Human Drama

Looking At More COVID Data

Do Vaccines Cause Blood Clots

Yes they do but it is very rare at least according to the data. The data that I read was published in 2021 which was a long time ago. The data showed that if you take the J&J vaccine, you have an increased risk of getting blood clots.

According to

“The clotting disorder is called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), and it is rare—an updated safety analysis showed that, as of March 18, out of more than 18 million people who got J&J, 60 cases of TTS were reported and nine people died. The analysis was based on suspected cases of TTS reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The risk appears to be greatest—1 in 100,000—in women ages 30 to 49.”

According to the FDA

The clinical course of TTS following administration of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine shares features with autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. In individuals with suspected TTS, the use of heparin may be harmful and alternative treatments may be needed.

Do not administer the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to individuals with a history of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia following the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine or any other adenovirus- vectored COVID-19 vaccine.

Let’s look at the CDC data

It is around 7-8 deaths per million and 54 cases per million get blood clots. The data shows that blood clots are very rare but this data is old. It is still in 2021. The weird part about this is that the cases never dropped nor decreased after the pause of the J&J vaccine distribution. This is weird because if the vaccine is the cause then it should decrease. But if the spike protein is the cause then it is like a ticking time bomb that can happen at any day, any month or any year.

But according to the data, it is the vaccine that is responsible and not the spike protein that gets produced.


A Controversial Case

Deon Sanders who is a famous NFL player had three of his toes cut off due to blood clots. Deon Sanders is a person who promotes COVID vaccines. He is heavy on this and he got blood clots. He said that the blood clots are a side effect from previous surgeries and nothing to do with COVID.


Anecdotal Experience

From reading various social media posts of people who got severely affected by blood clots, it can happen anywhere in the body. It can happen in the stomach, in the brain, in your toes, in your fingers, legs, arms, and so on.


What Exactly Is Happening

Unfortunately, there’s like a suppression of information when it comes to these vaccines so my understanding of it is very limited. But here’s what I think happens according to this article.

Vaccine enters the platelet (PF4). This is the cell that is responsible for blood coagulation like when you get a wound, this is the cell that will make the blood more gel like to prevent blood lose from the wound or injury. According to this picture, it is the vaccine (J&J vaccine Ad26.CoV2.S) that is responsible for the blood clots and not the spike protein that gets produced. When the vaccine enters the platelet, the platelet becomes attracted to heparin which is produced by different organs of the body.

Heparin and PF4 combination is not normal and it is treated as a foreign body by the immune system. IgG is an antibody and it is the immune system response to heparin+PF4 combination. Basically, the immune system says that this combination is not good for the body or that it is a foreign substance. The immune system produces IgG. The IgG will bind to the Heparin+PF4 which creates a complex.

This binding activates the platelet. What does the platelet do? It coagulates the blood. It makes the blood become gel rather than liquid. The binding tells the platelet to do your job. The platelet activates and creates blood clots in the body.

This explanation shows that it is the vaccine that is responsible for blood clots and not the spike proteins which the vaccines produces which is kind of weird for me. How come people are still dying when the J&J vaccines were paused?


Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or medical professional or medical specialists. This is my own interpretation of this. I could be wrong. 


Other Controversial Cases

There is this guy that is a body builder. He believes in the vaccines also. He died two years later. They said that his cause of death is Atherosclerosis which has nothing to do with the vaccine blood clots. Atherosclerosis is about plaque build up but it is still weird to a lot of people.

Other healthy people who are very fit and very into exercise or sports died of heart failure. Mountain bike rider Rab Wardell dies due to cardiac arrest. From telegraph, and theguardian. He died two days after winning Scottish mountain bike title at age 37. These things are weird and unexplained which ignites controversy on whether the vaccines have caused them.

Teenager died from heart failure after falling asleep. 17-year-old daughter of an Illinois congressman slept then she never woke up. She is fully vaccinated also.


SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine And Increased Myocarditis Mortality Risk

Japan has conducted a study that taking vaccine can increase your chances of getting myocarditis. The data comes from this preprint which means that it is not been reviewed by other scientific organizations.

