Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

Saint Regis Hike

Saint Regis hike is not too hard and not too easy with a very large and beautiful viewpoint at the top. There is also a fire tower where people can view their surroundings even more. This is a very popular hike and I saw a lot of people at the top. The good news is that the top is very big that there are plenty of spaces to sit on. A great hike for beginners and for families also. It is not too hard and a little bit on the easy side. The parking lot is very big also which means it can accommodate a lot of people so even if you are late, you can still expect to find a parking space for your vehicle.

Saint Regis Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy To Moderate
Distance: 6.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 1,600 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
0.6 Road
1.6 Yellow Flat Trail To Intersection
1 Mile Red Trail Going Up
3.2 Miles Going Back

Note: The information is just an approximation.


44.432233, -74.300193


Start Of The Hike

100 years from now, when I’m old and can barely use my legs, I think the one thing that I will regret is not hiking more places when I was younger. Hiking was enjoyable, beautiful and good for the body. One of the few things in life that I had talent for.

But those kinds of thoughts quickly disappeared as I saw a couple of police cars parked at the entrance. At first, I thought the place had some sort of criminal investigation and they were blocking the entrance but fortunately, that was not the case. A few of them were talking to each other, sipping coffee and they did not even pay any attention to me as I drove my car inside the lot.


Trail Marker And Sign

I went on my way, minding my own business and taking pictures of my surroundings. I tried my best not to take pictures of the cops as I didn’t want to bother them nor do I want them to bother me.

The parking lot was big and can seriously fit a lot of cars. I was amazed at how big it was which maybe a good indication on how popular this place was. But there were hardly any public cars at the parking lot and my car stood out like a sore thumb. I guess I should be thankful that there were police officers in the area, at least my car was safe and sound from thieves and vandals that could drop by when I was hiking up the mountain.


Road Trail

The road trail was very pretty with beautiful flowers and plants at the sides. There was even a bridge with a flowing river underneath it, right next to the parking lot. It looked like a great place to go to for a jog or to take your dog to for a walk. It seemed safe due to the police and the road seemed very well maintained. Perhaps the people that live nearby were rich or wealthy since this place was very clean and beautiful to the eyes.


Yellow Trail

The trail took me out of the road and into the forest. The beautiful road didn’t lasts very long and I was now back to the usual dirt footpath that I’ve known and very familiar with for so long. The light of the morning sun vanished underneath the thick and heavily packed trees of the forest. All that was left was the grayish and dull color as I went deep into the woods where the sun don’t even shine.


Yellow Trail

It was a flat terrain that greeted me and I was not complaining as these types of terrain were easy and gentle to the legs. The information I got was that this had a decent elevation gain that will give me a good workout as such a gentle trail was a nice surprise and would love it if it lasted for a while.


Yellow Trail

The flat terrain lasted for some time with a few decent slopes here and there. A nice way to start the hike and let the legs warm up before the ascent upwards.


Wooden Planks

Wooden planks were all over the place which was a good indication that the trails on this park were well maintained. The planks were sturdy and didn’t shake at all when I stepped onto them to avoid the muddy soil underneath. They were well made, strong and seemed that they would help hikers traverse the footpath for a long time.


Yellow Trail

A simple wooden bridge could be seen along the trail that helped me cross over and avoid the water and mud underneath.


Yellow Trail Starting To Ascend

Wet and muddy, the yellow trail ascended upwards, making it harder for me to traverse the footpath. My boots sank on the muddy soil as I made my way upwards. The mud clang onto my hiking boots and dirt went to my pants. I tried to hug the sides but it was of no use as the mud was everywhere and there was only one footpath going up.



There were parts of the trail that seemed to have eroded due to water or perhaps just the sheer amount of people walking upwards. The footpath looked unnatural as if the trees would be uprooted in the near future if nothing was done to prevent the erosion from progressing any further.


Red Trail

I finally got to the red trail and if my calculations were correct, I passed the half way point already and I was near the top. My lungs were breathing heavily and the slope was starting to get to my legs as fatigue was slowly building up inside my body. I wanted to keep my body warm and energetic as such, rest was not an option so I kept moving on.


Red Trail

More mud and obstacles on the hike to the top.


Red Trail

There were stairs that were obviously created by human beings along the footpath to make it easier for hikers to get to the top. It took away the wild or untamed appearance of the forest and made the trail look more civilized but I didn’t mind as such structures made the hike easier for me to get up or walk up the mountain.


Could See The Opening

The light of the blue sky could be seen at the top of the trail and all I had to do was walk upwards. However, the footpath was smooth and watery as such I had to be careful. One false step or move and I could slip and fall which would not be ideal when hiking alone.


Red Trail Almost At The Top

It was the last stretch to get to the top of the mountain as I could see pieces of the fire tower hiding behind the boulders at the top. I grinned and smiled as the toughest and most energy consuming parts of the hike were almost over. Just one more to go which was a quick rock scramble to get up the mountain.


