Hiking Trails

Schunemunk Mountain And The Megaliths Hike

Schunemunk Mountain And The Megaliths

Schunemunk Mountain can be very difficult for some people. I highly recommend that you have some sort of GPS or map if you are going to hike this place. The trails can be very confusing. Some people created cairns so that people will find their way but the paths can still be somewhat confusing. The megaliths is also somewhat hidden. You have to follow the cairns to get there. I don’t recommend this for beginners or people new to hiking. You may end up lost for hours which can be very frustrating.

Schunemunk Mountain And The Megaliths Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Strenuous
Distance: 9.5 Miles
Elevation Gained: 1600 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: No

Trail Breakdown
Open Field Trail – 0.5 miles
White Trail To Rail Road – 0.5 miles
White Trail Ascent – 1 miles
Jessup Yellow Trail – 1 miles
Western Ridge – 2 miles
Blue Trail – 1 miles
Megaliths Intersection To Megaliths – 0.1 miles
Megaliths To Black Trail – 0.5 miles
Black Trail – 1 miles
White Trail To Parking Lot – 2 miles

Link: https://www.mapmyhike.com/workout/1755535619

Note: The information is just an approximation. The mapmyhike app says 8.5 miles but a lot of people say around 10 miles or more. So this hike is somewhere around 9-10+ miles.


41.407617, -74.081829


Start Of The Hike


Escape the ordinary. Three words that exactly describes what I feel whenever I see a hiking trail. No matter how much I prepare, no matter how many trail guides I study, the footpath still feels like a mystery. An unknown journey into unfamiliar territory where anything could happen, there is some sort of adventure in the uncertainty, which gives a little bit of excitement whenever I see a hiking trail. Hiking is somewhat romantic in a way, nobody can really tell what is going to happen, as lots of people have died while hiking, yet here we were, excited for the adventure to come.


White Trail – Bed Of Flowers

garden of wildflowers

It was a garden of wild flowers trying to live against all odds, out of which a dirt footpath could be seen, snake like in nature, it slithered all the way to an end where my eyes could no longer reach. The footpath was mostly even and flat, it was as if I was walking in a park rather than hiking.


field of flowers

I touched the multitude of green grasses growing beside me as I walked by, they were tall in height, almost reaching my waist, and made the footpath narrow and rigid. It was a path different from all others, filled with life, and filled with beauty all the same.


White Trail – Field Of Flowers

field of flowers

The morning had been bright and blue that to roam along a garden of flowers had been soothing to the mind and body. As we walked further along, a lone tree could be seen from a distance, standing proudly and tall like one of those “tree of life” kind of things you only hear from legends and bed time stories. It appeared to be missing a few leaves on its crown as if some of the branches were dead already, yet there it was all alone, trying its best to survive. They say that Spring is when the flowers bloom, yet here we were at the mid week of September, looking at various wild flowers flourishing under the mild rays of the morning sun.


White Trail Forest

trail inside a forest

The trail darkened as the path plunged us deep into a forest. We walked straight into the belly of the beast, as the morning light tried its hardest to penetrate through the legion of leaves surrounding us. The shadows and lights flicker in a beautiful manner, and even in here, we could feel a gust of wind brushed on our bodies, cooling us a little and urging us on.


trail inside a forest

The footpath was wide, made out of dirt, small rocks, and was mostly flat. I could smell the earthy aroma of the soil, and leafy green leaves in the air as we walked on. I looked around at my members, all were still in high spirits, not a trace of fatigue could be seen as we happily went on our way.


Rail Road

rail road

The railroad went on and on, its steel and wooden tracks were sturdy, strong and far reaching. My brave group members played around on the tracks, trying to balance themselves on one of the beams. My balance was not the best it could be as I could never walk straight on this for very long. I watched out for the train, looking sideways all the time as this track was not just for show as trains do come passing by here from time to time.


White Trail Ascent

white trail incline

The white trail seemed to go upwards for what seemed like an eternity. Each step created a crunchy sound as the dried up leaves that covered the footpath crumbled at every strike of my boots. Underneath the leaves were rocks of various shapes and sizes, plus the usual gravel and soil.


white trail incline

My breathing became heavier and heavier as time passed by and in here, there was no wind to cool our bodies, just the stagnant humid air that surrounded us. I tried to wait for my group members as it was evident to my eyes that fatigue had consumed them as if their energies were seeping out of their bodies as they hunched their backs whenever they walk.


