Hiking Trails

Storm King Hike

Storm King Hike

Storm King is a pretty short hike in Storm King State Park with lots of views. If you want a quick hike and or quick exercise then this is a great choice. You will get to see lots of different view points and the trail is not that hard. The elevation gain is not that high and the park is very beautiful. This is a great hike for beginners. This is very short though. The total length of the hike is around 2.3 miles. So if you are an experienced hiker, you may want to hike other trails after this to get a good workout.

Storm King Hike Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 3.3 Miles
Elevation Gained: 650 ft

Trail Breakdown
Orange Trail To Yellow Trail – 0.55 miles
Yellow Trail West Views – 0.2 miles
Yellow Trail West To Butter Hill – 0.3 miles
Butter Hill To Yellow/Blue Intersection – 0.3 miles
Yellow Trail To White Trail – 0.75 miles
White Trail East View Point – 0.2 miles
View Point to White/Blue Intersection – 0.5 miles
White Trail To Parking Lot – 0.55



Note: The information is just an approximation.


41.422797, -74.000410


Start Of The Hike

parking lot

The world out there was waiting for me to be explored one hiking trail at a time. This was how my adventures often begins. Just a simple craving to hike, just a simple craving to explore, and just a simple craving for adventure. Every time I see a dirt footpath with a hiking marker, there was a sense of exhilaration and excitement that shoots through my heart, pumping through my veins, and coursing all over my body. I loved to hike as nature was my home away from home.


Orange Trail

Orange Trail

It was a beautiful day to go hiking and I could see three orange markers painted on a tree. In front of me was one of the most beautiful things a hiker’s eyes could see… grass. A great sign that hiking season was in full bloom. No more snow that was strenuous to walk on, no more cold winds that would sting my cheeks, no more barren trees devoid of their leaves, just the fresh scent of leafy grass that rose from the ground and a forest full of life waiting for me.


Orange Trail Ascent

Orange Trail Ascent

I drank a few sips from my water bottle as each step on the rocky ascent drained lots of my energy away. I stepped on a rather large loose rock and it started bouncing downwards like a heavy basketball leaping from one rock to the next, all the way to the bottom. I was lucky, no one was behind me. Being hit by a big boulder like that could be fatal. I moved on, still going upwards while trying to make sure that I no longer step on anymore loose rocks.


orange trail first view

I felt the hot rays of the sun adding more weight on my shoulders. The burden of carrying a heavy backpack was starting to get to me as I felt my tired body sweating profusely. I touched the hot rocks protruding from the mountain with my hands as I tried to get higher and higher. “Almost there”, I thought to myself, just simple words of encouragement to keep myself going.


Orange Trail First View

orange trail first viewpoint

Cool and refreshing, the mountain winds blew in from the blue sky, rejuvenating my body and giving me back my energy but the hot sun also showered me its fierce rays. A battle for supremacy between hot and cold waged war on my skin with the winds eventually winning. I took refuge under a small bush, looked back behind me just to admire the vast expanse of green trees that lay before me.


Orange Trail After View

three small towers

Three small tower like structures could be seen at the orange trail. They looked like three stone guardians guarding the footpath. They were made out of bricks and somewhat taller than my height. I traced my fingers on the cold bricks, the structures felt strong and immovable, definitely made by human beings. I explored the area for a minute or so then went on my way.


Orange View Near The Top


The day had been so bright and blue that hiking at the side of a mountain, with the fresh cool wind hitting my body, and an immense viewpoint behind me, felt wonderful to the senses. I took a two minute break just to admire the vast expanse of land filled with life behind me. There was a sense of tranquility with nature where everything works well together like the light shining down on the valley, the cool wind passing by, the swaying trees that looked like they were waving at me, all working together to create a beautiful landscape.



To the right was a sea of green trees basking in the scorching light of the powerful sun. At the bottom of my view were various gradients of the color green as far as the eye could see and at the top was a beautiful almost clear blue sky with a few white clouds floating around like islands adrift in a big ocean. I took a moment just to enjoy the scenery and the cool mountain wind circling around me before walking upwards to the top of the mountain.


