Hiking Trails

Pyramid Mountain Tripod Rock Loop Hike

Pyramid Mountain Tripod Rock Loop

This is a great hike that feels more like a walk in a park. The trails are pretty easy and tamed. The foot paths are practically devoid of big rocks, pretty level, and mostly soil or small rocks. The foot paths are pretty easy on the legs and does not require a lot of effort to traverse. There are not a lot of views but there are these huge rock formations that are very interesting. If I had time, I would most likely play around with the rock formations more.

Pyramid Mountain Tripod Rock Loop Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 700 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: Yes

Trail Breakdown
Blue Trail
Blue Mennen Trail
White Trail
Red Trail
Blue Trail Going Back
White Trail
Blue Trail To Parking Lot



Note: The information is just an approximation. I turned on my phone late so the date is somewhat incomplete.


40.946583, -74.388410


Start Of The Hike

The desire to explore new places had always been enough for me to pack up my bags, and head on out. While this hike was way out of the way and too far to drive from my home, I wanted to see with my own eyes what kind of place this was. There was just this beautiful feeling inside me that craved for exploration, craved adventure, and craved to be with nature. This feeling wanted adventure or a way to get out of my daily routine, see unknown places, and experience something new.


Blue Trail

The sun shined down on the trail, illuminating my surrounding area, with the plants cheerfully greeting its rays as the color of their leaves turned even brighter. It was a road filled with gravel and tiny pebbles with various white rocks on the side. The smooth and even road slithers towards a place that my eyes could not reach. It had the order and design that could only come from human beings, a clear sign that this state park was very tame and was reorganized to provide more safety and familiarity to the people hiking it.


Blue Trail

The dirt footpath of the blue trail seemed reorganized as well as if the floors were swept by a broom to take out the pebbles, small rocks, and leaves that could have fallen on the dirt footpath. It had long branches carefully lined up at the side and big trees that sheltered hikers from the sun or rain. The sound of happy birds echoed in my surroundings as I could hear their songs and chirps all over the place.


Transmission Tower

Gigantic transmission towers rose out of a big opening on my left. They seemed strong, stable and new with lots of thick cables connecting them to each other. Parts of the forest seemed to have been cut down to make way for these huge towers as I could not find any single tree in between them. I was in awe at the amazing things human beings can make but at the same time, I was not really interested as I would prefer to see the amazing things that nature had created.


Blue Trail Ascent

To my left was the white trail while to my right was the blue trail that was ascending upwards. The ascent was rather quick and gentle but it was still strenuous to my body as I had been hiking for a couple of days straight. Various hikers passed me by as they moved a lot faster than my pace. They disappeared from my view as the closely knit trees of the forest hid them from my sight. Still, I walked slowly on my own pace, just admiring the light and shadow dancing on the ground. They seemed to be moving and listening to the rhythm and song of the wind.


Mennen Trail View Point

It was a narrow vista with various flat boulders where people could sit could be found, out of which huge transmission towers lined themselves up over the distance. The fluffy clouds floated merrily over the expansive sky, slowly moving towards their destination while some of them broke apart and disappeared without any trace at all. The cool gentle wind lovingly caressed my skin as it passed by while singing a lullaby with its breath that made my eyes droopy.


Blue Mennen Trail

I passed by towering trees of the forest along the blue mennen trail with their crowns and branches full of leaves that sheltered me from the rays of the sun. The forest air was cool and moist, perfect for hiking and jogging as I’ve seen a couple of trail runners passed me by. They sped along the flat blue trail at an alarming speed, passing various hikers and disappearing quickly into the distance.


Blue Mennen Trail Sign

Intersection sign that pointed to Lucy’s Overlook.


Lucy’s Overlook

It was a lookout blocked by a series of trees densely packed together that I couldn’t make out what is beyond them. The trees and their leaves impeded my sight which made the viewpoint rather disappointing. I took a few pictures and went on my way back towards the blue mennen trail.


Playing With Tripod Rock

There were 20 children and 30 puppies trapped underneath a big boulder. I went underneath the boulder and lifted it up with all my strength to get them out. They were very grateful and thankful as they all went back to their parents. However, after I lifted the rock, I became trapped and could no longer move. I was underneath the big boulder for 40 days and 40 nights without any food and water. It snowed, rained and hailed while I was there too. Slowly, I inched along and was able to free myself. Of course, I just made up this whole story.


Tripod Rock

Tripod rock was a peculiar and weird looking rock that balanced itself along three smaller rocks with one side that seemed somewhat over extended. There were parts on the side of the rock were I could put my hands onto which would allow me to climb the big boulder and they were clearly made by other human beings. There were plenty of angles for photography and it was a great rock to play around with.


White Kinnelon Buttler Trail

Flat and smooth, the white trail felt more like a walk along a neighborhood park than inside a forest. The thin trees were wide apart that I could see the beautiful sky as I walked by. There were a few squirrels and chipmunks that scurried along the tamed footpath with various birds chirping on top of the trees but I could not see where they were.


