Human Drama

China Rolling Out

China Rolling Out Their Own Vaccine

They have their own vaccine from Sinopharm. They are going with the traditional approach which is using an inactivated virus. The COVID-19 virus is killed and cannot replicate. This is then introduced to the person. It sounds really good and somewhat safe. Of course, if I live in China, I wouldn’t take it. I would just let other people test it out first. I’ll let the courageous ones with lots of faith try it out then I’ll see what the data is.

I don’t know why the US didn’t take the traditional approach. They just went out with this mRNA vaccine which is then heavily endorsed by politicians. They didn’t even try to go with the traditional one. There was no option to take the traditional vaccine. Why didn’t China went with mRNA if it is better than traditional vaccine? Every time I go to CDC and similar websites, they always say mRNA is a lot better. If it is so much better, why isn’t China copying it. They are famous for copying stuff.

Everything is kind of weird with this whole vaccine thing, honestly.