Hiking Trails

Sugarloaf Mountain Loop Hike – Catskill, NY

Sugarloaf Mountain Hike

Sugarloaf Mountain is a very strenuous hike that I recommend for people to do in the Catskills. This is not as popular compared to its neighbors which are the Indian head and Twin mountain hike but this is rather unique. People will experience a lot of rock scramble and the hike to the top is very strenuous. The hike to the bottom is somewhat strenuous as well. Overall, a very good and challenging hike to do.

Sugarloaf Mountain Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1, Trail Map 2
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Strenuous
Distance: 6.8 Miles
Elevation Gained: 2,100 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
Yellow Trail
Blue Trail
Red Trail Ascending
Red Trail Descending
Blue Trail
Yellow Trail To Parking Lot


mapmyhike stats

Note: The information is just an approximation.


42.151197, -74.131007


Start Of The Hike

start of the journey

In this hike, everything I said happened, more or less. It was a hot summer day at the Catskills Mountain Range and I was there at a small parking lot next to a blue truck with a man sleeping inside. Is he a hiker or a hobo, I don’t really know but he was the only one at the parking lot which made me assume that this trail was not very popular. Well, most people would go to Indian Head which was near here so I could understand why this was pretty barren.


Blue Trail

It was a gentle and flat footpath littered with skinny yet tall trees everywhere. I walked cautiously, trying to avoid the roots of the trees scattered all around me. The trail wasn’t hard nor taxing to the body, a good general or common footpath found in almost all the trails I have experienced. It was a good start with the gentle sun showering its rays all over my body and the gentle wind cooling it at the same time.


Blue Trail

The gentle and flat footpath continued on for some time.


Blue Trail

The trail was mostly flat with a few elevation gain every few minutes or so. I was still at the easy part but I knew that this will not lasts for long so I may as well enjoy it. I stepped on the narrow footpath with a smile on my face, excited to explore this place and eagerly awaiting the views and unique things that I might discover. I loved to hike and it often showed itself on my face, as I would often smile with my pearly white teeth as I walked through the trails.


Blue Trail

I was thinking the first few miles would be hard but it was actually rather easy. It felt like I was walking in a meadow or farmland or in my neighborhood park rather than walking deep inside a forest heading straight to a mountain. It was a good day for a hike, the birds were chirping, leaves were rustling and enough sunshine to light up the path without being too hot and overbearing.


Game Of Thrones

Have you ever heard of “John Snow” from Game Of Thrones. He was here, sitting down in his throne. I was talking to him about the dragons, giants and stuff. The guy just wanted to have a normal life and get laid but he got abandoned, died, and suffered. He was just complaining to me, talking about life and stuff. It was nice.


Castle Of Rubble

It was a fort or castle that was made out of rubble. Just a pile of stones on top of one another. They were sturdy and strong as if someone glued them together or purposely nailed them to each other to create some sort of structure. Is this someone’s art or just an attraction made for hikers? I don’t know but it was nice because the hot sun was very heavy and torturous and inside the fort was a comfortable cool shade.


Tower Of Stones

At first I thought this was some sort of ruin from a mansion or house but it didn’t look like that at all. Someone definitely created this and it was very intentional. The stones were carefully placed and would not budge even when I pushed them. There were various structures that looked like towers or walls, and there were chairs that were meant for people to sit on.


Throne Made Of Rocks

I sat on a throne made out of rocks. It was sturdy and surprisingly comfortable. A good place to take a rest although I still had plenty of energy left. These structures were unique and fun. People would most likely just ignore them but for me, they were fun play around with and even amusing to look at. I just sat there in stillness for a few minutes, day dreaming or watching my thoughts passed by.


View From The Chair

The view from the chair was nice and the cool wind that comes once in a while was good enough to cool my body and keep it comfortable. The hot sun was beaming down on me but it was all good as I was very comfortable. The viewpoint wasn’t spectacular but it wasn’t bad either. A few trees block the valley but I could still see mountains, hills, and the beautiful blue sky.



After walking for a few minutes, I came across a stream. It was a gentle stream and a good place for backpackers and campers to replenish their water supply. I sat at near it, looking for fishes and other types of living organisms but there weren’t any. All I saw was clear water with rocks and pebbles at the bottom of it.



The clearing seemed to be caused by humanity as there were fallen trees everywhere. Perhaps there was some sort of plan for this for hikers and tourists that they would enjoy but right now it was just a clearing with dead trees scattered everywhere. I could see Sugarloaf mountain high above, the mountain that I was about conquer. A good glimpse on how high I got to go in order to reach the top.