Saint Regis Fire Tower

The tower rose like a giant, standing out of all the structures nearby it. It stood tall, proud, and gigantic as it seemed like it could touch the clouds up in the sky. It was a beautiful sight to see and I was definitely happy that the hike upwards was finally over. “I made it!” I thought to myself. I was at the viewpoint, at the intended location, and I could finally take a well deserved rest and let my energy replenish itself.


Saint Regis Views

With just one look at the landscape in front of me, the voice in my head was screaming.

“This is so beautiful and amazing!”

I was paralyzed, couldn’t move, all I could do was stare at the white clouds slowly moving to the left. I was mesmerized and in that moment I knew, I was really happy. The ocean of green trees, the sun hiding behind the white clouds, and the valley beaming with life, were all too perfect. There was something within me that just loved nature that I could feel it in my heart and deep within my bones.


Saint Regis Vista

The viewpoint at the top was huge, could fit groups of people and yet, I was there all alone. No people, no buzzing noise coming from strangers, no one there but me. I looked at the valley in appreciation, just standing there dumbfounded. I was speechless, no words could be said, and words could barely describe what I felt.


Saint Regis Viewpoint

The fierce mountain wind blew from the silver horizon, moving the clouds and hitting my body forcefully. I stood there, proud, unmovable, as the wind would come and go from time to time. It was cool, refreshing, taking away the fatigue that I had accumulated while giving life back to my body. I breathed in heavily, taking in that clean air into my lungs and then letting it out. The clean air felt good as I inhaled it in, and it felt good on my body as it touched my skin.


Saint Regis Views

The bright morning sun peeked from the multitude of clouds it was hiding behind in. Its rays were gentle, light and felt soothing. A good compliment to the cool wind that was coming in.


Saint Regis Walking To The Left Side

A few hikers started trickling in to the viewpoint as I was moving to the left to see what other angles or scenery I could catch with my camera with.


Saint Regis Vista

I could feel all my worries and woes fading away. As they faded, all that was left was nothingness. I was just there in stillness, no thoughts in my head, nothing to think about, nothing to say. Everything became more vivid as the valley’s colors shined more beautifully. The shades of green and shadows became more prominent and even the color of the clouds and sky looked more striking.

It was like a sharp sword that sliced through all the baggage and worries that I was carrying, once they were gone, nothing left to do, nothing left to think about. All there is, is all there is.


Saint Regis Lookout

More views.


Saint Regis Viewpoint

I sat at the cold hard stone, away from everyone. The forceful mountain winds were gone, all that was left were gentle winds that were making me fall asleep. I looked at the landscape in front of me while my eyes were slowly closing itself. I think I slept for 5 minutes before I woke up and started moving again to keep myself awake.


Saint Regis Views

There was this harmony between the trees, clouds, blue sky and even the light and shadows that play on this valley. Everything had a part and everything had a purpose, and yet it was all natural. I was one of the lucky ones to be able to come here on such a beautiful day. In that moment, a sense of peace, harmony and tranquility came over my body, it came from the landscape in front of me, shot through my eyes, went to my heart then spread through out my veins and arteries. Such deep feelings of peace and harmony filled every cell of my body, all the way deep into my bones and into my very being or soul.

All I knew after that was everything was good, everything was well with my life. Everything had a purpose. Everything will be well and good in the future as well.


Saint Regis More Views

I have nothing to say here lol.


Saint Regis View Point

I sat one more time, taking a rest and getting ready to leave. I couldn’t stay here forever even if I wanted to. Well, there will be other places to hike and visit. Hopefully, they will be as beautiful as this place as well.


Saint Regis Fire Tower Views

I climbed the fire tower after making sure that everyone left. The views at the fire tower were often very beautiful and this was no exception. I was at the height, above all other structures and trees as such I could see everything or more landscape than I could see down below.


Saint Regis Fire Tower Scenery

But fire towers often make me nervous since they are so high and made out of metal. I always think that a stray thunder bolt would hit one of these structures some day and I didn’t want to be inside one when that happens. The fire tower is made out of metal after all and it is the closest to the sky among all other structures as such it could be a big magnet for lightning.


Red Trail Going Back

With a body fresh and full of energy, I started my hike downwards. The hike was rather easy and not as hard as going up. I traversed the footpaths and trails at a pace faster than when I was going up.


Yellow Trail Going Back

I met the flat yellow trail again with no problems or complications with the afternoon sun shining brightly from the sky. Its rays could be seen piercing through the cracks of the forest creating light and shadows at the ground that appeared to be dancing when the wind came passing by.


End Of The Hike

I looked ahead of me and saw the old familiar road that I thought was very clean and beautiful. The hike was almost over and I was happy that it was. I was hungry and tired, and would love nothing more than to go to a restaurant and fill my belly with food.

I looked at the trail, footpath and at the mountain one last time. I knew I would miss this place some day because it was very beautiful and I enjoyed my time here thoroughly. But all good things must come to an end so that other good things can take its place. I drove my car out of the parking lot that was now filled with cars, said goodbye to the place with a smile and looked forward to the next adventures that I would find myself into next time.




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