Hiking Trails

Timp Torne Loop Hike

the timp

Timp Torne Loop is a pretty good hike in Bear Mountain. The parking lot is huge but hardly any cell phone signal. The hike itself is somewhat strenuous but people have the option of not doing the whole hike by taking short cuts. You have to look at the map though to find the trails that will be cut the hike into a shorter length. Overall, the hike is very good, the views are decent and the hike is very fun to do.

Timp Torne Loop Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Moderate To Strenuous
Distance: 8 Miles
Elevation Gained: 1,600 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: No

Trail Breakdown
White Trail
Red Trail
Blue Trail
Blue And Appalachian Trail
Blue Trail
The Timp
Cat’s Elbow
Red Trail Going Down
Beechy Bottom Road
Parking Lot



Note: The information is just an approximation.


41.297372, -74.028311

Start Of The Hike

parking lot

Whenever I put on my hiking boots, I know that an adventure is about to start. It is one of those times when I become very excited for the day, the anticipation builds up as I drive to the trailhead, and there is happiness in my face as I open my car door at the parking lot. Hiking is addicting. It takes me to places I only read in books and places I only see in the movies. It stirs the imagination, brings wonder to the mind, and satisfaction to the soul. My internal compass always points in one direction, it points towards adventure.


White Trail

white trail

I walked to the white trail from the parking lot by following the road. It was a short walk and the markers and gate could easily be seen from a far. The white trail provided a pleasant walk as it was flat and even while the surrounding trees and grass gave off a nice pleasant green scent.


Red Trail

red trail

The cool morning air brushed against our skins as we hiked upwards on the gentle slope of the red trail. Dark and cloudy, the sky looked like it was about to cry but such a weather also brought about a cooling and refreshing atmosphere as we ascend higher and higher, trying to get to the top of the mountain.


Blue Trail

blue trail ascent

While the red trail was a gentle slope, the blue trail provided us with some steep and rocky footpath to follow. An easy trail for most of my experienced members but rather hard for some as well. They tried to keep up as I tried to slow down to allow them to catch up.


Blue Trail Views

blue trail view

High, and at the top of the mountain, the fierce wind blew straight against my body. Like a sail on a boat in the middle of an ocean, my jacket was flailing all over as I frantically snatched the zippers and hugged my body to give myself some heat. I looked down the mountain, and I could clearly see the parking lot where I used to be. It seemed strange and weird that I was just there a few minutes ago and now, I was looking down at it.


Blue Trail Views

blue trail view

A tower sits at the top of a big hill, it was small but unmistakable. It looms and grabs our attention as we took a rest on the open view. This particular view was different as it offered a nice 360 degree view of the scenery but some were blocked by the trees. We stayed for a little bit before moving on.


Blue Trail

blue trail

I dropped down on all fours as the steep trail was very slippery and my hiking boots were barely getting any traction. Slowly and surely, I moved upwards, trying my best not to fall down as my camera and my body may get injured if I slipped and fall. My group members did the same, ever so slowly, we hiked up to the mountain.



blue trail view

I didn’t even know that there were two big parking lots that were next to each other but from up here, it was easy to tell. The parking lots were huge with barely any cars, such a waste of space and that space could have been used for other things. Maybe this park was once very popular and its popularity died down in time.


Descending Downward

blue trail

The descent was easy and short and the rest of the trail were pretty flat. I heard the sounds of laughter and murmured sounds from my hiking members. Some of them were enjoying the hike and an easy trail was a good way to relax and socialize with other people.


More Views


It was more of the same scenery, the same parking lot we saw before. I saw boredom in a lot of people’s faces as the footpath did not offer any challenges and the same scenery could be seen over and over. I tried to make jokes and to quicken the pace but it was of no use, a lot of the people wanted a challenge and the trail was too flat that it couldn’t offer any challenges at all.



blue trail

Hope came down on us in what looks like a slope going upwards. But it was too short and my crew were starting to yawn out of boredom. Yet some of the newer members were glad that the hike wasn’t that hard. I like people who are new to hiking, everything is brand new to the, no complaints, no expectations, they often just hope that they are not bothering anyone.


More Views

blue trail view

It was the same parking lot and same view just a different place where we were standing from. Everyone got sick of the this view by now. There were lots of stars and outlooks according to the map, I just didn’t expect them to give the same scenery.


More Vistas


By this time, we were all just laughing at how a hike could offer the same view so many times. I saw everyone sat down quietly, each person picking their own spot. It was then that I knew, my members were starting to get tired. While it may have been the same view, everyone was just too busy enjoying the wind and the comfort that they found by sitting down to even care about the view.


Last Vista


The clouds stretched on and on as we sat at the edge of the mountain. We took a little bit of time just to appreciate the view before moving on. There was stillness in my heart as I watched the ever-changing clouds move onward. The once barren trees were now sprouting new leaves, and life on this mountain top seemed to be flourishing very well. There was something comforting just watching nature in this viewpoint, a warm feeling that I felt in my chest, and sound of peace echoed through out my body. A short and kind feeling of bliss that I could only experience while I am on a hiking trip.


Trail Descending Downward


The trail descended downwards and even though it wasn’t that hard, just knowing that we were going upwards again made my heart sank in disappointment. To me, it was such a wasted effort or energy as I would have preferred a flat terrain.