First View

first view point

Cool, and refreshing, a gust of wind blew in from across the cliff, bringing with it the scent of freshness as I pulled my shirt a little closer. I stood at the edge of a cliff, with a viewpoint somewhat blocked by the trees, as the intense rays of the sun peeked through the cloud high above me.


first outlook

Each and everyone looked for a convenient spot to sit, most preferred to sit underneath the trees that surrounded us to enjoy their shade while also enjoying the wind that came pouring in. I looked at my group members, they were tired but also having fun with the hike. They conversed with each other while trying as much as possible to let their bodies relax and regain back the energies that they have lost.


Note: From this view point, I had the option of taking left (short version) of the yellow trail which will take me straight to the megaliths or I can go right (long version), which will make me circle around before getting to the megaliths.


Short Version

Yellow To Megaliths

yellow trail

The footpath was mostly flat rocks, easy on the feet and easy on the legs, with the slender trees at our sides, somewhat shading us from the hot sun. A nice and easy path that was a good change from the incline we traveled in the white trail. I heard laughter echoing all around me, it was infectious, traveling from one group member to another then another until everyone was smiling, laughing and having a good time.

Note: This is the short version with a total of around 6-7 miles.


Yellow To Megaliths

cairns in yellow trail

The yellow trail was somewhat marked well but there were a few instances where I could not find the markers but instead saw cairns that other hikers put up. There were cairns that were positioned to block a wrong path, cairns positioned to point the way, and cairns positioned in case you missed the marker.


cairns in yellow trail

My group members were in a joyous mood, goofing around, telling jokes and making good conversations with each other. Before I knew it, we ended up in the wrong way as it was very easy to get lost in here if we weren’t paying attention. Even when we got lost, even when we don’t know where we were, we seemed to be having fun with our time, without any worries, only big smiles could be seen that hid any indication that something went wrong.


Note: The bottom is for the longer version where you take the right instead of the left on the yellow trail. Skip all of that if you take the short version. Your next picture or next point in the story will be at the intersection to the megaliths.



Long Version

Jessup Yellow Trail

longer jessup yellow trail

Taking the right to Jessup Yellow trail took us into a long, tedious, and mostly non-shaded part of the mountain. The shrubs were short in height, and the footpath was somewhat wide. But in this trail, we could see the silver horizon often with plenty of views which means plenty of reasons to take a rest. There were views to the left, views to the right, views straight, and pretty good scenery almost everywhere.

Note: This is the long version with a total of around 9-10 miles.


longer jessup yellow trail

Almost everyone was in enjoying their day, with a few beginners too tired to enjoy the scenery, as they were more focused on their bodies and their stamina, and yet they were also happy as they could enjoy the rest when the group stopped for a few brief seconds to enjoy the landscape that the mountain offered.


Western Ridge

western ridge trail

The western ridge trail was similar to the yellow trail except the for views as this trail barely had any. Yet, I still find the positive in this trail as the shrubs were a little bit taller and more closer to the footpath which gave us some shade as we walked along. There was a cool wind that blew from time to time, just enough to give us a little strength by cooling our bodies a little. I waited for the beginners as they were trailing in the back as the fast hikers already left them behind.


western ridge trail

Almost 80% of my group members disappeared from my sight and I could not see them anymore after hiking for a few minutes, only to find them again at the blue markers as they got lost and had to double back. It was good that they got lost, I thought to myself, as I always get nervous whenever I cannot see everybody in my group.


Note: I will have to take a left to get to the blue trail. I made sure to pay attention to the markers, map, and my GPS.


