Hiking Trails

Ricketts Glen State Park Falls Trail Hike

Ricketts Glen Falls Hike

Ricketts Glen Falls is a great hike that is very popular due to the amount of waterfalls that this hike has. This is best to do during the month of April because the waterfalls will be a lot more powerful during that month. I saw a lot of hikers, beginners and tourists when I did this hike. It was during the weekday so it was not that crowded. I suspect that this place is pretty crowded during weekends. This is a great hike and I highly recommend it.

Ricketts Glen Falls Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1, Trail Map Picture
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 3.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 700 ft
Toilet At The Parking Lot: Yes, At The Park Office

Trail Breakdown
Ganoga Glen Side Falls Trail
Glen Leigh Side Trail
Highland Trail

Note: The information is just an approximation.


41.329867, -76.291118


Start Of The Hike

Inside the forest, there was a kinship with the Earth, a natural bond or love for nature. It was a bond that not a lot of people could see, only hikers and people who love the Earth would be able to feel it. I stepped onto the hiking trail feeling happy, just knowing that I get to hike again and I was in a beautiful park with a lot of waterfalls. There was a smile on my face with each step that I made. I couldn’t wait to see what this trail had to offer.


Mohawk Waterfall

Mohawk Waterfall

There was a photographer with his wife at the base of the waterfall. He set up his tripod, camera, and started taking pictures. I waited for my chance as there was only one spot and I didn’t want to bother him. The water trickled down a series of rocks and joined a river. I was expecting a very powerful force or flow but it was October so it was understandable that the waterfall was kind of dry. I got a few pictures and went on my way.


Oneida Waterfall

Oneida Waterfall

The waterfall was very pretty even though it was not as powerful as I’d hope it would be. The water flowed peacefully from the top then to the bottom, barely making any sound. It wasn’t tall nor big but it was surrounded by beautiful leaves of green, yellow and orange. It was beautiful in its own right and in its own way.


Cayuga Waterfall

Cayuga Waterfall

The small waterfall was unimpressive as it did not even looked like a waterfall to be honest. The water was barely flowing and it just didn’t look good in any angle. I took a few shots then went on my way to the next one.


Ganoga Waterfall

Ganoga Waterfall

Ganoga waterfall was most likely the tallest one, consisting of two waterfalls combined together. The height was tremendous that even the trickling waters created so much noise and power as they traveled down the rocky steps. I watched in awe along with other people who decided to stay and relax at the bottom of the waterfall. There were various plant life living along side the waterfall which made it look even more beautiful but there were also washed up logs and dead trees that we all had to be careful of.



Ganoga Glen Falls Trail

Moist and cool, the forest trail was very pleasant. The footpath moved along side the river and the waterfalls which gave people a chance to see the beauty of nature easily. The trails were very well maintained, a little muddy in a few spots, but very easy to traverse due to the terrain being flat most of the time.


Seneca Waterfall

Seneca Waterfall

The water from the river split into two, creating two waterfalls in this part of the trail. I’m certain that in the Spring where the waterfall is at its peak, this will just be one. But the water in this part of the trail was so scarce that the waterfall split into two. There were too much roots and debris at the bottom of the waterfall as well that I just took a few pictures then left.


Delaware Waterfall

Delaware Waterfall

The waterfall gushed on the side, flowing all the way down to create a river. At the side of the waterfall was a series of stairs that was obviously created by human beings. The stairs were sturdy and rough. A good set of stairs that was not that much slippery even though it was obviously wet. Next to the stairs were bushes and plant life that seemed to be planted there by human beings also. There was order and yet earthly look to it that I think the people did a very good job sculpting the landscape.


Mohican Waterfall

Mohican Waterfall

Fallen logs and dead trees could be found almost everywhere in this hike. They were often found near a waterfall or near the river. They did not look sturdy as I tried my best not to touch or go near any of them. They add an interesting touch to the scenery but I am not sure how. They make the landscape more untamed, wild and more natural even though I know that this trail had been heavily maintained and designed by human beings.


Conestoga Waterfall

Conestoga Waterfall

The waterfall was a little bit too far for me to reach as the bottom was filled with slippery rocks and dead logs. I had seen way too many waterfalls already that this one looked so ordinary. I took a few pictures and moved on to the next one.


