Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Noonmark Mountain Hike

Noonmark Mountain Hike

Noonmark Mountain hike is a very popular hike that a lot of people do. If you are going to come around Fall Foliage, you better come around 7AM since the parking lot tends to get full by that time. Although, a lot of people do leave around 11AM – 1PM so if you want to hike a short trail before this then that maybe a good idea during the Fall season. The viewpoints are very beautiful and they are very big. The top viewpoint is somewhat like a bald mountain that has views everywhere. The top is very big so plenty of place to sit as well.

Noonmark Mountain Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 5.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 2,400 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
Road Trail To Trailhead
Yellow Trail
Red Trail Going Up
Noonmark Mountain Top
Going Back Down

Note: The information is just an approximation.


St. Hubert’s Parking Area


Start Of The Hike

The moment I learned how to hike, my world changed forever. I wouldn’t say that it was good for me, but I wouldn’t say that it was bad either. If I could describe it in a word or phrase, I would say that “it was fun.” I had a lot of fun and even as I am writing these stories, I am having a lot of fun as I am remembering the happy memories I have of these places.

I got out of my car and stepped into the parking lot blanketed by an ocean of dead leaves. The dry orange leaves crunched under my feet as I zipped my coat up due to the cold air around me. Each step that I made had that crunchy, bone breaking sound as I destroyed and smashed the leaves under my feet. It was Fall season in the Adirondack Mountains and today was just a beautiful day to start a hike.


Road Trail




Trail Head


Yellow Trail


Yellow Trail


Private Property


Yellow Trail


Red And Yellow Intersection


Red Trail



Red Trail

It was that time of the year where the footpaths became beautiful as red, pink and brown leaves scattered themselves all over the trails. I walked up to the ascending footpath with a smile on my face as Fall was in full bloom. The beautiful colors of the leaves that could only be experienced once a year was upon me.


Red Trail

The ascending footpath had plenty of switchbacks that made the ascent a lot easier but longer as well. I kept moving without rest as I wanted to go to Indian Head also after this and didn’t want to go there when it was already afternoon. The rocky footpath could not stop me as I kept taking one step after another.


Red Trail

A clearing could be seen as I reached this part of the trail.


Blocked View


Red Trail

There were hardly any fallen leaves at this part of the ascent, only smooth boulders that were bulging out of the ground. The chilly October air felt nice as it touched my skin, allowing me to keep going without needing a drink of water or feeling dehydrated.


Red Trail

A multitude of dead logs and branches could be seen at the sides of the footpath which was a good sign that this place was very well-maintained. Some people took the time and effort to keep the trails clean of any obstacles and sharp objects. My body still felt fresh as I kept ascending up the mountain so I just kept going.


First Viewpoint



Red Trail

I felt as if I was in cloud nine as I happily went up the mountain again. The footpath became rocky but my body still felt good and renewed after the rest at the lookout so I kept going. The day had been chilly and nice that to hike up a mountain felt good to the soul as I whispered a wish to mother nature that perhaps in the future, most of my hiking days would be like today.


Red Trail

It was a footpath filled with rocks and boulders of different shapes and sizes. I stepped on the rocky footpath and kept going up the mountain but the boulders slowed my pace and took a little bit more energy to traversed. One step at a time, I kept moving, just trying to get up to the top of the mountain just to see what viewpoint was awaiting me in there.



People were kind enough to build a ladder so that hikers would have an easier time to get up on this trail.


Noonmark Mountain Trail Lookout


Noonmark Mountain Trail Fall Foliage


Noonmark Mountain Trail Scenery


Noonmark Mountain Trail Autumn


Noonmark Mountain Trail Views


Going Up


Noonmark Mountain Trail Views


Noonmark Mountain Trail Fall Foliage Scenery

I just want to allow myself to enjoy this moment without changing it. I don’t need to go up, I don’t need to reach the top, I just need to stay here and enjoy this moment. Allow myself to be joyful in this moment, allow myself to be grateful of this viewpoint, allow myself to just be still without changing my scenery or changing myself. The scenery at the top may not be as good as this one so there’s no need to hurry. I find myself in a good place, no need to change it for something better.


Red Trail Going Up


Almost At The Top


Noonmark Mountain Lookout


Noonmark Mountain Top Viewpoint


Noonmark Mountain Scenery


Noonmark Mountain Fall Foliage


Noonmark Mountain


Noonmark Mountain Views At The Rear


Noonmark Mountain Lookout At The Back


Noonmark Mountain Fall Foliage


Noonmark Mountain Fall Foliage Scenery


Going Back


Red Trail Going Down


Almost At The Bottom


End Of The Hike