Hiking Outdoor Guides

Tips On How To Choose An Amazing Hydration Backpack For Hiking

lake minnewaska hamilton point

One of the best ways to stay hydrated while doing an outdoor activity is by using a hydration bladder combined with a hydration backpack. Figuring out the backpack that you will need for your outdoor adventures can be really tough. It is better to know the features and characteristics of a hydration backpack so that you do not make any mistake with your shopping. If you make a mistake, you will end up wasting money and you will end up wasting your time. It is much better to know the characteristics of most hydration backpacks so that you will have a high chance of getting the correct item that will satisfy your needs.


Types Of Hydration Backpacks

Hiking Hydration Packs

This is most of the time a hiking backpack with a hydration bladder reservoir. This backpack is meant to handle hiking equipment like trekking poles, water bottles, filters, maps, emergency blankets and so on. These backpacks will have a separate compartment for the hydration bladder. The backpack will often have a padded back, padded shoulders, padded hip belt, and water bottle holders at the side.


Cold Weather Hydration Packs

This backpack is meant more for sports but the hydration bladder will have some sort of insulation. The backpack may also have insulation for the bladder. The hose and bite valve will be insulated as well. The insulation is meant to deter or prevent the water from freezing. If the water freezes at the hose or at the holes then the bladder will not be usable anymore. It will just be dead weight. This is great for skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and so on.


Cycling Hydration Packs

Hydration backpacks meant for cycling are often very light and compact. They are meant to be low profile and not bulky. The wind resistance of the bag can slow down a biker and require the biker to use more energy. The hip belts are often not padded as well. Padded and bulky hip belts can interfere when the legs are pedaling the bike. So most of the time, the hip belts are very thin. These backpacks do not have a lot of capacity and most of the time, they are just meant to carry a hydration bladder.


Running Hydration Packs

These backpacks look and function almost the same as a hiking backpack with a hydration bladder compartment. These backpacks hug the body very well and they are not loose. Runners do not want their backpacks wiggling around when they are moving or running. The backpacks are often lightweight as well and very compact. Heavy backpacks are not very good for running and will tire out the runner very fast.


Capacity Of The Hydration Bladder

Here are some common sizes or water capacities for hydration bladders. You can base your backpack on the water capacity of your bladder.

1 liter to 1.5 liters

People who get a hydration bladder with a water capacity of around 1 liter are often day hikers or runners. If you are just a day hiker or love to hike during the weekends then 1 liter would be good enough for you. Most of my group members just hike for 1 day. They do not need a lot of water, they just need enough to hike 8 miles or less. These bladders are meant for people that want to do quick hikes or a quick jog in the park. Not meant for multiple day backpacking trips. This is pretty good for people who love to carry less and hike with very light weight.


2 liters to 2.5 liters

This is most likely the most popular capacity. I see more 2 liter hydration bladders in my hikes more than any other sizes. If you are a day hiker, 2 liters worth of water is already a lot. Most people often only bring around 2 liters of water whenever they are hiking. Some will often only bring just 1 liter. This is one of the reasons why this is pretty popular. You really only need 1-2 liters of water on a nice day when doing a day hike. If you are hiking in the Spring or Fall for around 8 miles or less, and the weather is pretty nice then a 2 liter hydration bladder is a good choice for you.


3 liters

3 liters is the highest capacity that I have seen. Maybe there are more than 3 liters but this is the highest I have seen. 3 liters is not that popular. It should be but it is not. Most people will not fill up their hydration bladder to 3 liters. However, you do not have to but having the capability to do so should be a nice feature. 3 liter hydration bladders tend to be bigger than 2 liters. The 3 liters hydration bladder are often wider and taller. Some people don’t like filling up very big water containers as well. They are happy with the size of 2 liters.


Features Of The Hydration Backpack

Torso Length

You have to pay attention to the torso length. Most backpacks will have some sort of measurement or will provide some sort of picture in the online web page. You want to have a backpack that fits you perfectly. If the backpack does not hug your back or body very well, it will be somewhat loose. This can lead to problems and will make the backpack harder to carry as well. It is also possible to experience back problems if your backpack is not fit for you.