Red And Blue Trail Intersection

I took a rest at the red and blue intersection as I was somewhat tired from all the elevation gain that I had experienced. It wasn’t that bad and my body still felt fresh to me but I knew the next few miles will be different. They will be gruesome and agonizing so I took a rest, and let my body fully recuperate before moving on ahead.


Red Trail Going Up

The red trail was a beast, a terrible monster to be more precise. Even at the first few minutes, my body was already getting tired with all the rock scrambles and ascents that I had to endure. The footpaths were narrow and only one person could traverse at a time so if you came with a group, then forget about talking, forget about socializing, you will only have one objective which was to climb until you get to the top.


Red Trail Ascending

I put both of my hands on my waist and lowered my head as I huffed and puffed from the tiredness that I was feeling. I rested for a few as my body was almost at its limit and the mountain path seemed never ending. It was one obstacle after another, one climb after the next, and nothing I could do but keep moving and gain elevation as I go along.


Red Trail Steep Footpath

I grabbed the thick and big roots that were scattered all over the ground in order to balance myself and be able to climb. The ascent was brutal as there was nothing to hold onto but the roots and didn’t want to grab onto the rocks as they may end up loose and hurt someone. There was no time to rest, I had to conquer this obstacle and get higher in order to keep going. I kept moving, one root after another, and one push of the leg to the next until I was clear.


Red Trail Steep Slope

Another pic of the trail without the sun.


Red Trail View

View but it was blocked by trees.


Red Trail Rocks

The ascent was unending but it was different obstacle each time which made the climb rather interesting and not boring. I gathered the energy that I have left and tried to keep getting higher as I knew that I was almost at the top. This place was unforgiving, one of the toughest ascents that I had ever done. It was steep, unrelenting, and uncompromising but it was fun.


Top Of Red Trail

The top was rather flat with the same old skinny trees that were filled with pointy branches could be seen. It was the same trees I saw at the top of Indian Head and at Hunter Mountain. Perhaps this was a unique type of tree that could live and flourish under the harsh conditions of the mountain. I took my time as I was really tired, just a slow enough pace to keep moving but while also being able to regenerate my energies.


Sugarloaf Mountain View

I had to go down a little bit in order to get to the Sugarloaf viewpoint but there was nothing to see.


Red Trail Going Down

Going down was another beast as the descent was very hard on the knees. It was steep ascent and another steep descent. There were rock scrambles and unique obstacles to conquer along the way. Nothing too difficult but the descent was just not good for the knees. There was a lot of pressure with each step that I made so I made sure to take my time as well and not force myself to keep going.


Red Trail Going Down

Another viewpoint but it was blocked as well.


Blue Trail Intersection

At the bottom was an intersection


Blue Trail

There was a sigh of relief as I reached the bottom. At least, the toughest parts of the hike was over and all that was left was to conquer the distance from here to the parking lot. I could take my time and take it easy. I just need to make sure that I get enough rest so that my body wasn’t very tired or fatigued and to protect my knees as well.


Blue Trail Bridge

It was a wonky bridge made out of wood. It was narrow and hard to walk onto but I was too tired to care. I just kept moving. I don’t even know how I crossed it without tipping over. The bridge maybe narrow and slightly slanted but it was sturdy. I didn’t feel that it would break anytime soon.


Blue Trail

Another viewpoint but blocked by trees as well.


Blue Trail

Near the end of the blue trail was this footpath that was kind of unique in a good way.  The light would hit the leaves and it would create this picturesque kind of scenery where the light dances perfectly with the shadows of the forest as if they were both existing in perfect harmony. I took a quick rest and just admired the forest in stillness for some time. I was just quiet, in silence, and appreciating nature that was unraveling in front of me.


End Of The Hike – Yellow Trail

I reached the yellow trail and I knew I was very close to the parking lot. What a hike!?! It was tough. I was struggling, tired, fatigued, and my knees hurt but it was fun. I had plenty of water and food which made the hike less difficult. Next time, I won’t carry a lot of my camera equipment when I do this trail again. The heaviness of my backpack, the elevation gain, and the trail of this hike made it very difficult for my body. At this moment, I was already celebrating and glad that I could now go to a restaurant and eat some good food. One of the best and satisfying things to do after a hike is eat good food.



For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best Hikes In Catskill, New York page.