Landscape And Poetry

I came home

I came home and found her lying on the bed crying. I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn’t answer. Just a quick, “I am fine, just give me some time.”

My heart sank to the bottom just hearing my lover cry, it was as if I failed her somehow. I failed to protect her like I promised. I failed to make her happy like I vowed. I sounded so cool promising her everything back then but in the end, I am here, feeling powerless to help her.

I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her tiny body. I gave her a kiss on the back of her head, just a gentle reminder that I am here whenever she needed me.

I wish I could be this amazing guy that she deserves to have. Someone strong, someone she could depend on, someone who could prevent and protect her from all the harm that this world could do. I wish I could give her the world as well, everything she needed, everything she wanted, I wish I could give them all to her. I love her so much that seeing her cry breaks my heart. I love her so much that I would do anything in this world just to see her smile again.

So I wait patiently until she is ready to talk then maybe we could both solve the problem together. To let her know that I am here for her, no matter what. I just want to give her all the love and support that I could give because I don’t think I can ever be happy while knowing that she is crying and sad.