Waist Size

You need to think about the waist size also. You have to put the hip belt on your waist. I have experienced a few backpacks where the hip belt is way too big for me. I am not that tall and I am a guy. So the hip belt was way too large and way too loose. The backpack did not feel comfortable because of it.


Hip Belts

One thing to understand is that hydration backpacks will not always come with a hip belt. They will not always come with a padded hip belt as well. You have to make sure that you are getting a backpack that is suitable for your needs. If you are not a hiking leader, not planning on bringing a lot of hiking equipment and so on then it is fine to get a backpack without a hip belt or a hip belt with barely any padding. If you are going to just be carrying a hydration bladder then you don’t need to think about padded hip belts or hip belts, at all, to help you carry your backpack easier.


Shoulder Pads

This is really the same as hip belts in a way that you do not need very padded shoulder pads if you are not going to carry a lot of items. There are lots of low profile, compact and lightweight hydration backpacks without shoulder pads. They are just meant to carry a hydration bladder. However, if you are going to carry a lot of items then I suggest getting a hydration backpack with shoulder pads.


hamilton point lake minnewaska


Accessories For The Hydration Bladder And Backpack


There are a lot of people who plan on using their water bladders during the winter or on a very cold climate. If this is the cases for you then you need to think about insulation. Having an insulated tube can help prevent the water from freezing in the tube. If the water freezes, you will not be able to use the hydration bladder anymore. You may want to think about getting an insulated backpack or an insulated hydration bladder if you are thinking of hiking or using the hydration bladder in cold weather.



I have seen a few backpacks with a single clip to hang the reservoir, some have clips on the side as well. There are also hydration bladders with stiff spines to help it retain its shape. All of these features help provide stability to the hydration bladder and not let it become loose or move around a lot.


BPA – Free, PVC Free, Non Toxic

This is pretty self explanatory. You have to make sure that the hydration bladder is toxin free and that it will not make you sick. Most of the equipment that you will see is made outside the USA. You have to make sure that the item that you are getting is made to be toxin free and adheres to the safety regulations of the FDA.


Backpack Shoulder Strap Clips

There are lots of backpacks with shoulder strap clips specifically meant for hydration bladders. There are some backpacks with hydration bladder compartment that do not. A backpack shoulder strap clip can allow you to easily organize the bladder tube so it is not dangling all over the place. A shoulder clip will allow you to know where the hose is all the time as well. It is much easier to drink water when you have a clip on the shoulder strap.


Backpack Rain Cover

It is often a good idea to have a rain cover for backpacking or hiking. It is hard to tell if the weather is going to change. You may end up destroying a lot of your gadgets due to rain water. A rain cover can help you protect your gear and equipment from the rain.


Bite Valve Shutoff Switch

Some bite valves can be closed to make sure that water does not leak out. There is often  some sort of locking mechanism. Some bite valves can be twisted so that they will close. Some have some sort of button or switch to lock it. Some do not. You can get your own bite valve as well if you do not like the one that came with your hydration bladder.


Wide Mouth

I always try to make sure that the item has a wide mouth opening as well. It is just a lot easier to pour water into the hydration bladder if the opening is wide. People often use the hydration bladder to get water from streams and rivers. A wide opening will also make it easier for them especially for people who love to go backpacking.


Magnetic Tube Clips

You can also get a magnetic clip if your hydration backpack does not have a shoulder strap clip. They are actually very cheap. Here is a good magnetic tube clip for a very inexpensive price. These clips are so easy to use and make drinking a lot easier.









  • https://www.bigskyfishing.com/hiking-gear/hydration-bladders.php
  • https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/hydration-system.html
  • https://www.trails.com/how_1923_choose-hydration-pack.html
  • https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/topics/camping-and-hiking/best-hydration-bladder/buying-advice
  • https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/topics/camping-and-hiking/best-hydration-pack/buying-advice
  • http://www.hikerly.com/choosing-a-water-reservoir/