Tuscarora Waterfall

Tuscarora Waterfall

Beautiful and impressive, the water flowed effortlessly from the rocks at the top to the bottom. The sound of falling waters could be heard easily as the waterfall was high enough that it was able to create force and pressure. The waterfall looked beautiful from a far but I couldn’t get near it. The bottom part had way too many slippery rocks and logs that I was too afraid. It looked great though, a two part waterfall that was oozing with white liquid.


Erie Waterfall

Erie Waterfall

The last waterfall in the Ganoga Glen side of the the trail. It was big and tall, with water flowing rapidly from the top to the bottom. The green trees of the forest was changing with a few yellow and orange leaves appearing on a lot of the trees. The morning sun light hit the landscape, illuminating one part of the land while the other side remained in the shadows. This is nature at its finest… a display of wonderful colors, calming watery sounds, and a sense of belonging that I was meant to be here at the right place and at the right time.


Bridge Where The Water Meets

Bridge Where The Water Meets

The waters that come from Ganoga Glen and Glen Leigh converge on this spot.


Wyandot Waterfall

Wyandot Waterfall

The first waterfall after the bridge was beautiful. The waters flowed rampantly in this side of the woods and the sunlight made the waters shimmer as they fall to the bottom. I could see myself going to the bottom and having the waters purify my skin. But I hesitated as the amount of hikers and photographers that were enjoying this park was growing steadily.


B. Reynolds Waterfall

B. Reynolds Waterfall

The waterfall looked good but I couldn’t get a good angle. It was nice that I was able to get very near the waterfall but at the same time, I couldn’t touch it. I was at the side and if I moved in closer, I would fall to the bottom. The waterfall was bigger and taller but I guess you will just have to get here to see that.


R.B. Ricketts Waterfall

R.B. Ricketts Waterfall

The pool of water at the bottom prevented me from getting near the waterfall. I stepped on one sturdy rock to the next until I reached the middle. I took a few pictures and went back to the trail as I didn’t want to slip and injure myself. I couldn’t get near the waterfall but I didn’t have to.


Ozone Waterfall

Ozone Waterfall

There were a few photographers sitting around in the area, getting their camera gear ready and waiting for the sun to shine as well. The water in this part flowed magnificently compared to the others. I tried my best to be careful with each step that I made, trying my best not to slip. The waterfall was big but it was also a little bit too far for me to reach.


Glen Leigh Side Trail

Glen Leigh Side Trail

The footpath was pretty much the same as before, easy and flat. I loved the terrain as I didn’t want to spend too much energy traversing the footpath. I would rather use my energy for taking photographs and trying to get the best angles. There were some muddy parts and slippery rocks but nothing that I couldn’t handle.


Huron Waterfall

Huron Waterfall

Another tall and beautiful waterfall was in the trail. This one had the same human made stairs at the side and I could understand why people have put it there. They didn’t want anyone having problems getting to the top. It is a way to prevent accidents and people will have an easier time walking to the top. The waterfall itself looked like it was falling down a series of steps. I wondered if people sculpted those rocks since they did not look that natural at all.


Shawnee Waterfall

Shawnee Waterfall

The trail headed north definitely had better waterfalls than the previous trail that was going south. The waterfalls in this trail were taller, bigger and had more water falling from them. The bottom of the waterfall was somewhat deep that it wasn’t a good idea to get near them.


F.L. Ricketts Waterfall

F.L. Ricketts Waterfall

The water trickled down on a few steps then gently stopping at the bottom. The structure of this waterfall looked amazing. It must have looked very good in the Spring or when there is a lot of water falling down. Unfortunately, that was not the case today. A part of me wished that I hiked this in April but at the same time, I was not sure whether this place will have a lot of mosquitoes or not.


Onondaga Waterfall

Onondaga Waterfall

The final waterfall was pretty amazing with lots of water pouring down. The sound of the waterfall could be heard even from a far, and it was definitely a great sight to see. I took a rest at the base of the waterfall, knowing that this will be the last one that I would get to see. The sound of the waterfall was calming to my ears. Sitting down near the river was such a peaceful way to spend the day as if my soul was being cleansed just by sitting there and not doing anything.


End Of The Hike

ricketts glen trail

The trail back to the parking lot was very flat and very easy. I couldn’t have asked for anything more effortless than the hike back. However, a part of me knows that I will never be able to come back here again since it will take me 5 hours just to get here from my home. There was a little bit of pain in my heart with each step that I made. Almost missing this park already and I haven’t even left it yet. Maybe one day I will come back and look at the waterfalls again. They are beautiful, might be worth it to come back here again in the future.



For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best Hikes In Pennsylvania page.

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