Blue Trail Views

views at the blue trail

If I look close enough at my arms, I can see a few scars here and there. They were caused by hiking into trees, into bushes, climbing a side of a mountain, into unmarked trails and paths that no one has ever thought of doing. These scars are like trophies signifying how I lived my life in accordance to my own decisions, to do what makes me happy, to live, and to be free. On this day, I looked out to the world with determination, with fire in my heart that could not be extinguished, like the raging force of a storm, unhindered, incomparable, and undeniable.


blue trail lookout

There was no fear in my heart for I am fearless. For the fearless, life becomes infinite and limitless. It was because I always thought that I am the author of my life, I can write a boring tale or an adventurous one. To love without fear, to trust myself even in impossible situations, to be gentle and kind, to know compassion, to be less judgmental, to have peace and to be happy. Those are the characteristics that the main character of this book called “my life” will have.


Megaliths Intersection


On the big flat ground on which we walked, with various cairns all over the place, there was a graffiti that said “Megaliths” pointing towards the bushes in the distance. We walked cautiously following the cairns with our eyes all pointed on the ground as there were small cracks on the flat surface that could severely injure us. There was a hint of excitement in the smiles of my group members as it was out of the ordinary to follow a set of rocks towards a view point we have never been to, while anticipating the beautiful and unique views that we were going to see.

At the end of the cairns were bushes with a narrow, and cramped footpath in the middle. Confused and dazed, we followed the footpath only to hit a dead end, a big wall of white rock that blocked our way. As I was looking at my surroundings, thinking that I may have gone the wrong way, one of my group members moved to the right of the wall, then before I knew it, he was on the top of the wall while screaming, “It is here! It is here!”



schunemunk mountain megaliths

Life should not be a slow and steady journey towards the grave, with the body being well preserved, all looking pretty and intact. Living like this is like slowly dying, wasting away everyday and not living. It should be the main event, like one of those fake wrestling, MMA or boxing entrances, your favorite tune on the background which signals the crowd to shout your name wildly. The stadium darkens as the lights fade away, then you come out of the door with fireworks bursting from the ground, glowing red, blue and white lights shining your path, with smoke and everything. At the end of the fight, you are all bruised up, with a smile on your face at the amazing experience you had. When you are on your deathbed you will say, “Hell yeah! That was my life!!! THAT WAS MY LIFE AND IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!


Megaliths Bottom

schunemunk mountain megaliths view

I placed my left hand on a tiny outcrop, gripping it with all my might. The stone was hard, coarse, and hot due to the summer sun. Still, I dare not let go of it. It is true, I could be at home right now, drinking a cold beverage, watching the television, and enjoying the air conditioner. But I chose to be at this place, where I can feel the wind breathing life into me, the rocks that are tempting me to conquer, and where I could feel alive instead of watching my life pass me by. I placed my foot below the other, trying to step down all the way to the crevices, and there was no reward there other than satisfying my curiosity.


schunemunk mountain megaliths view

These were the days where I feel like I am living rather than day dreaming about what I am going to do with my life. Nature allowed me to step out of the ordinary, out of the routine, out of boredom, and into something amazing. For all those moments where I shed bits and pieces of my ego, shed my delusions of self-importance, where I plan my days to give and receive love, and for all the moments when nature has healed my soul, I am forever grateful.


schunemunk mountain outlook

The Megaliths was a series of big rocks with a somewhat 270 degree view on the main one. It was a sight to see as we could see an ocean of greens as far as our eyes could see. There were no shade from trees that we could take refuge in but plenty of cool breeze that came our way and the shade from the clouds every now and then were enough to keep us comfortable at the top. The bottom part was a series of crevices and narrow pathways, untamed and full of plant life. Hugging the rocks allowed us to navigate the bottom unscathed with a few of my members using their climbing skills to get to the top.


Black Trail

black trail

The entrance to the footpath of the black trail was somewhat hard to find as the marker was in a tree inside it and not outside. There were no cairns nor signs that the black trail was near, yet we were lucky and was able to find it easily. The trail was a downward descent that was far more demanding than I would like as I felt a sharp pain in my knees and toes with every step that I made. I took out my hiking sticks, crashed them to the ground with each step that I made, hoping to lessen the blow on my toes and pressure on my knees. I took my time, slowed my paced, hoping to lessen the chance of injuring myself.


Note: Finding the black trail can be difficult. If I did not have GPS, there was a high likelihood I will miss it. I could also go back to the white trail.


