Hiking Trails

Palisades Long Path And Shore Trail Hike

Palisades Long Path And Shore Trail Hike

Palisades Long Path And Shore Trail is a very long hike. Usually, this is around 11 to 12 miles. The terrain is fairly level with a descent or ascent at the beginning, middle and end of the hike. The tough part of the hike is that this is very long. The hike offers beautiful views, plant life, forest, shore trail, and lots more. The end of the hike is a very long ascent that can be very challenging for a lot of people especially since a lot of people will be very tired near the end of the hike.

Palisades Long Path And Shore Trail Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Strenuous
Distance: 12 Miles
Elevation Gained: 1,300 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: Yes, at the restaurant

Trail Breakdown
Stateline Lookout
Long Path
Women’s Federation Monument
Park Headquarters
Alpine Lookout
Red Trail
Shore Trail
Alpine Basin
Black and White Trail



Note: The information is just an approximation.


40.988675, -73.906979

Start Of The Hike

parking lot view

Morning view after getting out of the car.

Stateline Lookout

stateline lookout view 1

There was a calm and peaceful serenity to this place early in the morning. I have always enjoyed the lackness of people and silence that flourishes at dawn. The gentle breeze that caressed my skin, the morning light that was soft yet alluring and the beautiful scenery, all of these have always captivated my senses every time I come here.

Long Path Trailhead

long path trailhead

Trailhead for the long path trail.

Long Path Descent

long path descent 1

The descent downward the mountain was gentle and the slope wasn’t a big problem. This has always been a gentle mountain, nothing too hard and plenty of switchbacks to make the hike a lot easier. A great trail for families, friends, tourists and beginner hikers.

Green Bridge

long path bridge

The green bridge felt strong and stable. It seemed that the bridge was being maintained all the time. There were a few paint chipping off due to the weather but nothing major. A good and se ure bridge that helps hikers and tourists pass by.

Women’s Federation Monument

women's federation monument


Long Path Trail

long path

I stepped on the soft soil of the footpath as the morning light created shadows that flicker throughout the path. There was a silence that was serene and peaceful within these woods. A quiet place to walk and enjoy nature without the worries and expectations of the modern world.

Ruckman Point

ruckman point

The viewpoint was not maintained at all with weeds and various types of grasses accumulating on its surrounding. I didn’t bother moving close to it as I fear that I may slip and fall or cut myself on the long and loose wires.

Park Headquarters

park headquarters

Park headquarters with flags clipped on a flagpole.

Long Path Trail

long path trail after headquarters

The trail was a little bit confusing as the footpath was covered in grass and other plant life. But once I knew where to go, it was easy… the trail is just to the left of the road.

Long Path Tunnel

long path tunnel

Orange path the left and tunnel or long path to the right.

Long Path Trail

long path trail after headquarters

Screeching tires screamed their way to my ear drums as various cars passed by at the highway next the trail. Cars going around 70 felt different up close, there was a sense of danger and fear that crept up to my body. A sensation telling me to keep moving on.

Alpine Lookout

alpine lookout

Alpine lookout and parking lot.

Alpine Lookout Viewpoint

alpine lookout

Viewpoint at the alpine lookout.

Red Trail

red trail

The red trail descended downwards through a multitude of barren trees. Dried and dead leaves blanketed the the sides of the footpath, and as the wind blows, some would fly by my face and touch my cheeks. The footpath was easy with a few switchbacks that made the slope very gentle on the knees.

Red Trail To Shore Trail

red trail

The red trail turned into a paved road and after a few minutes, a yellow chain could be seen blocking the trail. It is to prevent bikers from going off the paved road or so I guessed.

Shore Trail

shore trail 1

With the sound of tiny waves caressing my ears, I dropped down on my knees and cleaned my hands with the cool water of the big river. My hands felt cold and chilly that I couldn’t keep it submerged in the water for too long as the icy kiss of winter still lingers in the waters of the Hudson river.

Shore Trail

shore trail 3

Flat and even, the rocky footpath of the shore trail zigzagged through the bottom edges of a mountain. The cool river gave the wind a refreshing yet chilly countenance as I walked effortlessly through the footpath.

Alpine Boat Basin

alpine boat basin

I sat on the rough and cold chair but to my body, it was like heaven. I’ve been hiking for too long as I may already have walked 8 miles. I didn’t care what the chair was made out of, all I cared about was sitting down and resting for a few minutes.

Alpine Boat Basin Trailhead

alpine boat basin trailhead


Shore Trail

shore trail after alpine basin

The shore trail went upwards a little bit but soon went downwards as the minutes passed by. The shore trail was very well maintained, it must have been purposely created to be easy for tourists and new hikers to walk through.

Shore Trail Waterfall


Waterfall at the shore trail.

Excelsior Dock

excelsior dock

Excelsior dock views.

Shore Trail

shore trail after alpine basin

The refreshing wind coming from river slammed against my body which made me zipped my jacket tight as it was a little bit too chilly for my liking. Still, the refreshing wind was still preferable to the hot and humid temperatures that this place becomes during the summer months.

Twombly’s Landing

twomblys landing

Twombly’s landing views.

Black And White Trail

black and white trail

My legs were starting to fail as I felt discomfort with every step that I have made. I most likely have hiked for 10 miles already and I still have 2 miles to go before reaching the parking lot. I tried to walk with a quicker pace to reach my destination as fast as possible but it was no use. My legs were already too tired. They were crumbling under the weight of my backpack and the length of the hike.

Black And White Trail Ascent

black and white trail

I dragged my body upwards, forcing my body to move every step of the way. Fatigue has taken control of my body and even my mind. As my breathing became heavier, my mind got filled with nonsensical thoughts of scenarios that would never happen, foods that I ate last night, foods that I will eat later… thoughts that don’t matter, just a way to deter my attention to the grueling ascent that I found myself into.

Last Ascent

black and white trail

There was a sense of reprieve coming all the way to this place and there was also a sense of dread as the last ascent is somewhat steep. I made my first step and it was dreadful as my body was already too fatigued and hungry. I kept moving, one step at a time, pushing myself to get up until I reached the top.

End Of Hike

end of hike

The long hike was over and I found myself enjoying a cheese burger at the restaurant near the parking lot. The lot was filled up with cars, and muffled sounds from people enjoying the views could be heard everywhere. The once silent hill was now littered with noise. Everyone was just trying to enjoy the landscape as much as they can but I already missed the silence and peacefulness that i enjoyed early in the morning.

For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best NYC Hikes Or Best New Jersey Hikes.

8 Replies to “Palisades Long Path And Shore Trail Hike

  1. This is a rather long hike. My knees were caving in at the last mile. Tough and challenging.

  2. A couple of waterfalls a long the way but it is the same view through out the hike. A little bit long but very satisfying.

  3. This is very hard. It is long and the climb back to the parking lot was tough.

  4. I thought this was going to be easy because the trails are very even or flat but we walked so fast that it became very challenging. By the time I got back to the parking lot, I was throwing up. Never again!

  5. I often park at the middle part of this hike and just hike all the way to the restaurant with my doggos. It is shorter and easier.

  6. Decent hike with decent views. Parking lot gets crowded around noon during the weekends though. Other than that, I enjoyed the hike.

  7. We did the whole hike and this is a monster. The climb at the end was very challenging. It wasn’t challenging under normal circumstances but this hike was long…. really long. Very tired at the end.

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