Orange Trail Detour

I took a detour to the orange trail just to take a look at the viewpoint that was nearby.


Orange Trail Lookout

Thinly shaped clouds painted the blue sky with the cool wind coming in from the valley. The sky was very delicate and tender with the clouds moving wildly from one point to another, changing their forms and shapes with each passing moment. Sadly, the sky was the only thing I could see as the vista was blocked by shrubs and trees that were very close together. Disappointed, I went back and proceeded to go to the red trail.


Red Trail

The dirt footpath become narrow with a few inclines and declines, and most of the designs, changes and additions to the trail made by human beings seemed to have vanished. It was a forest like most trails I have come across but this one seemed brighter and cheerful than the rest. Perhaps, it was the bright sun that illuminated the landscape or the animals that made their presence known. All I know was that I had a great and relaxing time walking along the red trail.


Whale Rock

A towering rock could be found along the red trail, its presence was distinct and peculiar. It was 3-4 times my height, and made its home in a corner of the trail. From a closer inspection, it looked like a head of an animal with a slanted crack that looked like its mouth. It looked more like a head of a bird or lizard than a whale to me. There were nothing I could grab onto that would have allowed me to get up to the top of the rock so I moved on.


Red Trail

I found myself at an intersection with the red trail going to the left and going to the right. I chose to go to the left. The trail was a steep descent downwards on a narrow footpath with a few small loose rocks that tumbled down as I stepped on top of them. The sun vanished completely as the narrow footpath was more like a tunnel going downwards. The densely packed trees engulfed the trail, preventing the sun’s rays from hitting or touching the ground.


Blue Mennen Trail Going Back

The air felt moist, laden with the scent of wet dirt, and wet dead leaves lying on the ground. The dirt footpath was filled with wet boulders of different sizes and brown leaves that must have fallen in the last Fall season. A small bridge made out of wood was in the middle of a tiny stream. It looked old, soggy and wet but was very stable. I stepped on the wooden bridge and proceeded to return or go back to the parking lot.


Blue Mennen Trail Mud

The muddy trail glistened to the light of the afternoon sun as the sticky soil stuck themselves on the corners of my boots. I hopped from one small boulder to another, trying to avoid the sticky and soft mud that I found myself in.

The plants and the earth sparkled underneath the mild rays of the afternoon sun. There was a beautiful glow that radiated from the forest, a vibrant atmosphere filled with life could be felt in the air, it was as if the forest was alive and rejoicing at the sight of my arrival, welcoming me with open arms. A feeling of appreciation flowed through me as I walked by. It took over my senses and all of my thoughts. I felt grateful for my time on the beautiful forest and thankful for all the hikes that I have done.


Bear Rock

Bear rock was a massive boulder that lay silently on the brown earth. It was wider and bigger than I had imagined. It was wider than a bus and around 5-6 times my height also. It seemed like a big bear that was hibernating or sleeping from a certain angle. It looked like a fun rock to climb but I hesitated and chose not to as I was all alone on the trail and did not see anyone passing by. If I hurt myself, I did not think I could make it back alive.


White Trail Going Back

There were various ways or trails to get back but I chose to go to the white trail. Huge thick trees made their home at the side of the footpath. The trees were densely packed at this part of the trail, blocking out most of the sunlight from getting through. The footpath was rather flat, and smooth with lots of trail markers and intersections along the way. I just followed the white trail and ignored everything else.


I crossed another wooden bridge or platform to get to the other side. It felt rather stable and safe despite wearing an old and ragged appearance. The trees of the the forest looked very thin at this part of the trail that I felt like I was walking in some sort of Japanese bamboo forest. Thousands of boulders of varying sizes greeted me at the other side, making the trail a little bit more difficult to walk onto. I used my hiking sticks to give myself more balance as I moved slowly while trying not to hurt or injure my ankles.


End Of The White Trail

I saw an old familiar cairn at the end of the white trail. It was a cairn that I passed by before with the blue trail leading upwards at my left. The trail was again filled with lots of people and hikers passing me by as I headed towards the parking lot. It was a rather good hike that passed by a beautiful forest, decent vistas, and peculiar rock formations. It was somewhat easy and didn’t give me a good workout but it was still fun. I went back to the parking lot, excited to hike more trails in the future.



For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best New Jersey Hikes Or Best New York City Hikes.



9 Replies to “Pyramid Mountain Tripod Rock Loop Hike

  1. There were lots of hikers when I did this hike. It was rather easy with decent views.

  2. This park is very beautiful and it looks safe. Everything was maintained and rearranged by people. There were some good views and lots of trails to choose from.

  3. There were lots of people and dogs that come here. The parking lot is pretty big and the park is very big with lots of good trails.

  4. Lots of big rocks that were very tempting to climb. Enjoyed this hike from start to end.

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