Human Drama

Pandemic Amnesty

I saw this before. Someone wrote in a newspaper about pandemic amnesty. I think it is not a bad idea. No one really did anything bad to me. Everyone just seemed to be out of their minds for some reason but to me, it was like watching a movie. I wasn’t part of it. I think most people want the politicians and big pharma to be accountable. I agree also.


Unfortunately, That Is Never Going To Happen

Unfortunately, accountability is never going to happen. There are people in this world that are protected by the law and there’s nothing you can do about it. The system is rigged. It is always going to favor rich and powerful people.


Big Pharma Will Never Be Accountable

There is this ideology or preconditioned thinking that Big Pharma would never hurt people because they will get sued. People have this mentality that if big pharma hurts people, they will lose millions of dollars so it is in their best interest to not hurt people and make sure that all the drugs work and are safe.

Russell Brand explains this best. It is a company that makes money by making people sick. Their business plan is basically sell the drug, and if people die, it is okay because they will make more money. They make 10 billion on a drug, they will pay 1 billion in lawsuits. Those lawsuits can lasts for 20 to 40 years. So people would settle and they will agree that Big Pharma was not liable and did not do anything wrong. But in doing so, people get their money.

This idea that certain powerful people will be accountable for their wrong doings will never happen. We live in a world where the system is rigged.



Most of you have seen one of these commercials. If you have taken so-and-so drug, you maybe entitled for compensation. It happens all the time. Lots of drugs are experimental and they hurt people. So if you are going to take something from Big Pharma, you have to do your research especially if there is nothing wrong with you or you are healthy.


A Tale Of Two Cities

I read this book in high school called “A Tale Of Two Cities”, by Charles Dickens. I remember there was this noble who was such in a hurry with his wagon. The noble ended up hitting and killing a child. So the parent was crying. Instead of helping the child, the noble toss the person a few coins. Money for your child. Then went on his way.

I think that is how it went. It was a long time, I could be remembering this wrong.


We Live In A Very Similar World

We live in a very similar world. The atrocities are not going to be open like that but they happen. Big Pharma has control of politicians, news, judges, law enforcements, FBI, CIA and so on. They have money and people everywhere.


Same Thing With The Stock Market

The same thing happened with the stock market. These big hedge funds basically manipulated and stopped GME from going up by disabling the buy button. These hedge funds could have lost billions or trillions of dollars. Instead, certain companies like Robinhood pay a few million to ease the anger of people. Then we forget about it. No one went to jail, no one got prosecuted. They just pay a few dollars and it is forgotten.

Gary Gensler which is the Chair of the SEC is complicit from the looks of it or in my theory anyway. The people he works for seemed to have made a deal in the background and they swept this whole thing under the rug.


In Conclusion

This is important to realize because the next couple of years are not going to be fun for a lot of people. A lot of these systems are going to collapse or get revamped. If you blindly follow these systems, you may get hurt.