Hiking Trails

Sam’s Point Hike – Ice Cave, Verkeerderkill Falls, High Point, Indian Rock

Sam's Point

Sam’s point hike is one of the best hikes if you live in New Jersey, New York City and Connecticut. There are so many beautiful things about this hike especially in the Fall. The blueberry leaves turn into this reddish scarlet color and they look beautiful. Verkeerderkill Falls looks amazing during the Spring. The waterfall flows heavily with might and power. The first 10 minutes of the hike will give you amazing views as well. I am not a big fan of the ice cave but some people like it. I like Indian rock and high point. I like view points and vistas. This place has lots of them.

Sam’s Point Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1, Trail Map 2
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Strenuous Due To Length
Distance: ~10+ Miles
Elevation Gained: 1022 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: Yes

Trail Breakdown
Loop Road – 1 mile
Ice Cave – 2 miles
Verkeerder Kill Falls Trail – 2 miles
High Point Trail – 2.4 miles
High Point Carriageway – 2.1 miles
Indian Rock Trail – 0.8 miles


Note: The information is just an approximation.

Parking – Parking is somewhat limited in the weekends. They will not allow you to park your car if the parking lot is full.

41.670266, -74.361117


Start Of The Hike

sam's point parking lot

I stood up from my chair, where I had been sitting for some time, waiting for my members to be done with their bathroom, as my eyes gazed into the distance. There I saw in the corner of my eye, 60+ people about to hike the trail. I had around 30+ in my group too. It was one of those times when I wished I had picked another day to go hiking Sam’s point but I knew today was the sweet spot for Fall foliage leaf peeping and I wanted my members to enjoy the beauty that nature had to offer on this October day. We may end up getting cramped, or sandwiched on the narrow foot paths but still, I hoped that the hike today would be worth it.


Note: Parking is pretty competitive during the weekends in October.


Loop Road Trail To Overlook

Loop Road Trail

Panda looked into the distance, her tail wagging intensely, her eyes wide, filled with delight. There was adventure in the air, and she could smell it. The smooth dirt road must have looked like freedom to her, an endless easy path filled with excitement, trees, tiny animals she could chase and a plethora of different things to sniff. She ran as fast as she could straight forward then she stopped halfway and went back to her owners. I guess even dogs know the comfort and safety that comes with being with people that love you.


Loop Road Trail

The loop road went upwards, a gentle incline towards the top of a mountain. Red, brown, and orange leaves flew down towards the top of our heads as a cool breeze passed us by. The road was filled with colorful trees that quickly vanished as the towering pile of rocks of the mountain filled the scenery. To the left, a few hikers bushwacked their way into a cave while some of my daredevil group members climbed their way towards the top of the mountain through an opening. I went on following the road with the rest, making sure everyone was safe.


Sam’s Point First View Point

The soft light of the morning sun shined through the landscape at the base of the cliff. The sun’s light was far reaching as it illuminated the trees, leaves, and the blue mountains near the horizon. Its reach went far and wide, filling our vision with delight, while providing our bodies with warmth. I could feel the rays of the morning sun on my skin like a gentle blanket that was cozy and warm during this cold October day.


Sam's Point First View Point

The forest glowed in vivid green underneath the morning sun. The fresh mountain wind would hit my face while rejuvenating my body. The scent of the clean air cleansed away the impurities and tiredness that my body had been through. On the mountain, I have no care about the world, no worries, no commitments, and no hatred. There was just this beauty, calm, and peacefulness that entered my soul.


Sam’s Point Outlook

Sam's Point Outlook

Further along the trail was Sam’s Point outlook. The leaves on the trees were sparkling with color as shades of scarlet, gold, yellow, orange, green and brown blanketed the land. These trees provided more happiness, and more antidepressants for me than any drug could offer and yet they will be gone in a week or so, leaving the trees naked and barren for the winter. I loved this time of the year. It was a time of beauty, and mother nature knew how to do it well.


Sam's Point Outlook Views

Looking at the blue sky, there in front of me was a vast expanse of trees, a forest of green, yellow, orange, red and brown, with blue mountains and white clouds hovering over the silver white lining of the horizon. It was still early in the Fall and most of the trees were still green, with a few patches of yellow, orange and red. In the distance, a big white house stood proudly surrounded by trees which made it seem like it was secluded from civilization.


Sam's Point Outlook Views

A cool breeze blew in that gently caressed my skin while the hawks flew over the ledge showing off their talents to make the flightless be bound with green envy, and the sounds of laughter and fun from hikers reign all over the once silent and empty viewpoint. It was a great day to go hiking, even nature was welcoming with open arms.


Sam’s Point Ice Cave

Sam's Point Ice Cave

The dank cave was not a good experience for me. It was not even a cave but more like a crevice full of mud, dirt and water dripping down from its walls. I stepped on the frigid pools of stagnant water, and put my hand on the damp watery walls. There was dread and disgust as I looked at my hands filled with mold, dirt, and moss. I was grateful that there was light pouring into the cave and we didn’t have to use flashlights nor headlamps to light up our way. Can you imagine traveling into a fully dark cave with a big group? I shudder at the thought of it.