The researchers arrived at this conclusion by comparing mortality data from pre-pandemic years and data on post-vaccination deaths released by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare on 5 August 2022.

Conclusion from

Conclusions: Risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines in Japan seems to be significantly elevated for adolescent and young adult males.

Conclusion from the original data

Conclusion SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was associated with higher risk of myocarditis death, not only in young adults but also in all age groups including the elderly. Considering healthy vaccinee effect, the risk may be 4 times or higher than the apparent risk of myocarditis death. Underreporting should also be considered. Based on this study, risk of myocarditis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may be more serious than that reported previously.


Risk Of Myocarditis On Unvaccinated Patients

The data comes from The study examined 196,992 adults that were infected by COVID, and 590,976 adults that were not infected. All unvaccinated. The conclusion that they come up with is.

We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.

So according to this data, getting COVID and being unvaccinated does not increase your chance of getting myocarditis.


Excess Deaths Unexplained, Lack Of Data

This year there are excess deaths in lots of countries. We don’t know why young people are dying due to lack of data. Scotland data 11% above the average for this time of year. Excess deaths in England and English regions. The graph shows the excess deaths for cardio vascular disease.

This is the data we got from England. Somewhere around May, cardiovascular deaths increased by a lot. We don’t know what is causing the deaths. There is a lack of data. You see the light blue bar on the top, that is the excess deaths.


They Are Trying To Link Heart Attacks With Air Pollution

Tiny particles in The air may trigger sudden heart attacks according to Then half way through they said,

This is an observational study, meaning we can only speculate over the relationship between the pollution levels and the cardiac arrests. What’s more, air pollution measurements taken at air quality stations can’t be assumed to reflect individual exposure.

They are trying to link two different things together. There’s really no evidence for that. But if you only read the title, you may think that this is credible which is not.


Conspiracy Theorists Are Rejoicing

There was this guy and he said, “the best thing about being a conspiracy theorists is that I don’t have to worry about getting myocarditis.”

The vaccines had no data when it came out. The wise decision would have been to wait for the data to come in. There are people who would lose their jobs though so it is also understandable. The thing is that there is this lack of transparency so we can’t really see what is going on with the vaccines.


Pfizer just gave 100 blank pages on their contract. I understand it since they are a company and they don’t want to get sued or lose money. However, they are responsible for the health of people so they should be transparent. Tell us what is inside the contracts, the vaccines and so on.


Look At Youtube Guidelines

  • Claims that vaccines cause chronic side effects such as:
    • Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Other chronic side effects
  • Claims that vaccines do not reduce risk of contracting illness
  • Claims that vaccines contain substances that are not on the vaccine ingredient list, such as biological matter from fetuses (e.g. fetal tissue, fetal cell lines) or animal byproducts
  • Claims that vaccines contain substances or devices meant to track or identify those who’ve received them
  • Claims that vaccines alter a person’s genetic makeup
  • Claims that the MMR vaccine causes autism
  • Claims that vaccines are part of a depopulation agenda
  • Claims that the flu vaccine causes chronic side effects such as infertility
  • Claims that the HPV vaccine causes chronic side effects such as paralysis


You get banned if you talk about vaccines and their side effects. Can’t talk about the ingredients either. It is the same for facebook, instagram, and all other social medias. If your data contradicts the narrative, you get banned. There is this suppression of information.


Anthony Fauci

I just found out that Fauci was funding the Wuhan Corona Virus lab. You can’t make this thing up lol. The truth is stranger than any conspiracy theory. The guy that people look up to for COVID safety, the guy who told people to wear two masks, is actually funding the Wuhan lab. I find this really entertaining.


It is like you are Jedi in Star Wars. You believed in your heart that Palpatine is going to lead you all to a peaceful era. It turns out that he is the Sith Lord called Darth Sidious who orchestrated everything.

People believe in Faucci but it turns out, he knew they were creating bio weapons in Wuhan and he was funding it. He played a big part in creating the pandemic assuming that the virus did come from Wuhan in which they will never confirm. The irony is just so delicious. It is so entertaining. The hero that everyone believed in is actually the villain that was funding bio chemical weapons which may have started the pandemic if the virus did originate in Wuhan.


Fauci Answering Questions On Natural Immunity