Human Drama

Looking At Vax Stuff

Twitter is so negative lol. I blocked so many things about politics, violence and vax but they I still see them. This one is interesting. It appears like vax can cause autism but they gave the children Pneumococcal vax which is only recommended and not mandated. It may have been also contaminated.

I wouldn’t trust big pharma, if it is not required, I wouldn’t take it. This is a classic case of brainwashing. The parents most likely thought that the more vax you get, the healthier you will be which would be true if they are very safe. These vaccines are reported to be safe by the media but they are not. It is just impossible to get good statistics on the injury / success cases because the law protects big pharma. There’s a time limit that you can apply for vax injury and if you are late, you are ineligible and they will say your condition is caused by something else. There are no long term or short term side-by-side studies involving the original vaccines between the vax and unvax even though we have been using these for a long time.


Can You Sue For Vax Injury?

I was looking for information on whether people started suing and if people won any cases. I was reading this law firm’s suggestion. It turns out, it is very very hard to get any compensation from vax injury. You have a limited time to apply, you have to prove it which is almost impossible and the compensation is at most 400k. You cannot sue big pharma also because they are protected by the law.

So it is somewhat impossible to get anyone accountable for vax injury and it is also practically impossible to get compensation for it. The USA laws protect big pharmaceutical companies and the people behind the vaccines. The law firms will not take your case because the compensation is low and it will cost them a lot of money to handle such cases.


This Is Not The Time To Trust

This is not the time to trust the government. They are up to something shady. I would be careful. They can brainwash people or indoctrinate them easily.