Top Orange View

Top Of Mountain View

It was a small viewpoint filled with giant sized stones and rocks out of which a highway could be seen in the distance, slithering all the way to the farthest point that my eyes could see. Various small cars could be seen moving at a rapid speed, they disappeared from my sight as fast they appeared. Cool and refreshing, the mountain wind felt nice on my body even though the sun was pouring its hot rays onto me.

I took a few pictures then decided to go west to take a small detour just to satisfy my curiosity.


Yellow Trail To The West

yellow trail

It was a dirt footpath that was flat and even, barely any incline, shaded by various trees of the forest with grasses and other small plant life thriving at the sides. The light of the sun penetrated through the holes and cracks on the leaves, illuminating my path. I walked slowly and happily, just enjoying my time and freedom, away from the stresses that came with work and responsibilities of life.


West Yellow View

west view

The sun hid behind a massive white cloud, retracting its rays, creating a dull and dim lit landscape. I sat on a flat and smooth stone, enjoying the cool breeze that was coming in, lulling my body to sleep. I tried to stay awake to enjoy the peace and quiet that I found as my mind daydreams and drifts away, thinking about the beautiful things that happened all through out my life while trying to understand the decisions I made for myself.


west viewpoint

Tiny specs of white and silver dots could be found amidst an ocean of green plant life. They appeared to be rooftops of houses, highways and streets built inside the gigantic forest that enveloped the whole landscape. The sun came out of the big cloud, showering its scorching rays on my body, signalling me to move on. I stood up then started walking back to where I used to be.


Yellow Butler Hill View

Butler Hill View

A couple of pebbles rolled over as the mountain wind ravages through the valley. The brown grasses and small bushes bowed their heads in fear, cowering at the howl of the mighty wind. The hills and forest bathe in the strong skylight, sparkling brilliantly and cheerfully as I admired the turtle like clouds moving effervescently across the infinitely blue sky.


Butler Hill Lookout

The snake like highway for cars could be seen at the top of the vista, with various cars speeding inside of it. There were a few hikers just sitting on the edge of the viewpoint admiring the same scenery I was looking at. I couldn’t blame them, it is not something you can see in a city. High above the mountain, all problems seemed to be so small and so insignificant, as if I could live without objects nor material things in my life. As if I could be happy with just the feeling of the cool wind, the hot rays of the sun, hard mountain stones on my feet, and the beautiful scenery that changes ever so often.


Yellow Hidden Trail

hidden trail

A small tunnel of some sort could be found near the viewpoint, and I followed it and found a hidden vista.


Yellow Hidden Trail View

Hidden Trail Vista

The vista was somewhat small and cramped, a perfect place to rest and find solitude if the other viewpoints were very crowded. The tall trees provided shade, and the cool wind blasted its cool breath at the vista ever so often. A shimmering river could be found in the distance and various hideous graffiti could be found at beneath my feet. It was a nice secluded place to rest but I was filled with energy that I didn’t stay long.


Blue Trail

blue trail vista

The map said a view point could be found in the blue trail so I made a quick detour to take a look at it. Sadly, it was blocked and I could barely see anything.


Yellow Trail First View

blocked view

To the left of the yellow trail, I could see glimpses of a big river as the big trees of the forest blocked the view. The sky that was very clear was now filled with enormous fluffy clouds that seemed like they wanted to cry. I kept following the yellow trail hoping for a better view point.


storm king hike view

After a minute or so, I came across a big opening. The massive clouds of different sizes filled the sky even more, stagnant in nature, they barely moved at all even though I could feel a strong cold wind blasting in from the cliff. The weather was changing judging by the presence of the cold wind, a rain was imminent but I had no idea when. I moved further along the trail, hoping for a better spot or view.