Black Trail Views

views at the black trail

The view was mostly blocked, with a few openings where we could see some sort of factory or buildings from a distance. It did not matter, as my legs were hurting and I would gladly accept any type of rest that I could get. I stepped on a ledge and looked at a viewpoint, then I positioned myself near a shrub, allowing my body to drink some of the shade while I rested my legs. I looked at my group members, most of them already had plenty of rest and were just waiting for the slow ones. They wanted to keep going so I let them go on their way.


Black Trail

end of black trail

From the viewpoint to the railroad was still a continuous descent, however, there were some switchbacks in the trail that were very kind to my knees. The footpath was a brown road that led downward, it was wide, clear and evident that there was hardly any chance of getting lost. I could still feel each step putting pressure on my knees and toes but not as much as before.


end of black trail

I brushed a few leaves aside, opening a wide view in the path, allowing me to see my group members all playing at the railroad. I could hear laughter emanating from everyone, as they all looked happy and refreshed. Some were trying to balance themselves on the tracks while some were sitting down, relieved that the hard parts were over. We all tasted the sweet victory of hiking the mountain, now all that was left was to get to the parking lot, and drive to a nearby restaurant to give our tongues a taste of some delicious foods.


Note: In order to get back to the white trail, I had to make a left and hike a little. Paying attention to my right because that is where the white trail is. I may miss it.


White Trail Going Back

meadow in the trail

We walked through an ocean of grass and blossoming flowers, as the grass gently danced back and forth to the afternoon wind. I examined the meadow whether I could take a shortcut but the grassland was thick and lush, and the thought of snakes or unknown creatures that hid in its depths prevented me from doing so. I didn’t want to hurt the flowers as well. There was an aura of gladness radiating from my group members with each step that they made. It was clear from the way that they moved that they had enjoyed the hike. There was a sense of joy and happiness that rushed through me whenever I know that I made other people happy.


End Of The Hike

end of the hike

I looked back at the trail that we had just done only to find the afternoon sun looking our way. It peeked its way through the clouds and the trees, its light was dim and gloomy as if it was saying goodbye to us. The adventure was over but the memory lived on inside of us on how we hiked this beautiful mountain path. Everything ends at one point, there was always this feeling of satisfaction and of not enough that filled me up. It was as if I was satisfied today but tomorrow there will be a craving for more adventures to come again like a bottomless well that was inside of me that can never get filled up with water.

“Today was a good day”, I thought to myself. I waved my arms, saying goodbye to the sun, and said, “see you again on my next hike or next adventure. I will take you out on a date again!”



For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best NYC Hikes Or Best New Jersey Hikes.



17 Replies to “Schunemunk Mountain And The Megaliths Hike

  1. Thank you for this hike. We have never been here before. It was very good and very unique.

  2. Once you get to the top, it is very hot. There are only bushes and little shrubs along the path. Not enough to fully cover or hide from the sun. Bring plenty of water during the summer.

  3. The park is a little bit farther than most of the hikes I did but I thought I would try this place. The hike itself is very good and there were plenty of hikers that I met along the trail.

  4. The lone tree looks awesome. It was very tempting to go to it. Just for the heads up, there were hunters in the vicinity when we did this trail so try to wear something orange so they don’t accidentally shoot you.

  5. Easy hike in the first two miles after that it got bad. The uphill after that was really tough.

  6. This place was very confusing. Not good for beginners. We had a hard time finding the Megaliths.

  7. This hike was very challenging. Got confused at the megaliths but good thing someone in my group had google maps. Great views.

  8. There was a gas station / subway / dunkin donuts near the parking lot where you can get food, bathroom and water. I love the hike. Very unique and refreshing.

  9. Me and my husband did the extended trail. It was mostly flat but very tiring and challenging. Will come here again!

  10. When you come down the black trail, walk to the left for a few minutes. The path to get back is a little bit to the left. We went straight down after the black trail and got lost.

  11. I love the Megaliths. Only decent view in this hike but overall we all loved the workout we got.

  12. We hiked this during the summer and it was very hot. There were no shades at the main outlook unless you go down to the caves. I didn’t want to injure myself so I went back to the opening to hide from the sun. Overall, I had fun but really hot!

  13. I had a great time hiking this place but we couldn’t find the black trail so we just ended up going down the white trail.

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