Hiking Trails

Pulpit Rock And The Pinnacle Loop Hike

Pulpit Rock And The Pinnacle Loop Hike

Pulpit Rock And The Pinnacle Loop is a very fun hike to do with two very beautiful vistas or outlooks. This is not that hard to do and people can take the road to Pulpit rock if they wish to conserve energy. The Pinnacle view is amazing though and I highly recommend that people go there. I saw a lot of kids, a few families, and a lot of adults when I did this hike. This is pretty popular and not that hard to do.

Pulpit Rock And The Pinnacle Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 9 Miles
Elevation Gained: 1,200 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
Reservoir Road
Pulpit Rock Trail
Pulpit Rock
Valley Rim Trail
The Pinnacle
Pinnacle Trail
Furnace Creek Trail
Reservoir Road



Note: The information is just an approximation.


40.583174, -75.941921

Start Of The Hike

It was a beautiful day to hike and I found myself a little bit farther from my home than I was used to. I couldn’t help it, something inside me loved the forest, the mountains, and the fresh air that I breathe whenever I hike. I head good things about this park and I was excited to start exploring it.

There were two women riding horses at the parking lot which surprised me greatly. It was not something I see everyday and didn’t expect to see horses on this park at all. The horses were beautiful that it made me think that they were very well taken cared of. I slapped on my hiking backpack then went on my way.


Reservoir Road

The scent of Fall was in the air and there was no denying it. It was the smell of pumpkin spice latte, knit sweaters on people, yellow leaves on the tree trunks, and the chill of the cool wind that brushed up on my skin on this lovely day. I walked on this flat and gentle road slowly, just appreciating this time and place that I may never come back to for a long time.


Reservoir Road

Shadows and light flicker on the ground along the trail as the wind made the trees danced and moved the clouds up in the sky. The scent of fresh air was intoxicating, cold yet sweet, my body enjoyed the every moment as I breathe deeply every now and then.


Reservoir Road Intersection

The intersection is after the bridge. There are two choices, either to continue going to the road or take the right and go to the trail.


Optional: Reservoir Road

The paved road was very enticing to a lot of tourists, hikers and even to myself. A quick and easy way to get to the top without going through a rugged terrain, mud, and steep slopes. Just a gentle incline that goes all the way to the pulpit rock view point.


Dome like structures could be found near the pulpit rock viewpoint. Never did I have seen anything like them and I had always thought that they were some sort of scientific buildings or weather research facilities.


Pulpit Rock Trail

To the people brave enough to follow the trail, you made a great mistake as this trail was 5 times harder than the road. Narrow footpaths with spiky branches hanging out, filled with boulders of different sizes with dead brown leaves covering them, could be found on the trail.


Pulpit Rock Trail

I packed my hiking sticks as the footpath became steeper near the viewpoint. Huge and white boulders scattered themselves through out the trail, and a steep ascent awaited me in order to get to the viewpoint. Nothing too difficult but still, the trail could had been a lot easier if I had stayed on the paved road.


Pulpit Rock

The gentle morning light that caressed my skin so softly, illuminated a land filled with mountains, trees, and houses. I sat on a ledge of a protruding rock, mesmerized by the beauty that I was seeing. I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, and could barely do anything. The land had captivated my heart and mind, as such the body had to choice but to follow.


Pulpit Rock Lookout

It was a nice place to rest upon after hiking upwards. The gentle breeze coming from the valley would come and go, giving my body reprieve and rejuvenating it from fatigue. All of my exhaustion were slowly fading away, all of my worries and mundane thoughts were floating away also as I looked at the beautiful valley. It was as if my soul was being cleansed and loved by nature just by admiring its beauty.


Valley Rim Trail

It was a flat footpath filled with various sized boulders that were scattered through out and a densely thick group of trees on left and right side. I walked ever so slowly, trying not to slip or get my foot caught in between two of the rocks. The trail was mostly flat but the rocks and boulders made the trail more arduous than I had expected.


Valley Rim Trail

I was walking on top of a sea of rocks as far as my eyes could see. There were short slopes along the way, nothing too steep but the rocks made them more difficult to traverse. I walked ever so slowly, just trying not to injure myself while also appreciating the various sounds of birds that were singing in the background.


Huge Cairn

A huge cairn could be found near The Pinnacle lookout.


The Pinnacle

It was a great day to hike and I wasn’t the only one who thought so. There were many people enjoying the view at the pinnacle lookout. It was a good thing that the lookout was very big and could accommodate a lot of people. I sat at a ledge, admiring the mists that was slowly devouring the valley. The land was beautiful. Every corner and angle that my eyes could see, I could not find any complaints nor anything I didn’t want to see.


The Pinnacle Lookout

I felt so good that I thought I could fly sometimes. Of course, I always put my safety as a priority and made sure that the bottom of this ledge was another ledge. It felt good feeling the wind brushing with my body, comforting and cooling it on this beautiful day. The mist was slowly disappointing, and everyone could see how beautiful the scenery was.


The Pinnacle Viewpoint – Hawks Flying

It was a sea of green trees, as far as the eye could see. A little bit of yellow and orange but still too early in the Fall for the colors to change. The hawks made their home here as I have seen more than a dozen of them that kept flying across the valley. I stood in envy at the freedom that they have. They could fly, glide and be free of troubles. It was as if all they do was have fun and enjoy what nature would provide for them.


Pinnacle Trail

My boot sank deep into the muddy footpath as I was admiring the scenery. It was deep to the point that I felt a force gripping my boot as I tried to lift it up. Dark wet soil, dead leaves and tiny branches clung desperately to my boot as I wiggled my foot around. I hopped and stomped my feet hard on the ground hoping to get rid as much of them as possible.


Pinnacle Trail

A clearing could be found and the trail to the furnace creek could be found.


Furnace Creek Trail

There was something lackluster about this downward trail as if it sucked out all the fun in my body and left me with only boredom. I took a rest halfway as I saw various bikers and hikers were going upwards. They don’t seem to mind and yet I felt so drained. I took a deep sigh and continued my descent, trying to get to the parking lot as fast as possible.


Furnace Creek Trail

At the bottom of the trail was a green meadow created by people. Short and trimmed grass were flourishing at the side and a somewhat still river was at my right. As the afternoon sunlight hit the water and grass, it created a landscape that could have been born out of the movies as if a couple of deers would come frolicking out and into the meadow.

I stayed on trail to not kill any plants nor to disturb the landscape even though the water was very tempting to touch.



At the right side of the trail is a reservoir. I don’t think it is legal to go there so I just kept going.


End Of The Hike

I ended up at the reservoir road again with a few hikers that were going back to the parking lot also. The sun was going down with the shadows growing steadily but I wasn’t in a hurry. I took my time, walked slowly, in a relaxed pace. There was a part of me that wanted to stay longer even for just a few more minutes. This park was too far from my home, and I knew that I wouldn’t be back here for a long time. So I took my time, appreciated the trees and nature a little bit more before heading to the parking lot.


For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best Hikes In Pennsylvania page.