Landscape And Poetry

Falling for her was easy

Falling for her was easy. Loving her was easier. When all my Facebook page was littered with grand gestures of love, how someone gave them a diamond ring, golden necklaces, trip to Bermuda, gave them a car, or even a house, my gestures were very small but very much appreciated.

Everyday I appreciated her being part of my life. Everyday is a brand new day to show her how she meant a lot to me. Like I said, nothing big or grand. Just cuddling with her under a blanket and telling her this is the only place I want to be, or waking up just wanting to snuggle with her, giving her a text while I was away just to tell her I was thinking of her, or just to tell her I miss her, cooking her food that she would love, kissing her goodbye before she goes to work, we would write poetry to each other just to make each other giggle, hold her hand as we walk, and sometimes a breakfast in bed. Nothing big or grand but she always smiles and she loved them.

It was easy falling for her. They say you can never give the same love to another person. Each person you fall in love with will be different. Perhaps that is true. Still all I can remember is that it was nice when you appreciate someone being part of your life and they appreciate that you are part of theirs as well.