Yellow Trail Second View

storm king hike lookout

A lone hawk glided by near the tiny island, flying solo against the turbulent cold winds. It flew upwards and downwards as if it was enjoying itself, then finally gliding sharply to the ground in sheer magnificence and beauty. I sat for a few minutes just to enjoy the view and enjoy the cold winds that was caressing my skin. I took out a sandwich from my backpack and ate it while enjoying the solitude that I found myself in. The silence was as deep as eternity, an absence of noise and conflict. Looking far into the viewpoint, at the boundary between dreams and reality, I was happy because I have found peace.


storm king hike vista

A strong scent of green leafy leaves came in with the wind, the pungent odor surrounded me, and stayed on the viewpoint for a while. The hair on my arms stood up as I felt the air around me becoming colder and colder as time passed by. I feared that the weather would turn for the worst, and I didn’t want to be drenched in rain water while still very far from the parking lot. I bit the last piece of my ham sandwich, stood up, grabbed my backpack and moved on.


White Trail View

blocked view white trail

Near the intersection between the yellow and white trail was a viewpoint that was somewhat blocked by trees. I moved further to the left (white trail corner) to get a better view of it.


White Trail View

white trail lookout

From a distance, I could see a man and woman cuddling with each other at the viewpoint. They were sitting on a white blanket with blue stripes at the corner, with a picnic basket at the side and a white Labrador dog with black spots roaming around. He turned his face towards her and kissed her forehead. She smiled and pinched his cheeks for some reason. I didn’t want to disturb them but I wanted to a picture of the viewpoint.

I moved closer then said “excuse me” before going to the viewpoint. The dog barked at me ferociously but the couple assured me that he was a nice dog. The dog must have hated that I intruded on his masters. I didn’t want to disturb their date anymore so I took a few pictures, said goodbye to the dog then left.


White Trail

white trail

The clouds turned very dark, and the winds howled ferociously at an opening in the white trail. The impending rain was upon me and I was still 30 minutes away from the parking lot. I clicked the waist belt and chest belt of my backpack, took out my hiking sticks, and proceeded to somewhat run to the parking lot. The footpath was very flat, gentle and narrow that running felt logical and safe.


White Trail

white trail

After crossing the blue and white trail intersection, the sun peeked from the sky and showered its rays on the forest. I stopped running at the sight of the rays of the sun hitting the brown soil of the footpath. The once dimly lit forest glowed in life with varying gradients of green and yellow as the sun’s light hit the leaves of the trees. My worry and apprehension decreased as I walked along the flat white trail while thinking that the sun’s rays would lasts till I get to the parking lot.


End Of The Hike

end of white trail

Thousands upon thousands of droplets of rain water poured in from the sky, penetrating the thick barrier of the forest, drenching me with water. I heard the sounds of thousands upon thousands of raindrop impinging upon the forest, the screeching howl of the cold wind, and the sound of thunder roaring in the sky. I brushed my wet hair to the side as my shirt and pants stuck to my body like glue due to the rain water. I thought about running but the trail became very wet that I chose not to.

I got into my car after a few minutes. Soaked and wet from the rain, I took out a changed of clothes so that I will be dry while blasting the heater on. The rain fell angrily on the windshield as I sat quietly inside my car while listening to the music on the radio. I waited for the rain to decreased in strength for safety purposes before getting out of the parking lot and into the highway. I saw the trailhead one last time, then I headed out to the highway, eagerly wanting to get back to my house.



For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best NYC Hikes Or Best New Jersey Hikes.


14 Replies to “Storm King Hike

  1. This is a very quick hike that has a lot of views and scenery. We just stayed at the scenery in the white trail for hours and had a picnic there. I love the views!

  2. Beautiful hike that is across Breakneck Ridge. If you got Breakneck ridge, this is the mountain that you see that is across the river!

  3. The hike goes up in the first mile. After that, the rest is easy. I like this hike and I will try the other trails near here next time.

  4. Lots of beautiful views and plenty of parking spaces. Will come here often. Thanks.

  5. Lots of views for a very short trail. Family friendly trail that is very beautiful.

  6. I love coming up here and watching the hawks or clouds move. So relaxing…

  7. This is a great hike to do if you don’t have a lot of time and just want to spend time with nature and take away some stress. Easy and beautiful!

  8. There were lots of viewpoints and lots of hawks flying around. What a sight to see. What a great hike!

  9. Took my dogs to this hike. Very short and got back to the parking lot in a few hours. My babies love the trails!!

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