Hiking Outdoor Guides

How To Stay Dry While Hiking In The Rain

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How To Stay Dry While Hiking In The Rain

Hiking Rain Gear And Accessories Are Very Important

There are many cases when the weather will not be good when you want to hike. This is understandable. We have no control over the weather. Sometimes it is going to rain on your trip and the only thing you can do is make the best out of it. Multi-day hikes and trips have a high chance that on one of those days, rain is going to happen. Luckily for you, I know exactly what gear you need in order to stay dry and comfortable if it ever rains. Being comfortable and dry is possible when you are hiking during a bad weather. You just need to be prepared for it. There are a lot of things that you can do to make sure you stay dry and only your clothes get wet.

One of the things that I hate in this field is that we are so easily enticed by new technology and hype. A lot of rain gear out there that are very expensive are not really that good. They are not breathable and they do not resist water well. I tried a lot of products and seriously, not a lot of them are very good at all. I just ended up wasting money and cash. Some products that promises to be very durable because they are made of durable materials ended up getting destroyed in a couple of weeks of use.


Waterproof Jacket

One of the most important piece of equipment in your hiking rain gear checklist should be a waterproof and breathable jacket. Hiking rain gear that is waterproof and breathable can withstand non-stop downpour but at the same time allow sweat to escape. A jacket covers a big part of your upper body. The upper body is where most of the sweat comes from also. A waterproof and breathable jacket can help a lot to make a person become dry and comfortable during a downpour. Jackets that are made of certain materials such as Gore-Tex, eVent, Dry.Q and etc. are preferred because they are waterproof and breathable at the same time.


Waterproof Pants

When I was new to hiking, I hiked an 8 mile trail in somewhat of a bad weather condition. It wasn’t pouring. The rain was light and manageable. I was wearing a nice jacket and it kept my upper body dry. It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that I was wearing jeans. A lot of the water was soaked up by my pants. I was new to hiking, I didn’t know any better. It was so uncomfortable. My pants became rather heavy also. The lower part of my body is very wet. It was just not a good feeling. Ever since that day I decided to invest on some good waterproof hiking pants. If the pants are good then they will keep you dry and comfortable.


Waterproof Hiking Boots

A lot of the hiking boots out there are waterproof. This is not that hard to get. Most hiking boots are meant to withstand a lot of climate changes or weather and different types of environment. A decent pair of hiking boots that are waterproof is definitely a must in keeping yourself dry. The only thing I would recommend is to make sure that the hiking boots or shoes that you buy are waterproof. There are a lot of hiking shoes that are meant to make you move faster that are not waterproof. Just make sure that you got the right stuff.


Hiking Gaiters

It is almost impossible to have dry feet and socks if you do not have gaiters for hiking. These items help ensure that your feet, ankles and lower part of your legs are free from dirt, wetness, and they also deter abrasions. Gaiters compliment hiking boots rather well in protecting the lower part of your body from wounds and from getting wet. I also suggest hiking gaiters to keep yourself dry if you are going snowshoeing. Snow can easily get into the boots and socks. An easy way to prevent this is by getting a good set of gaiters for hiking.


Backpack Raincover

One of the most important things in your hiking rain gear checklist should be a raincover for the backpack. It is kind of funny that not a lot of people know about this. I hardly see people with a raincover for their backpacks. Unfortunately, this is one of the most important piece of gear that you should have. A lot of people will have valuables in their packs that should not get wet. It can be a spare battery, phone, charging pack, camera, camera equipment, extra clothes and so on. Our packs carry a lot of stuff that we need whenever we are hiking. It is important to keep our packs safe and dry.



One of the most important piece of hiking rain gear that I could not live without. It is awesome to use when there is light rain or even heavy rain. Poncho is one of the best and most used piece of clothing for the rain. It is not only used for hiking but for other things as well. It is an all purpose piece of rain equipment that everyday people use all the time.


Rain Hat

I wouldn’t say that this is a very essential part of my hiking rain gear but it does help from time to time. I usually use a jacket with a hoodie but there are a lot of times when I know I should use one of these items. They provide better protection to the head and hair. I love waterproof bucket hats as a rain hat. They are easy to wear and very comfortable. They also protect my head from getting wet. The hoodie also blocks my vision. With a hat, I can see a lot easier and better.


My Hiking Rain Gear That I Use

If you scroll down, you will notice several great hiking rain gear that I highly recommend. These outdoor gear are a few of the best that I know of that can protect the body from getting wet and keep it dry. If you are searching for some awesome items that have lots of customer reviews then the choices below should make you happy. I highly recommend these outdoor items to my friends and folks I know since these have remarkable amounts of effectiveness and they are reasonably priced. One important thing I know is that you will certainly be happy with your order since these hiking equipment are quite comfortable to use and very effective.