Ice Cave Exit Views

Sam's Point Ice Cave Views

A nice breeze greeted us when we exited the cave, its fresh and relaxing nature was so satisfying to the body, a pleasant change from the stuffy and static air inside. A cool gust of wind, laden with the scent of the earth, with a hint of minty leaves from the nearby shrubbery, passed by. I took off my jacket to thoroughly enjoy what the wind had to offer. I looked at the vast endless sea of green and brown trees before me, and told my group members to stay and relax. Like a leaf that is being set free and carried by the wind, in here, I feel free.


Blue Berry Trail

Blue Berry Trail

Everyone just walked by, not even glancing at the plants and their surroundings. To them, these plants are just something ordinary and not even worth paying any attention to. However, to me, these plants are amazing. These blueberries looked fiery, bold, flaming hot, scarlet, sizzling hot, sunset red, blood red, and amazing beautifully red.


Blue Berry Trail

The type of red that only lasts 3-4 days before the colors fade away. I was there appreciating their colors with every step I make. People, most likely, did not understand why I was so happy and smiling. But to me, walking in an ocean of fiery red plants felt like walking in fire. It was not something I get to experience all the time.


Verkeerderkill Falls Top

Sams Point Verkeerderkill Falls

The ledge was big enough to hold 30+ people, and provided us with great views. To our left, a crystal clear view of the green lush valley in Sam’s point. To the right, the water looked like millions of silvery icy tears falling down a wrinkled face of a mountain. This was a great spot to enjoy other people’s company, share a few laughs, eat lunch and watch the waterfall gush down the mountain. There were a lot of tourists and hikers that just come to this spot and go back as this was the main attraction of this place.


Verkeerderkill Falls

My stomach made a slight murmur as I opened my lunch box. I barbecued some pork and packed it with rice on the side. As the pork hit my lips, and into my tongue, it felt good as I tasted the sweetness of the meat and soft earthy yet bland white rice. We ate our lunch together and the sound of muffled yet happy conversations could be heard coming from all around me. There were fun times, good times, and jokes all around. Everyone was engaged in light humor, jokes and other pleasantries. I enjoyed everyone’s company and hoped that happy days such as this day would continue all through out my life.


Sam’s Point Verkeerderkill Falls

Note: Someone just informed me that the bottom of the falls was private property and no one is allowed to go down there. I was asked to remove the section so I did.


High Point Trail Sign

*After Verkerdeer Falls, we ascended and reached this intersection. We took the high point trail or red trail so we made a left when we reached this place.


High Point Trail

High Point Trail Views

Cool and refreshing, gentle and endearing, the Fall mountain winds reverberated along my skin, calming me, and soothing my entire being. I walked slowly with appreciation along the edge of the mountain, looking at the vibrant colors of the trees that were swaying back and forth in the valley. I could feel beauty emanating all around me from the beautiful trees surrounding me, the loving winds that passed me by, to the gentle caress of the afternoon sun, and the beautiful and somewhat clear blue sky.


High Point Trail Views

The dazzling valley captured the souls of all the hikers that were fated to be hiking on this day. Such a feeling blasted through me, sending shivers along my skin, feeling me up with gratefulness. Grateful for the beautiful land, and grateful for the time I have spent on this place.


High Point Trail Lookout

We climbed from one rock to the next, to one ledge after another, from one great viewpoint to the consequent. I walked along the edge of a cliff while looking at my group members as they took photographs and selfies of themselves. They jumped upwards a few times, trying to get that perfect moment in time captured in camera. There was a feeling of happiness brewing inside my heart as it propagated through out my body, leaving me with a beautiful smile on my face. I was just happy that everyone was having a good time.


Sam’s Point High Point Trail Scenic Vista

Sam's Point High Point Trail Scenic Vista

The trees swayed back and forth along the song of the wind as my tired legs found relief, dangling along the edge of this white mountain. The wind carried the scent of Autumn, telling the trees to bloom and explode in vibrant colors. “I shouldn’t be here”, I thought to myself. My group just left, and I should be with them but in this moment, I was mesmerized by the trees that were in front of me. I could not move, I could not think, I could only do what was asked of me which was to fall in love with the world around me.


high point views

The bright sun hid behind a big dark cloud but its light and heat could still be felt along my skin. I looked at the beautiful valley once last time because I knew I wouldn’t be back here for a while. The vivid forest glowed softly due to the mellow skylight as I stood at the edge of a cliff, admiring the attractive scenery.  Nature was kind to us today, like a warm smile that penetrated deep into my soul. It is the type of smile that said, “we are happy you are here, and we would be happy if you come back again.”


Sam’s Point High Point

Sam's Point High Point

A tiny leaf floated by my line of sight, it was flying upwards against all odds, it spiraled and danced through the invisible wind, gliding with sheer magnificence towards its fated destination. I looked at the endless green shrubs in front of me, the call of Autumn had not reached them yet, but soon they will hear it, they will turn bright red and fall down to the earth where their final resting place resided. Panda looked at the landscape with me, wondering what I was looking at, she most likely could not understand the billions of thoughts that goes through my mind on a view point like this. Sometimes the sheer magnitude of such thoughts even overwhelms me.


