Hiking Trails

Tourne Trail To Oslo Rock Hike

Tourne Trail to Oslo Rock

Tourne Trail To Oslo Rock is a very short and easy hike. I often do this hike whenever I go to Norvin Green State Forest. I would hike two trails because this one is very easy. The views are pretty descent, the elevation gain is not that high. This is great for beginners. I highly recommend it for people who are new to hiking. I can finish this hike in 1 or 2 hours. This hike is very interesting, not hard, and offers a few good view points.

Tourne Trail To Oslo Rock Important Information

Trail Map: Trail Map 1
Suggested Phone GPS Apps: Alltrails.com, Avenza Maps, Google Maps

Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 2.6 Miles
Elevation Gained: 600 ft
Portable Toilet At Parking: No

Trail Breakdown
Blue Trail To Red/Blue Intersection – 1 mile
Blue Trail To Oslo Rock – 0.3 mile
Oslo Rock To Last View – 0.2 miles
Last View To Red/Blue Intersection – 0.5 miles
Red Trail – 0.6 miles


Note: The information is just an approximation.


41.045668, -74.350553


Start Of The Hike

start of hike

I was way too early for the scheduled hike in Norvin Green State Forest so I decided to do a quick hike before my group members arrive. I traversed deep into the solemn woods in which the light and darkness traveled so swiftly. The tall trees of the forest glistened and sparkled due to the light of the morning sun. The forest glowed under the soft light as the trees emanated a vibrant yellow green aura swarming with life.


blue trail

There was a deep feeling of gratitude towards nature, gratitude for the light full of love, gratitude for the lovely scenery, and such a feeling rose from my feet to the top of my head, filling me up with gratefulness. There was just something about hiking and nature in general that makes me less egotistical and more appreciative, that makes me want to slowly take my time rather than being in a rush or having that robotic sense of urgency etched into my body all the time.


Blue Trail

blue trail

The air grew colder, the deeper I went into the woods with wild plants, grass, weeds and various shrubs dispersed all around the footpath. The scent of green leafy plant life could be smelled everywhere which made the walk somewhat nice and unforgettable. The incline was gentle and the beautiful rays of the morning sun followed me till I reached the top. It was a nice morning for a hike with all of my senses ablaze as I walked with appreciation to nature’s beauty.


Blue Trail First View Point

First View Point

The viewpoint was somewhat disappointing as the green trees of the forest were blocking most of it. It was still enjoyable as I was intoxicated at the feeling of the gentle and cool wind that was kissing my skin that I stayed for a few minutes just to enjoy it. The solemn wind came in gently, like a sacred musical composition, reverberating through my skin, filling me up with joy and love and showering me with bliss.


Blue Trail Human Rock Formation

fireplace or campfire

Near the trail was a fireplace or campfire of some sort made out of different sized stones piled up together. The stones created a half circular sofa and in the middle was a circular structure meant for the campfire. It reminded me of King Arthur’s round table and his knights where every person would have a sword and would put the sword in the middle of the table. I could picture people that love to go camping, sitting at the sofa made out of stones, laughing and sharing stories while trying to get heat from the fireplace.


Blue Trail Second View Point

Second View Point

Further ahead of the blue trail was another vista that was blocked by trees. I search all over for an opening but couldn’t find any. Bland and uninteresting, I went on my way to the next one.


Blue Trail Third View Point

Third View Point

The viewpoint was somewhat slanted downward, the floor was made out of a flat surface of stone with various small grasses trying to live along the surface of the ground. The plants didn’t have much soil and some of them were already dying but some were also thriving very well. I looked at the viewpoint blocked by trees and all I could see was the beautiful sky. The clouds painted the blue sky, creating beauty and charm that wasn’t there before. I stood for a moment just to admire the dazzling sky that I normally don’t see in the city before heading on out.


Trail After Third View Point

Blue Trail

The once bright forest became dimly lit as I traversed the narrow footpath of the blue trail. I saw glimpses of the blue sky through the cracks on the trees but the rays of the morning sun could no longer be seen. Thin trees of different shapes and sizes scattered everywhere, and a multitude of dead branches could be found laying on the ground. I walked as fast as I could trying to get to the next viewpoint, fearing that my group members would arrive early at the parking lot and I would be late.


Blue Trail Fourth View Point

Fourth View Point

The dark clouds moved in the sky like fast ferocious predators hunting for their prey, they tried to engulf the white clouds and the bright blue sky. A battle for light and dark began up in the heavens, but it was clear that the dark clouds would eventually win. The winds around me changed from something gentle and kind into something cold and ominous. I feared that I may have to cancel the scheduled hike later if the weather changes for the worst. I descended down the trail, hoping that the white clouds would win by the time I get back to the parking lot.


Red And Blue Intersection

Red And Blue Intersection

I found myself at an intersection. According to the map, the red trail will take me back to the parking lot while the blue trail will take me to the Oslo rock.


Blue Trail After Intersection

Blue Trail Ascent

The ascent was rather short and quick but still took a lot of my energy. The morning sun was gone, replaced by a cool forest air that was pleasant to the body. I felt my energy somewhat getting replenished even though I was moving upwards. Just before I reached the top, the leaves rustled continuously at the might of the strong winds. A clear indication that the weather was changing for the worst.


Oslo Rock

Oslo Rock

Oslo Rock was a flat surface with a 360 degree view of its surrounding areas. Unfortunately, the vista was surrounded by tall trees that I could barely see anything. I zipped my jacket as the cold winds hit my body, the winds took away some of my body’s warmth and left my face a little paler than it used to be. The winds felt good after a few minutes or so that I ended up staying at the viewpoint far longer than I should have.


Last View

Last View

I decided to travel the blue trail some more and see the final viewpoint that was written in the map. The downward descent was gentle on the legs and the footpath was very kind as well. Unfortunately, the last viewpoint was disappointing with barely anything to see. It was rather small and cramped and more of a viewpoint that you passed by rather than a place to take a rest. I took a few pictures and hurriedly went back to the blue and red intersection.


Red Trail

Red Trail

The red trail started off as a short rock scramble. The cold rough stones protrude above the ground along with various roots and plant life. I grabbed one stone and a root from a tree, trying to propel myself upward. Patiently and carefully, I moved upwards ever so slowly, trying to maneuver through the big rocks, branches, roots and other obstacles in my way. The ascent was rather short and quick that I found myself in a flat dirt footpath after a few minutes had gone by.


Back To The Parking Lot

Red Trail Dirt Footpath

I could hear a few birds chirping in the backgrounds as I walked through the dirt footpath. It was as if they were playing around but I could not tell where they were. I walked through the red trail just admiring the surroundings I found myself in and at the end of the trail was a cemented road meant for cars in which I followed to get to the parking lot.

I could see my group members smiling and greeting each other while waiting for me outside of their cars in the parking lot. With a big smile on my face, I waved my hands back and forth to say “hello” to them. I introduced myself to some that I haven’t met before then we all prepared ourselves for the hike that was about to come.



For More Hikes

For more hikes similar to this one, you can go to my Best Hikes For New York City Or Best Hikes For New Jersey.


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