Adirondack Hikes Hiking Trails

The Pinnacle Hike In Adirondack Mountains

The Pinnacle hike in Lake George is a very beautiful hike. The parking lot isn’t that big but the hike is so quick that cars often come and go. There is a beautiful viewpoint at the top but it is also very small. This is a good quick hike that is great for families and beginner hikers that want to experience being with nature. If you live nearby then this is a good hike also if you do not have a lot of time on your hands.

The Pinnacle Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps:, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 2 Miles
Elevation Gained: 500 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: None

Trail Breakdown
1 Mile Going Up
1 Mile Going Down

Note: The information is just an approximation.


43.557176, -73.681832


Start Of The Hike

All hiking stories are happy stories, at least whenever I tell them. This is no different. It was a wonderful day for a hike, not a dark cloud in the sky, and not a lot of people hiking up the mountain which meant I would have an easier time taking pictures and enjoying the solitude that the mountain would bring. I put on my hiking boots, took out a bottle of water in my car, and proceeded to walk up to the trail head.


Red Trail

The red trail marker stood out like a sore thumb and there were barely any dead leaves on the footpath which made me think that this trail was very popular. It was well maintained and very clean compared to most trails that I had been to. I walked gleefully into the depths of the forest with the sun’s rays leading the way.


Red Trail

Most of the trail had been flat and even which was a normal thing for a short and simple hike.


Red Trail

There were a few times the place looked like a forest or a place that was very untamed but those were very scarce. It felt more like walking in a park rather hiking in the wilderness.


Red Trail

There were many switchbacks that helped people with the ascents. It made the hike longer but a lot easier as well.


Chair At The Trail

I sat on a chair along the trail. I was not tired or anything but it was just there, begging me to sit on it. It was a peculiar thing because I hardly see chairs whenever I go hiking.


Chair For Resting

A family of four came down the mountain and they had a very cute dog with them too. The kids were about 7 years old from the looks of it and they all had big smiles on their faces as if they were having a great time. The dog was running around, wagging his tail while following his family.


Red Trail

The sun had been so bright and the sky had been so blue that to hike up a mountain on this beautiful day had been a very good treat. I took a step forward then I heard a few birds chirping their way on the corners of the forests. I looked around but didn’t see anything yet their chirping sounds could still be heard all around me. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and enjoying the beautiful day that I was enjoying as well.


More Chairs

I sat on a chair again, not because I was tired but because it was there. Someone obviously took the time to put a chair here so that people can sit on it. I would like to honor that request by sitting on the chair.


Almost At The Top

An opening could be seen as I reached the viewpoint part of the mountain. At the end of the footpath, the blue sky was shimmering in the background. Cracks between the trees, branches and leaves became apparent the closer I got to the opening.


The Pinnacle Lookout

The echoes of summer remain in my heart as they were times of joy, times of freedom, and times of going out and exploring new places, mountains and scenery. A gentle wind blew in from the valley as I sat on a chair, relaxing and enjoying the views that were given to me. It was a picture perfect day, one of those days that you were grateful that you are breathing and alive.


The Pinnacle Views

I always felt at home when I go on a hike. As I look at the sunlit valley below me, I knew from the heart of hearts that this was my home away from home. It was where I acknowledge my own accomplishments, my own amazing qualities and still have this feeling of humbleness all at the same time. A serene place where no one judges me, I don’t judge anyone and I have that “happily ever after” kind of feeling as well.


The Pinnacle Viewpoint

Zooming out a little.


The Pinnacle

The beautiful valley greeted me with welcoming arms as I stood at the edge of a cliff. The soft gentle wind was soothing to my body and soul as I felt perfectly at peace and perfectly content at this moment in time. There was nothing more to add to myself, nothing more that I needed, nothing to buy nor nothing more to fix. Everything was good and well in this moment that I found myself in.


The Pinnacle Scenery

I stood at the left side of the viewpoint or left side from the chair, and just looking at the clouds that moved slowly along the infinite blue sky. The wind rustled the leaves of the forest as they swayed back and forth somewhat like dancing to something I couldn’t hear nor understand. All I could do was watch and just enjoy the scenery like a show that was playing right in front of me.


The Pinnacle Landscape

Silence engulfed my world and surroundings as I was all alone on this beautiful place. There was a deep sense of peace in that silence as it was devoid of noise, empty of opinions, and an absence of conflict. I felt such peace all the way inside of me, deep into my bones, into my soul. Such peace propagated through out my body, filling me with serenity, hope and love. At one point, I wished that time would stop and be still so that I could enjoy this moment forever.


Going Back Down

I walked back to the parking lot and a gentle descent greeted me on the way. It was not a big problem nor anything to be concerned about as I was physically fit and the trail was rather short.


Going Back

The trail was so clean that I was certain people could bring their bikes or ATVs if it was allowed. Some places allow it and some do not. The footpath was so smooth and easy to traversed that sometimes I wished that all footpaths were like this.


End Of The Hike

It was the end of another amazing hike. It was short and it was so sweet. I took off my hiking backpack and packed it in my trunk. Started my car and looked at my watch. It was still early and I still had plenty of time left for the day. But no matter, I was hungry and every time I go on a hike, I had to go to a restaurant to reward my body for all of its hard work. I left the parking lot, said goodbye to the mountain, and went to the nearest place I could get some good food to satiate my hunger.


Other Sources And GPS Maps

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