Trail Ascending Upwards

blue trail

Lean and spiky trees scattered through out the footpath that ascending upwards. I huffed and puffed as the ascent was steep and strenuous, but there was a silver lining as we could see the blue sky high above us. A sense of relief that rain will not befall on us on this good day.


People Camping Near The Lean-To


People camping near the lean-to.


A Dog And His Master Inside The Lean-to


A dog and his master at the lean-to.


Descending Downward, Going To The Timp


The Timp Mountain could be seen as we descended downwards. It looked like a wave from an ocean but made out of rocks and was frozen in time. It stood there, proud and strong, beckoning at us to hurry up and climbed it. All the angles and corners, the barren trees and the clear blue sky of this landscape, were very beautiful to our eyes with each step that we made as we move downwards.


Blue Trail

blue trail

At the bottom were protruding rocks, big boulders that doubled our height, and dead leaves that coveted the land. We climbed some of the rocks as they were too enticing to pass up. As one of my members reached the top, his face lit up with a big smile as he was having fun and was proud of what he had accomplished.


Blue Trail Ascending Upward

blue trail

Big boulders covered in green molds blanketed the land and in between some of the boulders were huge thinly shaped trees that were devoid of their leaves. Up and down, left and right, they were everywhere I looked. The last remnants of Winter before Spring time comes.


Near The Top


The sound of laughter echoed through out the top as various hikers were already enjoying the view. I dragged my body one step at a time as the ascent proved to be more strenuous than I had imagined. Each group of hikers at the top already picked a spot as we picked ours as well… a nice comfortable rock that was very big and comfortable for our behind.


The Timp

the timp

The top of the Timp mountain was beautiful with a few hikers already enjoying the views. As other hikers began to trickle to the viewpoint, we took a spot to rest and take a few pictures.

Clouds move at a quick pace high above people’s heads while the trees and branches sway back and forth to the mountain winds. I sat with quiet contemplation at how beautiful the valley looked even with so many barren trees. In time, this scenery will be green and would look even better. Just a few minutes of peace and quiet, without any conflict inside me. Just the cool wind caressing my skin and the clouds hovering above my head.


The Timp Outlook

the timp vista

We sat for a few minutes then we got up and went on our way. I looked back and glanced at the viewpoint one more time before leaving because I knew I will not be back here for months or even years to come. There was something beautiful and heartwarming with the Earth as if I was meant to love this planet and everything it could offer. The wind, the ground, the clouds, mountains and all, were all very beautiful to my eyes.

My group members shouted my name to hurry up. I said goodbye to the mountain and hurriedly went back to the trail.


Descending Downward

timp descent

I cringed with every step that I made as I felt a stinging sensation on my toes as I descended down the mountain. The terrain didn’t help either as it was a steep footpath that was filled with slippery rocks and dead leaves that hid the rough ground.


Cat’s Elbow

cats elbow

Tired and haggard, my group members and I managed to get to the Cat’s Elbow. I sensed the fatigue and exasperation as each one of my group members looked like they have no more energy left. We sat and admired the views at a flat edge of a cliff, high above the trees and somewhat close to the clouds. Just giving our bodies some rest while enjoying the cool breeze coming in from the sky. I felt each cell of my body getting renewed and refreshed with each passing minute and with each passing wave of wind that kissed my skin.


Red Trail Descending Down

going back descending

We were welcomed by views after views after views as the red trail traveled at the edge of the mountain. The cool wind that kept coming in refreshed our bodies, allowing us to keep moving without resting.


Red Trail Viewpoint

red trail views

The air got colder and the clouds became darker as we kept going down the mountain. The fresh air brought in a sense of ease and calm with each passing moment… a whisper of some sort that everything will be alright. We kept moving, admiring the views while making progress on the red trail.


Trail Going Down

going back

The red trail proved to be rather difficult and strenuous as I found myself breathing heavily and scrambling with my hands to get down the mountain. I urged my group members to take it slowly as I didn’t want anyone to fall. Everyone gave a good sigh the moment we all saw the road. A good sign that we are almost at the bottom.


Beechy Bottom Road

beechy bottom road

The gruesome ascent and treacherous descent was finally over as the Beechy Bottom Road was rather flat and easy. It was a nice change of scenery as the once barren trees that we saw on the top of the mountain were now surrounding us as we moved through the road in a very quick pace.


End Of The Hike

end of hike

The long hike was finally over, while to some this hike is most likely too easy but for us, we were dead tired. The sight of the parking lot was a piece of heaven to us, just a little bit closer to the foods and restaurants that we were craving. We all went in our vehicles and promised each other to eat together later.


For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best NYC Hikes Or Best New Jersey Hikes.

8 Replies to “Timp Torne Loop Hike

  1. I come to this place often. There are various trails to do and easy to make the hike longer or shorter. This is a great hike for beginners and experienced hikers.

  2. There were plenty of vistas but nothing too spectacular. I come to this park all the time to go backpacking with my hubby. A great place to go hiking and to spend time with nature.

  3. Not the best hike that I have ever did but the parking lot was very big. We had a good workout!

  4. This is a great hike that is very near my house. Lots of trails to do and you can shorten or lengthen your hike based on your skill level. Parking lot is big also. I highly recommend this to everyone.

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