The parking is free also since it is not inside the loj.

  2. I went with my family. The scenery was very beautiful. It was way too quick though.

  3. This place looks great! People must try this trail at least once in their life.

  4. I’m going here in the next few days. You have beautiful pictures. Thanks for the information.

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