Indian Rock Trail

The tiny opening between the changing blueberry leaves marked the trail as hundreds of the dark skeletal trees pointed upwards, their branches so bare and dark, that I felt that if I touched them, they would break. These trees did not turn like these because of the Autumn’s call. They were already dead, a tragic wildfire claimed their lives a few years ago. The fire raged on for days, engulfing all of the wood, leaves, trees and anything in its path. It was savage and merciless, it did not show mercy, nor remorse. All it wanted was to destroy everything in its path and turn everything into ash.


Indian Rock

Sam's Point Indian Rock

Looking towards the setting sun, a soft wind stirred the leaves of the colorful trees that were before me. It was pleasant and relaxing as it passed by like a ripple of solemn sound that vibrated through my skin. Over the distance, the orange like sky met with the green hills as the sun starts to fade away on the horizon. I felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration as I sit on that small rock. I abandoned all worries and felt nothing but the coarse stone on my hand as I gazed at the scenery with the receding colors of nature. It was something I will never forget in my whole life as I felt it was the best piece of nature I’ve have yet to see at that time.

As I looked at the pictures of all the time I spent on Indian rock, all the people I took there, they all looked so happy. Perhaps I will remember these hiking days for all eternity and reminisce at all the good times, laughter and joy that I have had.


Lake Maratanza

Lake Maratanza

*A short hidden trail led us to Lake Maratanza. You can see this unmarked trail in the map if you look closely.


Carriage Road

Carriage Road

I walked on this old familiar road with a new sense of awe and wonder as the afternoon sun dispensed its yellowish rays to the ever changing colors of the trees around me. The shadow and light intermingled as the leaves danced to the rhythm of the wind. I felt a great sense of appreciation that I was a part of this hike that crossed over mountains, cliffs, waterfalls, forests and allowed others to create friendly connections.

The hike was over but the adventure was just beginning. It was time for dinner and every hiker knows that dinner was best served after a good hike. All I could think about was that Ramen served in that restaurant in Manhattan. I remember tasting the fresh ocean like broth as if I was enjoying the Ramen in Japan, full of vegetables and seasoning. The thin long noodles that just have the right texture soaking in all that juice from the broth, while I add a little bit of cayenne pepper to spice it up a little. Once I grab a bite of it, the flavors would just explode in my taste buds like beautiful sparkling fireworks popping here and there.

*I am getting hungry just thinking and writing about it.


For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best NYC Hikes Or Best New Jersey Hikes.


25 Replies to “Sam’s Point Hike – Ice Cave, Verkeerderkill Falls, High Point, Indian Rock

  1. Hi there, Just wanted to let you know Verkeerder Kill Falls is actually on Private Property. The owners let the public visit the top of the falls, not the bottom. There is no trail to the bottom. They could strip this privilege of going to the falls if they see enough people doing this. If you could remove that section of your blog post, it would be greatly appreciated by future visitors.

  2. This is an awesome hike with great views. Gotta go early during the weekends to get a good parking spot.

  3. The trails were very well maintained and it had a mixture of easy and hard trails ascents. The views were amazing!! This hike was so long and everyone in my group was exhausted but definitely worth doing.

  4. I love the ice caves because the place was so hot during the summer. The ice caves provided relief from the sun.

  5. The trail to get to the waterfalls had a lot of blueberries and they were very beautiful in the fall.

  6. Parking lot doesn’t open until 9am and gates were closed. As the parking lot opened, the lot was almost full. Security was putting other cars along the edges by 10am. The views are great and there is a bathroom at the parking.

  7. The trail was very nice, the terrain was mostly flat. The outlooks were great and will do this again.

  8. This place is awesome!! The parking fee is well worth it. Come early though. Can be a bit overcrowded during the weekends.

  9. The waterfalls change a lot, sometimes good, sometimes meh. I went in the early fall and they weren’t too impressive. I still had a great time and had great pictures though.

  10. I recommend going here on a weekday to avoid people and have a parking spot. Waterfall is amazing especially after a rain. The first view is awesome.

  11. Beautiful escape from the mundane life. There are some slopes but rather very easy hike for us. The scenery is amazing plus the trails are dog friendly.

  12. I would recommend getting here early like 9AM because you will be refused to go inside if the parking lot is full.

  13. Just went to the waterfall around April. Bring extra pair of socks because you will have to cross a river. Shoes are going to get wet if the river is flowing.

  14. I arrived at 12PM and there were no longer any parking spots. Security wouldn’t let me in and it was illegal to park outside. Kept circling around till someone left and I was allowed in. Totally worth it!

  15. Ice caves weren’t good but they weren’t bad either. The hike itself was awesome. My friends and I will definitely do this again.

  16. We just did the hike to the waterfall and was I tired already. I know people do the whole hike in this website but I just couldn’t do it. I need more exercise.

  17. Definitely my favorite hike due to the length and awesome views. Love getting a good workout and seeing nature at its finest.

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