Human Drama

Lockdowns and masks maybe coming back

Lockdowns, masks and vaccines maybe coming back. All of those things are actually detrimental to the mind. They have some sort of psychological effect. When I wore a mask, I didn’t feel any sort of psychological effect since my mind is very strong but there’s some sort of separation there. I can see it hurting the minds of others though. The masks says, “you all need to get away from me.”

In terms of preventing infection, I doubt masks help at all. It is an airborne virus. It is like preventing a mosquito from getting through a fence or tennis net. I didn’t read any scientific studies on masks yet but if there isn’t, I’m sure it will happen in due time. I’m sure there are scientific research saying it is very ineffective though. I know this because it is just common sense.

If I cannot handle the psychological effects, I wouldn’t comply. The lockdowns, masks, and vaccines hurt the mind. Sooner or later, I will be attacking people around me or my co-workers and so on. The mind cannot be in fear. If it is in fear mode too much, it will randomly go into anger and attack. Being in fear is very very low so if the mind stays there for too long, it will break so it needs to go into anger.



There are many natural treatments for Covid like pineapple or Bromelain, NAC, Quercetin and so on. But I think Ivermectin is pretty good. The more I research Ivermectin, the more I’m convinced that it is safe and effective against covid. I have to put Joe Rogan here because he started the Ivermectin thing. He posted a lot of things he did to cure his covid but the legacy media heavily focused on ivermectin which is weird.


RFK talks about why they discredit ivermectin. The simple thing is that if you do not have any type of medical background or if you failed biology in college or high school, you will never approve of Ivermectin because the media slammed it hard. But if you research it, it is pretty good. One of the best drugs that have ever been invented. I think it is effective because the virus have parasitic parts to it. Ivermectin kills those parasitic parts easily and thoroughly which kills the virus. People need a prescription for Ivermectin but people can get it online without prescription also.